Random Name Finder Looktamil

random number meaning in tamil

random number meaning in tamil - win

I'm the reason TikTok got banned... my bad

So, you’ve probably heard that the social media app called TikTok has been banned by the United States government. The ban has yet to take official effect, and the whole thing is honestly pretty complicated.
The reason most sources have cited it because the app is Chinese designed and has been implicated with various breaches of privacy and illegal collection of data. This whole thing is basically a proxy, cyber war between paranoid factions if you ask me, but honestly, it doesn’t even matter. Now, as rewarding and constructive as it can be to discuss politics on the internet with strangers, I’d rather not go down that path right now. It’s not the real reason it got banned anyways; I am… at least I think I am.
I imagine half of you reading this right now probably hate me already, but please just hear me out. Feel free to lambast and or praise me in the comments if you wish, but I’m not here to make myself famous or gain any sort of clout. I’m here because something truly horrifying happened, and the world deserves to know the truth.
I was an avid user of TikTok, regularly wasting hours just browsing random videos and periodically making my own. My lawyer has recommended not sharing my username for reasons that will become evident soon enough, so sorry in advance. I had a modest following, but nothing crazy. Most of my videos involved me doing dumb little skits or filming my cats doing something funny. Never had anything big, and by all accounts it was nothing out of the ordinary.
I live with my parents, and one night I was home alone playing some Apex Legends when my bedroom door just suddenly shut. It made me jump, and I turned around to see what happened. I fully anticipated seeing my brother or another family member with a smug grin, but no one was there.
I got eliminated shortly after and got up to check the house, still a bit unnerved. My parents were away for the weekend visiting my grandma, and my brother was supposed to be staying the night at a friend’s house. I figured he must’ve come home instead, but after searching the house and calling his name, I didn’t find him.
I figured he was hiding to try and scare me, because that asshole loves to make me jump and it’s not very difficult. I finally decided to call him, only to find out he was in fact still at his friend’s house. I felt chills slither down my spine when he sent me a selfie of himself to prove it.
I thought about calling the police thinking that someone had broken in, but there were no signs of that being the case. Now this ain’t the movies, and I knew immediately that my door wouldn’t have shut on it’s own due to a random gust of wind or some draft inside the house. I was on edge the rest of that night, but nothing else happened.
A few days later however, I was lying in bed at around 2am when I heard something whisper my name. I shot up right away, but saw nothing in my room. It sounded like it came from my closet, but when I flicked the lights on, there was nothing there.
I began to grow seriously unnerved by that point, and just sat around with my heart racing for a couple minutes. Just when I had finally calmed down and was about to turn the lights back off, a cup suddenly fell off the dresser. Water splashed all over the ground, but I barely noticed. The rational part of my mind wondered whether a random tremor from the earth was responsible, but that thought ceased with a single noise.
A sudden, muffled knock reverberated from somewhere in my room. By this point I was really beginning to panic, and I was about two seconds away from sprinting out of my room and screaming like a banshee. I don’t exactly know what stopped me from doing that to be honest.
“Is someone there?” I don’t know why I asked the question either, but to my surprise.
My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to determine where exactly the knock was coming from. Like before; I thought maybe my brother was just messing with me, but it was past midnight and I knew he had to work the next day. Curiosity then mixed with horror, and I formulated an idea. I pulled out my phone and began recording.
“Can you hear me?” I could hear my own voice shaking as I spoke.
*knock* A cold chill swept down my spine, but an idea struck.
“One knock for yes, and two for no, okay?”
*knock* To ensure it understood, I decided to ask a question to see if it would actually respond correctly.
“Are you a giant purple elephant?”
*knock knock* The knocks seemed to change location every time, even with the two consecutive knocks. I ended the video and shared it with a tagline ‘there is something in my room, holy crap.’ I then started another video and posed another question.
“Are you here to hurt me?”
*knock knock* My heart breathed a small sigh of relief at that. I shared that video too, and then did a quick check through my house to make damn sure that one of my family members wasn’t just messing with me. After confirming that, I went back to my room, now more curious than afraid. I thought I could be the very first person to document paranormal phenomenon firsthand, and that possibility really excited me.
“Are you still there?”
*knock* My heart jumped with enthusiasm as the camera rolled. I asked a few more yes/no questions, but most were just simple things that aren’t too relevant. After the thing continued to respond accurately, I decided to take things to another level and prove once and for all that I wasn’t just being pranked.
“Can you do something to demonstrate you’re here?” This was probably a bad idea, and I’m sure I’ll get scolded in the comments for it, but I had to know. There was no knock that time, and things just lingered in silence for a couple seconds. A sudden creaking noise then echoed from my right, and I turned in sheer disbelief to see my doorknob begin to turn. The door popped and slowly rolled open to touch the opposing wall at the foot of my bed. There was no one outside.
I shared the video. I was still nervous, but now also giddy with excitement. I thought my discovery of the apparent poltergeist in my room may shock not only the TikTok community, but the world at large.
We’ve all seen those supposed paranormal videos on YouTube and whatnot, of a door slowly opening or some vague, shadowy figure that appears for a few frames, but this was on a whole new level. Not only was the entity willfully engaging my questions, but it was happening right before my eyes.
I probably recorded a dozen more videos that night with various captions. I’d tell you the exact amount, but all of them have since been deleted along with my account. That was my lawyer’s suggestion, and I think he’s right. Maybe someone out there archived them, but I hope not. I hope those videos never see the light of day again.
Over the next couple days, I continued to communicate with the presence in my room. I contemplated getting a Ouija board to try and ask some better questions, but I knew my staunchly-religious parents would probably castrate me if they ever caught me with something like that.
Instead, I decided to construct one out of paper, using a pringles lid as a planchette. I didn’t really think anything would happen, but decided to go for it anyways. I had read that you need at least three people to make a Ouija board work; something about a certain amount of spiritual energy or something.
My good friend Ethan had seen most of my videos, and was really interested in what was going on. I invited him to come over and see for himself, and he was more than happy to accept. He arrived late one night, and I explained to him what my plan was. Ethan needed very little convincing, and was game basically from the get-go.
Ethan and I then went to Jake: my older brother’s room, and tried to explain to him what I was doing. He clearly didn’t believe me when I claimed I had made contact with something supernatural, but he also swore up and down that he had nothing to do with it. After a bit I finally managed to convince him to come join us. His eyes went wide when he beheld my crude Ouija board.
“Zach… what the hell are you doing?” He asked, looking suddenly uncomfortable.
“Jake, there’s something in here, I swear. Watch.” I looked around the room, and took a deep breath.
“Can you hear me?”
*knock* The reaction came immediately, and made Jake jump. Ethan giggled and gave a muffled hoot of excitement, but Jake was silent. He glanced around the room, trying to see where it came from as his visible discomfort grew.
“See I told you!” I proclaimed. I sat down beside the paper board, and motioned for both of them to join me. Ethan sat down right away, but Jake hesitated. He looked around the room once more and then sighed, taking a seat opposite to me.
“Do you want to talk?” I asked to our ethereal guest.
Ethan had a wide smile, but Jake remained stoic. I put my hand on my pringles cap planchette, and Ethan did the same soon after. Both of us then looked to Jake, who eyes us both warily. He clearly wasn’t comfortable with it, but the sight of my ragtag Ouija board clearly amused him.
“Really?” I shrugged.
“Mom would kill me if I got a real one…” Jake just sighed, not looking excited in the least, but placed his fingers on the cap as well. There was a moment of silence between the three of us, but surprisingly Jake then asked the first question.
“Can you hear us?” Nothing happened for a moment, but then, I felt the planchette seem to try and pull away. Our hands stayed gently on it as it hovered to the ‘Y’ on the board. It paused a moment, then I felt it pull towards the ‘E’. Sure enough, a second later and it fell on ‘S’. Ethan immediately retracted his hands from the board and put his hands to his head.
“You guys better not be messing with me…” He said
“Dude I swear on my life I’m not doing it.” I replied. Ethan shook his head, and Jake just remained silent, as if he didn’t know what to say. I could tell both of them were hesitant to continue, so I decided to reassure them.
“Don’t worry guys, it means us no harm. Watch: you don’t want to hurt us, right?” I motioned for them to put their hands back, and after a few seconds they both did. The pringles cap then slowly drifted towards ‘N’ then went to ‘O’.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” Jake said.
“Dude, we’re gonna go viral for this, no question. You still recording right?” Ethan replied looking to me. I nodded, and stopped the video to prepare the next one.
“Who cares? It ain’t worth being haunted by a damn demon.” Jake countered. He had a point, but I wasn’t ready to back down.
“Are you a demon?” I asked.
“See?” Jake just glared at me like I was an idiot.
“Well it’s not going to admit to it. That’s like asking someone if they’re a rapist; of course, they’re gonna say no.” I guess he did have a point, but I was adamant that the presence was not malicious.
“Are you a human?” I asked. The planchette began to slide once more.
‘N-O’ Chills descended my spine after that. Jake and Ethan were both silent. My curiosity was insatiable by that point.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
I just looked at Jake, and he hunched his shoulders. I stopped the recording on my phone, uploaded the video with a tag, and started a new one.
“What are you?” Jake asked.
“Why are you here?” Ethan chimed in.
‘Y-O-’ Jake immediately flung his hands off the planchette after the planchette drifted to the letter ‘U’.
“Nope uh-uh, I’m done, fuck this.” He began to leave the room.
“Dude what’s wrong?”
“This is how like every horror movie ever made begins, Zach. I’m not about to be murdered by a ghost.” As Jake and I argued, my bedroom door suddenly shifted. The three of us then watched in sheer disbelief as the door slowly rolled shut on it’s own accord.
A dense moment of silence, befell then, and Jake slowly turned to face me in horror. Honestly, we probably should’ve had the door closed from the beginning, but that message was received loud and clear: we weren’t done, until it said we were done.
“I guess we don’t have a choice now.” I said. Jake glared at me as he took his seat once more, gingerly reaching for the planchette and posing another question.
“What do you want?”
‘L-O-V-E’ I breathed a small sigh of relief at that.
“See dude, he just wants to be loved. Probably just a ghost of someone that’s lost or something.” I don’t know if I was trying to convince Jake or myself of that, but a sudden bang against the wall caused us all to jump. It was louder than any of the previous knocks, and it caused my heart to soar in my chest. This thing clearly had some kind of power to affect the physical world, and that should’ve terrified me way more than it did. Our hands returned to the planchette, and when it spelled something out, I actually chuckled.
“Oh she! She’s a girl, sorry about that.” I replied to her, shooting Jake a pensive smile.
“I guess even ghosts don’t like being misgendered.” Ethan said with a chuckle, and Jake just shook his head in annoyance.
“Are you hot?” Ethan just blurted out the question. Jake just glared at him like he wanted to smack him upside the head, and honestly, I felt the same. It was definitely not a wise decision to ask a powerful spirit. Yet despite that, it actually got an interesting response.
Our conversation went on for a while, and spanned multiple videos. Jake, Ethan and I just basically spitballed questions at her, ranging from asinine things like hair color to more profound questions like life after death. I’ll just summarize a few of them below to save some time for all of us.
“How old are you?”
“Where do you come from?”
“Have you been here for long?”
-Too long
“Are you an alien?”
“Is there life after death?”
-No death
“Are there more like you?”
“Is there something we can do to help you?”
“What is it?”
“What does that mean?”
That was the last question she responded to. We asked several more questions, but the planchette didn’t move again. I figured that meant it was the end of the conversation. Jake stared at the board for several minutes, before abruptly rising and opening my bedroom door to leave. Ethan and I just stared at the board in silence for a few minutes.
For some reason, I was suddenly exhausted. I mean it was the middle of the night by that point, but prior to our little game I was wide awake. I work nights too so I’m used to being up all night, but my lethargy made me wonder whether the exchange had taken a tole on my emotions or something.
Ethan seemed to feel similar, and announced not long after that he was going to head home. I bid him goodbye, and locked the door behind him. I went to check on Jake, but he was already fast asleep in bed. Still feeling completely exhausted, I returned to my room. I didn’t even have time to find something to watch on Netflix before falling asleep.
That same night, I had probably the most visceral and disturbing nightmare of my entire life. I don’t even normally have bad dreams; and if I do, I don’t remember them, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget this one.
I was in this forest, stumbling around in the dark. It wasn’t like my normal dreams where random shit just seems to happen and I have no control over anything. I was perfectly lucid. I remember touching the rough bark on the trees, and feeling the velvety leaves as they swayed in the breeze.
I walked onward, fully aware of who I was, but without a clue as to where I was or how I got there. The further I went, the more twisted the terrain became. The trees grew in odd, unnatural angles, spiraling like loop-de-loops and other ornate structures. The ground became riddled with holes that seemed to just be empty voids, with some of them being massive craters of replete oblivion.
There were these weird, and terrifying statues along the way. Large matt-grey slabs depicting all sorts of vile things. Some looked slightly human, most did not. The majority were some horrendous amalgamations of vaguely animalistic parts grated onto wretched torsos. Words simply cannot describe their utterly hideous vestiges in the context necessary, nor can they convey the permeating dread that coagulated in my soul as I beheld them. It was like some deep fear within me had been awakened after seeing those sculptures.
After some time, I came to a chasm. Before me sat a massive crater that contained a black darker than anything I’d ever seen before; at least at first. The more I stared at the abyss, the more I saw it for what it was. There was something down there, and I was unable to avert my gaze. I was paralyzed in simultaneous bewilderment and unrelenting terror as something began to rise from the pit. Something old but new, horrific but beautiful. A girl cloaked in tapestries of night, spewing forth a miasma of appendages that coiled and slithered into countless worlds.
Below her, minions of every creed, color, species and existence festered and writhed about in chaotic ecstasy. They howled and cheered as their blasphemous goddess consumed their worlds, snuffing them into nonexistence in their orgy of psychotic bliss. The ultimate contradictions portrayed in that revolting scene were enough to shake my mind to it’s roots; like simply witnessing it was a sin greater than any I’d ever committed.
It was all so wrong, but right in a way I myself cannot even explain. I don’t even know if anything I’ve written here makes sense to anyone, but I felt compelled to write it that way. It’s like my hands have ceased to be my own, and some other force is compelling them as though I were nothing more than a mere flesh-puppet.
I then felt her gaze shift to me, and as soon as I was sure I was set to be devoured whole, everything vanished. Next thing I know, I’m waking up gasping for breath in my bed. My shirt and sheets were soaked with cold sweat, and my heart was thundering in my chest. I’ve had bad dreams before, but nothing so visceral nor horrifically profound as that one.
It took me several minutes to realize I was back in the waking world; and a brief tranquility rolled over me. As terrifying as that dream was, it was only just a dream. The rational part of me tried desperately to explain away the madness that had just accosted my subconscious, and it almost succeeded, until I saw the symbol in my closet.
It looked like a circle with thorns jutting out of it; like some scribbling made by a child. It was not gently crafted; on the contrary it appeared hastily scrawled as though inscribed by a deranged man on the last threads of fraying sanity. I rubbed my finger along it, but it did not smudge nor leave residue on my finger. It looked almost like it had been burned into the wall.
I decided then that I had to know more about what we had learned from the entity we had communed with. I searched the name it gave us: Osyra (oh-sye-ruh), but found very little that seemed relevant. It brought up a game I’m unfamiliar with called ‘Pillars of Eternity’ but it wasn’t a direct match. I also got results for a Polish soccer player, some town in Norway and an electronic musician on Amazon music.
None of them seemed to match, so I googled the words she had told us which I did not recognize. ‘Tupu’ as far as I can tell is a Swahili word which means ‘empty’, while ‘Paravutal’ is Tamil for ‘spread or disperse’. The fact it knew different languages was not that surprising, but the implications were.
Tamil is one of the oldest known written languages in the world, predating Aramaic and Latin by a substantial margin. I’m no expert, but as far as I know it’s also a dead language like the other two. Can’t imagine there’s a whole lot of people that are fluent in it, which leads me to believe that whoever or whatever Osyra is… she is very old.
Both of my cats; Truffles and Lemmy also began to refuse to enter my room. Truffles especially used to regularly sleep on my bed, but he had suddenly stopped even coming near my room. A couple times I caught him staring from down the hall with his ears pinned back and eyes like saucers.
I tried carrying him into my room, but before I even got close, he went absolutely ballistic. He began snarling and hissing like he was in a battle for his life, and I dropped him after he shredded my arms with his claws. He bolted down the hall as soon as his paws touched the ground, and he hasn’t even ventured back upstairs since.
My plausible deniability continued to dwindle the more I learned and pondered upon it. Even if both Jake and Ethan had played along and moved the planchette to prank me, I couldn’t explain the knocks. To be honest, I had long since abandoned the notion that either Jake or Ethan were playing me; and that was before I made another truly unnerving discovery.
By this point, the series of videos that I had shared on TikTok had started to garner a bit of buzz. Several of them had a couple hundred likes, and dozens of comments. It was the usual stuff you see on ‘paranormal videos’, with people claiming it’s fake, while others offered advice or tried to explain what was happening. Most people just made meme references though or told me to burn my house down. There was one that stood out from the rest though. Some girl I didn’t know had commented under the video with four simple words that made my spine tingle.
“I’ve seen her too.”
I clicked on her profile, and like mine it was nothing that special. Just videos of her dancing and doing lip-sync videos and stuff. She had more followers than I did, but nothing that would be considered ‘influencer’ status. Her latest couple videos drew my attention right away.
The first one was much like my first experience. The video showed her in what I assume was her bedroom asking questions and receiving knocks back; just like I had. It was captioned something like ‘omg something is in my house.’
Her next video gave a bit more context. The first thing it showed was her; and she looked as though she had been crying. She went on to explain that she had seen a video on TikTok of three guys using a ghetto Ouija board to speak to something called ‘Osyra’. I knew immediately she was referring to my video.
She then did actually begin to cry, and muttered something about thinking ‘it was now in her house too’. I always thought the saying ‘made my blood run-cold’ was cliché and overdramatic, but that was the first time I experienced it firsthand. I would’ve sworn someone had just thrown me overboard the Arctic Express when I heard her say those words.
The next video didn’t help any either. First thing I saw, was that same symbol on her wall that had been branded in my closet. Hers was much larger, probably five feet wide at least. Now she could’ve been a copycat; after all, TikTok is known for copying trends and those various internet challenges, but something about her demeanor didn’t mesh with that idea. Either she was a brilliant actress, or she was truly petrified.
The video just showed her filming the symbol while muttering and softly crying, but the end was truly horrifying. A sudden knock caused her to swivel to the left. Her door slowly rolled open, and in the darkness, there was quite clearly a shadowy silhouette looming in the doorway. The poor girl went absolutely ballistic, screaming and crying as the video degraded into a flurry of imagery before suddenly ending.
Those first three videos were scary enough, but I think it’s the last one which really rattled me to the core. The girl started the video filming herself; her expression completely deadpan and emotionless. She just sat the darkness and stared at the camera, silent and unblinking for several seconds.
“I’m ready.” The video then abruptly ended, and that was the last thing posted to her account. I don’t know what she meant by that. Many people in the comments reacted similarly to how others had to my video. Once again though, another comment caught my eye.
“I’ve seen her too.” I clicked on that profile, and found it was the account of some kid. He couldn’t have been older than 12, but once again he too a similar strain of videos. I started watching the latest one, when a sudden text message rolled in from a number I didn’t have in my phone.
“Hi Zach, this is Ethan’s mom. I was just wondering if you’d heard from Ethan lately? He said he was over at your house last night, and he didn’t come home or text. Just wanted to make sure you guys are okay, hope you’re good.” Once again, my heart plummeted to the lowest possible depths in my chest as I read those words.
I dialed Ethan, but he didn’t answer. I tried that three more times while checking all of his social media accounts. There was no activity on any of them, and he never answered my call. I began to seriously freak the hell out at that point, and ran from my room to check on Jake.
“Jake… Jake wake up man we need to talk.” I said, barging into his dark room. I thought I saw him still sleeping in bed, but as I tore the covers away, I realized it was empty. I thought maybe he had already left, but as I turned to walk out, I saw eyes staring at me from the closet.
My heart skipped a beat and I stumbled back into the wall as I slumped down. My heart was soaring in my chest, and it took several seconds for me to realize it was Jake. He was just sitting in his closet, staring vacantly, completely unreactive to my sudden intrusion.
I was partially relieved, but as I tried talking to him, I couldn’t get him to respond. I grew angry, shouted and shook him, but he didn’t react at all. He was completely catatonic, like he was in some kind of trance. He didn’t even blink. Nothing I did could shake him from whatever state he was in. No matter how hard I shook him, pinched him or even slapped him; he wouldn’t respond.
Now realizing that something was very, very wrong. I ran downstairs to my mother on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. I tried desperately to explain everything that had happened, but I probably didn’t make a whole lot of sense. She finally seemed to clue in, when I mentioned that something was wrong with Jake.
She rushed upstairs, and tried to get him to snap out of it, but again he didn’t respond. I dialed the police, telling them both about Jake and the apparently missing Ethan. Again, I don’t know how much sense I made on the phone, but the lady eventually confirmed that officers were on their way. I told them to send an ambulance too, before hanging up and returning to Jake and my mom.
The cops arrived a little while later, and my mom and I met them at the door on the brink of utter hysteria. We led them inside and tried to explain what was happening as the ambulance pulled up on the road behind their cruiser. Once again, I doubt they could make heads or tails of what we were telling them. My mom’s priority was obviously Jake, but before she could lead them or the EMT’s upstairs, something truly unpredictable happened.
I was trying to tell one cop what had happened, when something large struck the other cop hard out of the corner of my eye. The impact caused all of us to collapse. When I looked back up, I saw Jake who had apparently just leapt from the second floor on top of the cop. Without a word he began to beat the officer mercilessly, driving his fist into the poor guy’s face again and again with vicious intent while bearing an expression that seemed utterly devoid of either empathy or humanity.
The other cop quickly regained his footing and tackled Jake off his partner. They wrestled around for a moment as mom cried and begged both of them to stop. I stepped in as well, helping the officer subdue my brother as tears stung my eyes. I didn’t understand what was even happening.
The two of us eventually managed to restrain Jake, but the damage had been done. The officer he attacked was an older guy, and his face looked like he had just sparred with Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson at the same time.
The EMT’s rushed in to help, and more cops soon arrived on scene. I just held my mom as she cried. Jake has never been a violent person, and I don’t understand what possessed him to suddenly attack that cop like that. He really did a number on the man too, and he’s still in a coma. They’re not sure if he’ll ever recover.
Jake was taken to jail, and he has yet to say a single word to anyone since the brutal attack. It’s like he’s still in a trance; almost like he’s being mind controlled. Over the next few days, my mom, dad and I were interviewed by the cops several times. My story was obviously not taken seriously at first, but I didn’t know what else to say.
I showed them my videos on TikTok, and how other users seemed to have been witnessing the same phenomenon. They really seemed to grow nervous at that point. I mean, a paranormal explanation for a police assault is just about the dumbest possible excuse someone can make right? No one in their right mind would believe it, but it was all I could tell them.
One of the interrogators said that they were going to contact a ‘special investigation unit’ and they would come to our house to interview us a few days later. I don’t think I slept at all during that time. I kept hearing voices, and thinking I saw shadows in my room. Obviously, the things that have happened in the last little bit have done a number on my mental health, and not sleeping has obviously exacerbated that. But I know there’s more to it than that.
The special investigation unit finally knocked on the door, and they looked about as generic as I expected them too. Two men, black suits with heads utterly devoid of hair of any kind; even lacking eyebrows. The way they spoke was almost… robotic. It’s hard to explain, but I assumed they were FBI or CIA despite them never actually stating who they worked for.
They told us we needed to leave our house while they conducted an investigation. We were too exhausted to argue by that point, and we simply packed our things and drove to a local hotel with Truffles and Lemmy in tow. We’ve been here almost three weeks now, and we still have very few answers.
Jake is facing a charge of first degree assault on a police officer; whom remains in critical condition. Ethan’s whereabouts are still unknown, and no one has heard from him. His bank account hasn’t been touched, and his phone hasn’t been used. I tried to call him more, but his phone just goes straight to voicemail now. It makes me shutter to think where he is, or what he’s doing. If you happen to see a guy with curly-brown hair, about 6’1, heavyset with glasses who responds to the name ‘Ethan’, stay away from him. I don’t think he can be trusted anymore.
Of course, it came out in the news a little while later that the United States government intends to ban TikTok, citing national security concerns. Maybe that’s actually true, but I can’t help but think there’s something much worse at play here.
This is all my fault, and I know that now. All I can do now is ruminate all the things that have happened lately, and I think I’ve learned a few things. The nightmares I had, and the response from the Ouija board. That single word keeps coming back to me. Paravutal- spread or disperse. The video from that other girl on TikTok who said ‘I’m ready’, is truly worrying to me now.
I think that’s what this thing- this Osyra wants; to spread and grow her influence. I think TikTok became the medium for her to do just that, and I think I let her out. It all started with me, and I am so very sorry for how ridiculously stupid I have been. I know my words are hollow, but I don’t know what else to do.
I don’t think Osyra is a demon, I think she’s something else entirely. For all I know she’s some eldritch abomination hellbent on devouring our planet. I keep having dreams about her; about war, devastation and pandemonium of all kinds. She is chaos, madness, discord and debauchery. Just look around at the state of the world right now; I’d say her influence is already being felt.
I don’t know where we go from here, but if I were you, I would avoid those videos like the plague if they’re still out there. She may just choose you next. Either way, a rogue deity of chaos invading the planet through the internet sounds like the most 2020 thing to happen all year.
Be safe everyone, bad things are on the horizon.
submitted by zachariusfrost to nosleep [link] [comments]

Chesar (and how it developed from Kesan aka Proto-Dwarfish)


For the first post in my series on dwarfish languages, in which I detail the proto-language which this descends from.

There's a lot to cover. Also do note that as always, I ripped most of this from a real language, in this case the Australian Aboriginal language Jingulu, see:
For more.

About the language:
Chesar is a standardized literary language, whose colloquial forms were spoken around 3000 years prior to the present of the Almar world. Chesar is one of the oldest literary languages in the world, and its descendants are still spoken around the Kes lake.
Chesar is a Kesan (or Dwarfish) language, and forms its own branch within the family. It's a very conservative language, and such many of the ancestral grammatical structures and word-forms are fairly well-preserved despite a time-depth of about 5000 years.
Chesar was the language in which the great holy book, the Book of Imottan, was written. It is still in use as a sacred language amongst the elves, but the dwarfs use the High Dwarfish language instead. Its influence is primarily found in the form of loanwords pertaining to religious matters.
Lrhunakwe sukwena br magwex̌we zajha qwewemigweze sadu hesunave lrhunanrheve txh'iwasamile.
/lˁunakʷə sukʷəna bərə magʷəχʷə zad͡ʒə qʷəwəmigʷəzə sadu həsunavə lˁunanˁəvə t’ˁiwasamilə/
[ˈl͡ʢə̤ṳnakʷə ˈsukʷəna br̩ ˈmagʷəχʷə ˈzad͡ʒə ˈqʷəwəmigʷəzə ˈsadu ˈhɨsunavə ˈl͡ʢə̤ṳnan͡ʢə̤v ˈt͡ʜ’ʰəiwasamilə]
"The clever fox quickly caught that bear who had eaten the fox's friend."
lˁuna-kʷə sukʷə-na bərə-Ø magʷəχʷə Fox.MASC-ERG smart-MASC that-MASC bear.MASC zad͡ʒə qʷəwə-mi-gʷəzə sadu həsuna-və quickly seize-3.SG.ERG:3.SG.ABS-go.PERF that(AFFOR) friend.MASC-DAT lˁuna-nˁə-və t’ˁiwasa-mi-lə fox.MASC-GEN-DAT eat-3.SG.ERG:3.SG.ABS-do.PERF 
Rhuyeve tamile Amaharukwe,
Rhux̌akwe tanajha chiwirachive,
Tanapm Rhalamereve.
”Amaharu said it to me,
I have come to say it to you,
And I will go say it to the world (OR: And you will go say it to the world)"
ʕujə-və ta-mi-lə amaharu-kʷə 1SG.GEN-DAT speak-3SG.ERG:3SG.ABS-do.PERF Amaharu.FEM-ERG ʕuχakʷə ta-na-d͡ʒa t͡ʃiwirat͡ʃi-və 1SG.ERG speak-1SG.ERG:3SG.ABS-come.IMPF 2PLU.GEN-DAT ta-na-pəmə ʕalamərə-və speak-1(2?)SG.ERG:3SG.ABS-go.FUT world.INAN-DAT 

Labial Pharyng. Labial Alveolar Pharyng Alveolar Palatal Labial. velar Uvular Labial. Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Voiceless p t t͡ʃ q
Ejective p' p'ˁ t' t'ˁ t͡ʃ' kʷ' q' qʷ' ʔ
Voiced b d d͡ʒ
Voiceless fricative f s ʃ χ χʷ ħ h
Voiced fricative v z ʒ ʕ
Approximant w l j
Nasal m n
Trill r

Front Mid Back
i u
CV syllables only.
/ə/ is pronounced [ɨ] in a stressed syllable unless preceded by a pharyngeal/pharyngealized consonant, otherwise it is pronounced [ə].
Syllabic consonants /l̩/, /r̩/, /n̩/ and /m̩/ appear word finally, but these are best understood as underlying /ənə/, /əmə/, /ələ/ and /ərə/ respectively.
With voiced consonants, pharyngealization is realised as:
With voiceless consonants (including ejectives), pharyngealization is realised as:
Furthermore, vowels /i/ and are diphthongized following pharyngeals: /i/ -> [əi], -> [əu]
/dˁu/ -> [d͡ʢə̤ṳ]
/tˁi/ -> [t͡ʜʰəi]
(This is based on Chechen btw)

Sound changes since Kesan:
The aspirated series shift to fricatives:
/pʰ/ -> /f/
/tʰ/ -> /s/
/kʲʰ/ -> /xʲ/
/kʷʰ/ -> /xʷ/
/qʰ/ -> /χ/
/qʷʰ/ -> /χʷ/
Palatalized velars shift to Alveopalatals, leaving the language with only a labialized velar series.
/kʲ/ -> /t͡ʃ/
/xʲ/ -> /ʃ/
/kʲ'/ -> /t͡ʃ'/
/gʲ/ -> /d͡ʒ/
Following this, alveolars also shift to alveopalatals when followed by /i/
/ti/ -> /t͡ʃi/
/si/ -> /ʃi/
/t’i/ -> /t͡ʃ’i/
/zi/ -> /ʒi/
/t͡si/ -> /t͡ʃi/
/d͡zi/ -> /d͡ʒi/
Glottals become pharyngeals when followed by a pharyngealized vowel:
/hVˁ/ -> [ħVˁ]
/ʔVˁ/ -> [ʕVˁ]
Pharyngealization shifts from vowels to adjacent alveolalabial consonants, If no eligible consonants are adjacent to the vowel pharyngealization is lost, if both adjacent consonants are eligible, the consonant following the vowel is pharyngealized.
P=eligible consonant.
K=non-eligible consonant.
/PVˁK/ -> /PˁVK/
/KVˁP/ -> /KVPˁ/
/KVˁK/ -> /KVK/
/PVˁP/ -> /PVPˁ/
Some time following this, /vˁ/ and /fˁ/ shift to /ʕ/ and /ħ/, respectively.
/ə/ inserted errywhere:
/CC/ -> /CəC/
/CVC__/ -> /CVCə/ (is this how you denote word-final consonants? pls halp my linguistics formulafu is weak)
Vowel reduction? I haven't figured out the exact details yet, open to suggestions.
Word final voiceless fricatives and word-final syllables composed of a voiceless fricative and an /ə/ are dropped. This has an interesting effect on certain words, which now develop two distinct forms depending on whether or not they take any suffixes. For instance, the 1st person singular pronoun nominative /ʕuχə/ loses the final syllable, becoming /ʕu/, but in the plural, the final syllable is "protected" by the plural suffix, and so the original form remains: /ʕuχa-t͡ʃə/
/ɮ/ -> /ʒ/
/ɬ/ -> /l/
/t͡s’/ -> /səʔ/
/t͡s/ -> /s/
/d͡z/ -> /z/
/ji/ -> /jə/
/wu/ -> /wə/
/Cʷu/ -> /Cʷə/
/VhV/ -> /VnV/ (unless at least one of V=, in which case /VhV/->/VmV/)

Overall grammatical changes from the proto-language:
Pronouns, which are now tripartite:
Singular Dual Plural
1. Nominative ʕu ʕuʕu ʕuχat͡ʃə
Ergative ʕuχakʷə ʕuʕuχakʷə ʕuχat͡ʃəkʷə
Accusative ʕuju ʕuʕuju ʕuχat͡ʃəju
Genitive ʕujə- ʕuʕujə- ʕuχat͡ʃi-
2. Nominative t͡ʃiwira t͡ʃit͡ʃiwira t͡ʃiwirat͡ʃə
Ergative t͡ʃiwirakʷə t͡ʃit͡ʃiwirakʷə t͡ʃiwirat͡ʃəkʷə
Accusative t͡ʃiwiju t͡ʃit͡ʃiwiju t͡ʃiwirat͡ʃəju
Genitive t͡ʃiwi- t͡ʃit͡ʃiwi- t͡ʃiwirat͡ʃi-
3. Nominative kʷ’ə kʷ’əkʷ’ə kʷ’əʃat͡ʃə
Ergative - - -
Accusative kʷ’əʃu kʷ’əkʷ’əʃu kʷ’əʃat͡ʃu
Genitive kʷ’i- kʷ’əkʷ’i- kʷ’əʃat͡ʃi-
As you can see above, Chesar has a tripartite pronoun system, with distinct forms for intransitive subject (nominative), transitive subject (ergative) and transitive object (accusative).
Note that the lack of ergative pronouns in the third person is not an accident, as Kesar completely lacks them. Demonstratives are instead used. Other 3rd person pronouns exist, but demonstratives are again commonly in their place. True 3rd person pronouns are only used for emphasis.
Genitive pronouns may appear on their own without an overt head and may thus both be translated as "my" and "mine". ("That's my book. It's mine"). They agree with their head in gender and case.
The tripartite system developed, in parts, as a result of the increased use of demonstratives in lieu of third person pronouns. The fact that these demonstratives, unlike pronouns, but like other nouns, followed an ergative allignment, brought further confusion to to an already complex system. The pattern of these demonstratives, which were marked with an Ergative case suffix when transitive subjects, was regularized to apply to other pronouns, and formed by attaching an ergative /-(a)kʷə/ suffix to the nominative form. However, pronouns had distinct Nominative and Accusative forms, and these stuck around even after the addition of the ergative. Thus you get a tripartite system, with no distinct ergative form for 3rd person pronouns.

”I went”
Rhu rhuzigwe.
ʕu ʕu-zigʷə 1SG.NOM 1SG-go.PERF 
"He went"
Kw’e ’ezigwe
Br ’ezigwe
kʷ’ə / br ʔə-zigʷə 3SG.NOM / DEM.MASC.ABS 3SG-go.PERF 

"I brought him"
Rhux̌akwe kw’eshu nazigwe
Rhux̌akwe br nazigwe
ʕuχakʷə kʷ’əʃu / br na-zigʷə 1SG.ERG 3SG.ACC / DEM.MASC.ABS 1SG.ERG:3SG.ABS-go.PERF 

Berakwe kw’eshu mizigwe
Berakwe br mizigwe
bər-akʷə kʷ’əʃu / br mi-zigʷə DEM.MASC-ERG 3SG.ACC / DEM.MASC.ABS 3SG.ERG:3SG.ABS-gå.PERF 

Each grammatical gender has a "common" ending that many words in the group end on, and this ending is used to derive further words into the group. Gender is also mostyl semantically determined, so it is somewhat predictable. But still, for a lot of words you just have to memorize it. The grammatical gender of a noun triggers agreement in adjectives (whose only distinction from nouns is having no inherent gender) and usually demonstratives and genitive pronouns.
Gender suffixes:
Masculine: /-Ø ~ -na/
(/-na/ is used for deriving new words into the class and also functions as a generic nomen agentis, in agreement context it only appears on adjectives. Genitive pronouns and demonstratives show null-agreement)

Feminine (smaller): /-waʃi ~ -ʃi/
(/-waʃi/ is the prefered form for derivation, while /-ʃi/ is the prefered form for agreement)

Inanimate: /-Ø ~ -sə-/
(The /-sə-/ form appears only when followed by another suffix, otherwise /-Ø/ is used)

”That big man”
Br zejhina rhala
bərə-Ø zəd͡ʒi-na ʕala that-MASC big-MASC man.MASC 
”That big woman”
Bereshi zejhishi mamuma
bərə-ʃi zəd͡ʒi-ʃi mamumə that-FEM big-FEM woman.FEM 
”That big rock”
Br zejhi t’ufa
bərə-Ø zəd͡ʒi-Ø t’ufa that-INAN big-INAN rock.INAN 
The gender-system developed as a result of a combination of several things... stuff... stuff happened.
The basic idea is that continued dislocation resulted in certain derivational suffixes becoming used A LOT, think of the following: "I killed that fat woman", a sentence we have all said at some point in our life. Over time it became more and more common for Chesar speakers to dislocate parts of the sentence:
"I killed fat woman, that (one)", or
"I killed that woman, (the) fat (one)".
With sentences like these becoming more and more common, speakers needed to disambiguate who the dislocated bit refered to. In the above example, the referent is a woman, and the language already had a derivational suffix /-wasi/ used for deriving words, typically refering to females. This suffix was expanded and applied to the dislocated part when it refered back to a female, so the above would be rendered:
"I killed fat woman, that-FEM (one)", or
"I killed that woman, (the) fat-FEM (one)".
This was then regularized to be used even when these elements were not dislocated, and over time dislocation would become simple discontinuity, so the above would end out as:
"I killed fat-FEM woman that-FEM"
"I killed that-FEM woman fat-FEM."
"I killed that-FEM fat-FEM woman."
See? Easy peasy. So the development of gender and non-configurationality was closely related.
Anyway, the origin of gender:
The feminine animate came about due to the following:
The masculine animate (largest group, default for refering to animates):
The inanimate:
Since all gender markers originated as derivational suffixes, they appear before any other nominal inflectional suffixes.

"We went to drink it"
Verbs in Chesar are unspecified for transitivity, the only thing determining their transitivity is the upper number of arguments they can meaningfully take. The verb meaning "go" can also mean "bring", the verb meaning "dive" can mean "throw into water".
"He died"
bˁu-Ø-lə die-3.SG.ABS-do.PERF 

"He killed him" (lit. "he died him")
bˁu-mi-lə die-3.SG.ERG:3.SG.ABS-do.PERF 

Changes from Kesan:
The verbs overall structure is mostly unchanged from Kesan (see the previous post), but six major developments have taken place in the interim:
  1. The Uninflected verbs have integrated fully with whatever inflected verb postcedes them, becoming morphologically part of the same word. They are now refered to as "signifiers" (not sure what else to call them). So /ɮaˁ mid͡zigʷɨd͡zɨ/ -> /ɮaˁmid͡zigʷɨd͡zɨ/. Furthermore, there is no longer a clear distinction between them and nouns; signifiers can serve as nouns if marked for gender, and nouns can serve as signifiers (in most cases losing their gender)
  2. The vast majority of the Inflected Verbs have been lost, reducing the class to a mere handful. This class is now refered to as the "Light Verbs".
  3. Nouns may now be verbed freely, this came about as a result of A: some nouns also serving as uninflected verbs/signifiers set a precedence. B: reduced subordinate clauses became a mainstay: /magʷəχʷə ʔə-lə/ "a bear he-was" became /magʷəχʷə-lə/ "(he) was a bear"
  4. The light verb base has fused with aspect/mode/tense suffixes.
  5. The agreement affixes have undergone some degree of fusion.
  6. The subordinating relativizer affix /-fə/ has been lost as part of regular sound changes.

The Signifier is the element of the verb that carries most of the core meaning of the verb, /t͡ʃitəkʷə/, for instance, means "to drink". Signifiers may serve as predicates on their own, with no agreement or light verb, in certain subordinate clauses (see below), but oddly enough, in spite of what I just wrote, they aren't really the core of the verb - the light verb is.
A regular noun may also serve as a signifier. The exact meaning of the resulting verb varries, but generally it means "to be NOUN" or "to do (as one would do if one were a) NOUN to X".
Signifiers aren't truly distinct from regular nouns, and may in fact just be interpreted as inanimate nouns incorporated into the verb (it's weird).

See the link below for a comparison between verbal agreement in Kesan (Proto-Dwarf) and Chesar.
Reflexives and reciprocals are formed by specialized affixes followed by an intransitive agreement affix.

Light Verb:
There is, in one way of looking at it, only 3 verbs in Chesar. "to do/be", "to go" and "to come". These are the light verbs. They are the final part of the full verb and serve as a way of indicating associated motion, as well as tense, aspect and modality.
Light verbs may appear (with agreement) without any signifier when refering to simple motion. "I go to you" could be expressed simply as:
nawə-gʷəzə 1SG.ERG:2SG.ABS-go.IMPF 
No signifier necessary. The same is true when the action refered to refers back to one previously mentioned, or when it is obvious from context:
"I killed him, I did it".
"I did that" (pointing to a corpse)

Some inflections have two forms: a short and a long form. The short form is used if the light verb is preceded by four or more syllables (including signifier and agreement), the long form is used otherwise.
The light verbs are as follows:
To go:
Four conjugations: Perfect, Imperfect, Future and Imperative (used for positive imperatives which include motion, "go and X")
PERFECT: /-zi ~ -zigʷə/
IMPERFECT: /-gʷə ~ -gʷəzə/
FUTURE: /-pəmə/
MOVEMENT-IMPERATIVE: /-ma ~ -d͡ʒima/

To come:
Three conjugations: Perfect, Imperfect and Future.
PERFECT: /-χa ~ -χad͡ʒa)/
IMPERFECT: /-d͡ʒa/
FUTURE: /-xʷi/

To be/to do:
Rather than indicating a lack of motion, this light verb is simply unspecified for motion - it may refer to motion to-or-from an endpoint, it may not.
Unlike the other two light verbs, this one has a bunch of forms, including various irrealis forms. It may be treated as many forms of one light verb or many light verbs with a single form, hard to say.
PERFECT: /-lə/
IMPERFECT: /-dˁa ~ -nidˁa/
FUTURE: /-dələ/
HABITUAL: /-t’əka/
NEGATIVE IMPERATIV: /-dənə ~ -nadənə/
JUSSIVE: /-χʷəlu/

Subordinate clauses:
Due to the loss of the subordinating relative suffix /-fə/ , there is no longer any formal distinction between verbs in subordinate clauses and verbs in main clauses. Instead you just know them from context, and from the fact that most subordinate clauses are headed by some kind of subordinating particle (haven't done any work on them yet).
The aspect/tense used in subordinate clauses is always relative to that of the main clause. When the referent and tense is identical to that of the main clause, the agreement and light verb may be omitted entirely, leaving nothing but a naked signifier as the predicate of the subordinate clause.
"I fell and cut my leg"
Qwagwerhule, qaye t'ume.
qʷagʷə-ʕu-lə qajə t'umə fall-1SG.ABS-do.PERF leg cut 
Note how the signifier /t'umə/ lacks both agreement and light verb. This developed from nominalized signifiers which then lost the nominalizing /-sə/ suffix due to sound changes.
The alternate system of forming subordinate clauses by attaching case suffixes to the nominalized verb was completely lost in Chesar. But it would have a massive impact on another branch of the family, but more about that next week.
Fun, isn't it? Still a bunch of stuff I haven't figured out, including how exactly the case system turned out (Reduced? Mostly unchanged? Expanded?). But it works.
submitted by SarradenaXwadzja to conlangs [link] [comments]

Infected worker found dead in KTPH, thoughts?

I read earlier this year also there was a bangladeshi contract worker diagnosed with covid 19 that "accidentally fell by himself to their death".
Now this one also, but with a video of him stating that with covid 19 he was going to die and did not wish to live anymore, and fishy defending that the nurses alr told him it was curable, saying he was making good progress.
For a man to make a video to say that he wants to die because he thought covid 19 was a death sentence. Do we just blatantly accept he was "too dumb" to understand his own language of being told its curable?
Or of course one can be influenced by depression and stress supporting a family overseas, and the key issue being he is scared to not be able to continue working to earn money. Why wasnt that point emphasized?
I honestly find it appalling how much defending of asses is going on here instead of actually going to figure out why he killed himself like it was a murder case.
EDIT: thanks for the responses and upvotes and I added some comments before editing, please read in full.
From rereading, with the information provided, I want to point the target on Dr. Goh, I have a huge disdain for how he defended himself and others over “why there were no reason for him to kill himself”.
He said that there was no way they could predict his death and gave the reasons why. But I disagree.
Hypothesis 1: I have a theory The nurse didn't actually tell the Bangladeshi man (that committed suicide) or wasn't explained clearly to that it was curable.
“Dr Goh said the pandemic was still evolving in April and patient numbers had become overwhelming. We did the best we could
By this sentence, there is a reasonable possibility that from own doctors and nurse stress, there wasn't explicit explanation to the “overwhelming foreign workers coming in” that it was curable to individual persons. The slew of infected workers coming into the hospital was not just in April, but following months also there has been pouring of foreign workers that has been infected with Covid-19 from the dorm. At least a Hundred plus a day. And with Dr. Goh defence,
" Dr Goh said many migrant workers with Covid-19 had a "conceptual difficulty” in understanding why they were in hospital, even after the diagnosis was explained to them in a language they could understand.”
Is there a possibility that Dr. Goh and other staff members didn't actually explain it so that it is comprehensible to them?
I could google translate English to Hindu doesn't mean I know how to speak it.
But the more likely hypothesis 2: considering that it was understandable and the man did understand the infection was curable. What a gross saying from Dr. Goh that the man did not understand it was curable and that's why he killed himself.
Because in the man suicide note video, it's becoming more clear when I'm not clouded by Dr. Gohs gross misinterpretation
. “ In one, he said in Tamil: “The doctors are saying that I have coronavirus. Therefore, I do not wish to stay alive. I am ready to lose my life. Nobody or nothing has anything to do with this. I have recorded this with a sober mind.”
And supported by following quotes from the article.
“The head and senior consultant of psychological medicine said: “He mentioned some worries about his financial future as well as worrying about his kids in India...
“Those were common concerns by patients in similar situations.”
Dr Goh said Mr Alagu would have been told, as with other patients, that he could recover from the disease. "

He never said he was going to die and not recover from Covid-19, it's highly likely that he committed suicide because of job insecurity accompanied by the financial bills of hospital stay. A visit to the hospital is a serious issue that is associated with heavy payment. He does not wish to pay, and there is job insecurity and risk for being deported back therefore he rather dies.
But I have to point the man explicitly said he had no salary issues with his boss and this was his decision and his decision alone to do it. However, necessary investigation should ensue to not take his word at face value and check the payment records first and treatment at work. Or just what miscommunication or misconception or actual legitimate reason occurred to make it so that because of being infected with Covid-19 his future looked so bleak he'd rather be dead. I don't believe after 10 years of being the sole supporter of his family he would just randomly kill himself. Remember the key defining reason he wants to die is because he is infected by Covid-19. .
Aside from the gross misconduct of the doctor, and
This fluff piece. “And while the hospital has always made sure that patients can stay in touch with friends by sourcing phone chargers and top-up cards for them, its staff now make it a point to better connect with them, such as writing their names on their PPE.”
Which I understand why they did it, but it only begs me to speculate more why he killed himself.
There could be some issues with paying the agency ? After 10 years even after paying off the original debt of coming here they still take a percentage. But then again up to investigation.
submitted by auspiciouscat63 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

Fallacious arguments about, or otherwise unsubstantiated conceptions pertaining to, British India

This was not written by me, but is on my profile at the author's (that's you, NoKow) behest. I do not maintain this post.


No famines weren’t more common during the Raj. It is fallacious to claim so:
Cormac O’Grada, an expert on famines rightly criticises such statements:
again and again, historians have been unable to resist the temptation to infer the incidence and frequency of famines from the documentary record
O’Grada, Famine: A Short History.
He further states unambiguously:
In the longer run, although colonial rule may have eliminated or weakened traditional coping mechanisms, it meant better communications, integrated markets, and more effective public action, which together probably reduced famine mortality.
Tirthakar Roy in The Economic History of India, 1857–1947 (Oxford: OUP, 2011), pg 140–41 is of the same conclusion as O’Grada. He says that the recording of pre colonial famines was patchy and thus leads one to wrong conclusions.
More recently Roy, 2019 elaborates:
We cannot be sure if famines were more frequent or less frequent during British rule compared with past rules. The required sources do not exist for periods before the early-1800s... The pre-1770 data came from biographies of rulers, chronicles of military exploits, and travelogues. These are not reliable sources of historical statistics.
Mixing sources can lead to misleading conclusions about the long history of famines. Historians of Indian famines have often fallen in that trap. For example, one of the best-known works on Indian famines, Famines in India by B. M. Bhatia, estimates that ‘in the earlier times a major famine occurred once every 50 years’, whereas ‘between 1860 and 1908, famine or scarcity prevailed in .. twenty out of the total of forty-nine years’.
His source was Alexander Loveday, a Cambridge scholar who wrote an essay on Indian famines in 1914.4 Loveday did not do any original research but prepared an appendix listing known famines since the beginning of the Common Era. Whereas the post-1800 famines were recorded by the government statistical system, the pre-1800 data came from hagiographies and travelogues. The frequency with which famines occurred in these earlier times depended on the frequency with which hagiographies were written. If this was once in fifty years, we would conclude that famines happened once in fifty years, as Bhatia did. It makes no sense.
Tbf not all Indan historians are victims of this fallacy. Take Kumar, 1993:
Colonial governments may well have been negligent in dealing with famines by modern standards, but they were certainly not so in comparison with their predecessors...public and private resources were limited. Sanjay Sharma has pointed out that active intervention by the Mughal state was constrained by transport bottlenecks, and the decentralised nature of Indian society.
Or Hatekar, 2005:
I do not know of a detailed study of famines before the 19th century (this could be due to my weak knowledge and poor memory) that demonstrates that the intensity and frequency of famines went up significantly during the second half of the 19th century.
To someone like me who spends considerable time working with rural documents of 18th century Deccan, famines seem to have been a regular fact of life even during the 18th century. The great poet saints of the 18th century have given heart rending accounts of the effects of pre British famines.
The general "forced commercialisation of agriculture during the 19th century" also fails to tell us why several parts of the country like the Konkan belt of Maharashtra managed to remain free of famines.
A history of pre British famines and their demographic and economic consequences is in crying need of being written.
With that out of the way, India was a land ridden with famine. See this comprehensive site. Furthermore anyone who’s read Indian history will be aware of the incidence and intensity of pre colonial famines. Here’s just a partial list:
Famine in sindh in 1540 led to cannibalism. Source: Elliot's The history of India, as told by its own historians Vol I. Famine in 1555 in the heart of Mughal India. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Elliot's Bibliographical index to the historians of Muhammedan India.
Famine in 1572 in Sirhind. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India (1999) pg 114 footnote 7. Famine in 1576 in Kashmir. Cannibalism ensues. Source: A History Of Muslim Rule In Kashmir 1320 1819 R. K. Parmu Pg 261 footnote 92.
Famine in 1595 in the whole of Hindustan. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Elliot's The history of India, as told by its own historians Vol VI. Famine in 1626 in the Fishery Coast. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Bhavani (2008), Economic History of TamilNadu from AD 1600 to 1857 Chapter VIII, p364.
Great Famine of 1630. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Elliot's The history of India, as told by its own historians Vol VII. Famine in 1646 in the Coromandel Coast. Cannibalism ensues. Source: Bhavani (2008), Economic History of TamilNadu from AD 1600 to 1857 pp 364-5 Famine in Patna in 1670. Cannibalism ensues. Source: John Marshall In India by Shafat Ahmad Khan lists some pre colonial famines:
For the century as a whole, there were said to be severe food scarcities and famines in: ‘1613–1615, 1630–1632, 1636–1637, 1640, 1642, 1644, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1650, 1651, 1658–1660, 1662–1663, 1670, 1682, 1685, 1691, 1694‒1695, [and] 1696–1697’. This list is incomplete, however. It relates only to areas that were under Mughal control, and the records of English and Dutch trading companies increase its length. In addition, Geoffrey Parker notes that the monsoon failures of 1613–15, 1630–32, 1658–60, and 1685–87 appear to have been especially disastrous.
Nor were the British worse than Indian rulers wrt famine reloef despite assertions to the contrary by Mike Davis, Parthasarathi etc:
See Kumar, 1993:
Colonial governments may well have been negligent in dealing with famines by modern standards, but they were certainly not so in comparison with their predecessors.
Ahuja (2002) puts it rather succinctly:
Yet we do not presently have any proof for the type of rudimentary ’famine policy’ practised in Mughal North India that relied on the prohibition of food exports from famine stricken areas and on the regulation of food prices in urban markets. Nor is there much indication for popular pressure on the Govemor-in Council of Fort St George to impose such regulations on grounds of custom.
no clear-cut ’famine policy’ appears to be perceivable in pre-colonial South India on the basis of the available evidence… Moreover, while Nawab Asaf ud-Daula reportedly gave employment to 40,000 people on construction sites in Lucknow during the ’Chalisa’ famine, no evidence is available for the establishment of similar ’famine works’ by pre-colonial rulers in South India
Commenting on assertions made authors mentioned above Roy, 2016 says:
Commenting on the Bengal famine of 1769-70, Prasannan Parthasarathi writes that ‘pre-British political practice .. was to [organize] food distribution on a massive scale.’ If this is true, the subsequent history of colonial famines would mean that the pre-British rules were welfare-minded whereas British rule was not. This proposition is not testable because no one can say how large or how effective precolonial relief effort really was.
Agrawal et al, 2000 note the same:
One cannot compare, for instance, the absence of complaints or solicitations for relief rice in Mughal India with their replete presence in colonial records and assume that this means Mughal kings took care of their populations during famines and British colonial officals did not. It might mean this, although the historical evidence is certainly weighed against such a conclusion. But it is also possible, and perhaps probable, that the absence of solicitations in Mughal documents means that no one expected the Mughal officials to supply any relief, so it was pointless to ask, or that court scribes whose job it was to record the "event" portrayed only what would make Mughal rulers or patrons look magnanimous and charitable.
Eraly, 2007 doesn’t mince his words and states it starkly:
THE SINGLE MOST appalling fact of life in Mughal India was famine, a spectre present at the turn of every season... These [relief measures] were, however, only token and random measures, at best palliatives. The amounts spent on famine relief were trivial compared to the extravagant personal expenses of the emperor and the amirs, for instance, the 100,000 rupees disbursed by Shah Jahan for famine relief was a mere one tenth of the annual pin money of Mumtaz Mahal! The Mughal indifference to the woes of the people was not callousness, but culture. It was the same everywhere in the medieval world. Human misery was not seen as misery by medieval rulers, but merely as the common lot. Even if the emperor had viewed it differently, and had wished to help, there was not much that he could do, for he did not have the administrative capability for effective famine relief [...] For the emperor, famine relief was charity, desirable but not obligatory.
His primary concern was to preserve and extend his power, and he would not even suspend military operations to provide famine relief. The attitudes of Hindu monarchs were the same. Thus, 'while people died with the word "bread" upon their lips,' Hemu, the Hindu revivalist, 'valued the lives of a hundred thousand men at no more than a barley corn,' says Badauni; 'he fed his five hundred elephants upon rice, sugar, and butter. The whole world was astounded and disgusted'. For a monarch it was more prudent to feed elephants than people
In contrast the expenditure on famine was generous, thus there was no death from starvation in the famine of 1873-74.
The British ended peacetime famines. See Roy, 2019:
First, the open economy that the regime sponsored delivered two extraordinary benefits to the Indians, it stimulated business and reduced deaths from diseases and famines.
Economic historians have the habit of looking long and hard at numbers. In the late 1970s, an American scholar Michelle McAlpin did that with the Deccan famines. This region, one of the driest agricultural zones of the world, had never been free of acute scarcities for more than 10–15 years at a stretch in the recorded history of famines in India.
But famines disappeared here after 1899, McAlpin observed. The significance of the end of famines was momentous, not just for India, for the world. It turned the population growth curve up. The British were still the rulers of India in the 40 odd years after the last of the Deccan famines when the mortality decline happened. Did colonial rule help end famines?
Weather shocks of similar severity repeated after 1900 in at least four years. ‘Yet the potential dangers were largely dealt with’. The instruments were, a railway system that carried food quickly from low-price to high-price areas (as McAlpin noted); a statistical system to track weather and harvest conditions; knowledge of tropical diseases that killed many weakened by starvation; private charities; and a state-run relief system. The government worked to improve its ability to deal with famines. The strategy paid off.
Roy states the case clearly:
The technology embodied in the railways came from Britain, though it had to adapt to Indian conditions. Railways were not just another item in the catalogue of ‘benefits’ of empire. It had a profound impact on ending famines. Current statistical research confirms McAlpin’s insight that the railways caused the end of famines and delivered the gift of life to generations of Indians born after 1900.
Indians lived longer from 1920, thanks to better epidemic control, better theories of disease causation and treatment, and the disappearance of famines after 1900. See this askhistorians answer.
Further Reading:
McAlpin, Subject to Famine: Food Crisis and Economic Change in Western India, 1860–1920, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983
Can Openness Mitigate the Effects of Weather Shocks? Evidence from India’s Famine Era, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 100(2): 449-453, 2010.

Le 25%

Repeat after me “Relative decline doesn’t equal absolute decline”.
Angus Maddison must be rolling in his grave. People misinterpret his figures even India’s former PM who’s an economist!
India had close to a quarter of the world’s population. Hence its large share of the global GDP. If people bother to read Maddison they’ll know that, India's GDP during the British Raj grew in absolute terms but her relative share in the world economy declined. Roy had to explain the obvious to Tharoor: The statistic that India produced 25 per cent of world output in 1800 and 2–4 per cent of it in 1900 does not prove that India was once rich and became poor. It only tells us that industrial productivity in the West increased four to six times during this period.
We have reliable figures for pre colonial India, compiled by Broadberry and Gupta. They show that in 1600, India's GDP per capita was a third lower than Britain's. A recent paper extends India’s poverty even further!
Further Reading:
RC Allen, India in the Great Divergence in The New Comparative Economic History: Essay in Honour of Jeffrey G. Williamson.
Roy, T. (2010). Economic Conditions in Early Modern Bengal: A Contribution to the Divergence Debate. The Journal of Economic History, 70(1), 179-194. Despite the fabulous riches of Bengal subah, the masses were essentially a poverty stricken lot. The Nawab, his nobles, Rajas, Roys and merchant princes were fabulously wealthy no doubt. A tale similar to pre colonial India!

45 Trillion

CJ Dewey’s scathing review of her work is essential reading. We however shall concern ourselves with the parts pertinent to us:
There are only two things wrong with Professor Patnaik’s methodology. She consistently adopts statistical assumptions (such as compound interest at a rate of 5% per annum over centuries) that exaggerate the magnitude of the drain; and she consistently ignores research that would tend to cut the economic impact of the drain down to size, such as the work on the sources of investment during the industrial revolution (which shows that industrialisation was financed by the ploughed-back profits of industrialists) or the costs of empire school (which stresses the high price of imperial defence).
I wonder whether there is a single serious economic historian outside India who would accept her view of the centrality of India’s exploitation in the development of the global economy. There are too many rival claimants. Quite right!


The drain theory of poverty is confused claptrap. That’s not us saying this but Roy, 2019:
Calculations of the drain are not worth the ink they are written with. Simon Digby thought £1000 million was transferred between 1757 and 1815. Angus Maddison reduced this to £100 million. Javier Cuenca Esteban placed the figure closer to £40 million. If we take the third figure, the implied annual transfer against an estimated national income (1800) of £100–150 million is trivial.
Indian nationalists brushed off the difficulty by suggesting that all of the export surplus was forced and a waste of money. The crudeness of the claim beggars belief…. the drain theory of poverty is a confused claptrap.
Charlesworth on the drain:
How great was the drain? Dutt's assessment was that 'one-fourth of all the revenues derived in India is annually remitted to England', amounting to £159 million out of total revenues of £647 million over the last decade of Victoria's reign. Such contemporary estimates, however, can be challenged on their definition of what constituted the drain.
Often costs were included, notably profits paid to foreign investors, which were borne by many developing economies in the nineteenth century, outside normal definitions of Britain's 'informal' let alone formal empire. Most modern measurement, therefore, has concentrated on the home charges: interest paid to Britain on the Indian public debt, military charges (notably the cost of maintaining the Indian Army), the cost of purchasing 'stores' in Britain and the 'civil charges' arising from British administration, the latter including those India Office charladies and, especially, payment of Civil Service salaries and pensions.
Even many of these charges, however, might not be viewed, strictly, as a 'drain'. The rapid growth of the Indian public debt, for example (it stood at £30 million in 1837 and £220 million by 1900) was mirrored in other contemporary developing economies, such as Russia, where foreign borrowing is frequently ascribed a highly productive role. In fact much of India's public debt, like Russia's, was the outcome of expenditure on railway building, which presumably had some constructive impact.
The drain, then, is now typically defined as thunproductive element in the 'home charges'. In this light Macpherson points to 'defence services', which totalled around 15 per cent of the home charges in 1870, along with civil pensions and allowances. Similarly, T. Mukerjee estimates that between 1840 and 1900 some 18 per cent of the public debt was caused by ward.
Pared down in this way, the drain looks much less like Dutt's 'continuous, ceaseless flow'. Mukerjee assesses it, defined as 'unnecessary' home charges, at about £42 million over the 1840-1900 period. By any standards this must have been an infinitesimal percentage of total national income: Mukerjee suggests between 0.04 and 0.07 over the period 1870-1900. Even if all the home charges are included, the drain would barely exceed 0. 5 per cent of national income.
**Undoubtedly this modem measurement correctly highlights, in simple quantitative terms, what Chaudhuri calls the 'insignificance' of the drain controversy. It is perhaps remarkable that so much attention has been expended on the late nineteenth century expropriatory mechanism whilst the massive new mobilisation of revenue funds associated with early British rule remains comparatively ignored.
See McLane, The Drain of Wealth and Indian Nationalism at the Turn of the Century:
India's public debt was small compared to that of the United Kingdom, and the interest India paid to the United Kingdom on private and public loans was only a fraction of the £60,000,000 or so which the United States was annually remitting to Europe in about 1910 as interest. It is a truism, but nevertheless worth repeating, that the significance of India's foreign obligations was not be found in their absolute size.
As per Maddison’s calculations the British extracted less from the Indian economy than the Mughals.
Further Reading:
India and the World Economy 1850-1950 ed G Balachandran (OUP, 2003) particularly the Introduction.
K. N. Chaudhuri (1968). India's International Economy in the Nineteenth Century: An Historical Survey. Modern Asian Studies.
M. Mukherjee, National Income of India: Trends and Structure (Calcutta, 1969).


Despite Tharoor’s rantings. Railways were a benfit to India. Let’s breakdown his claims.
Wrt the guarantees, Guarantees were used throughout the world in the mid c19th.
And here’s the irony of this silly controversy. We’ll let G Balachandran do the talking:
The notorious railway guarantees would have appeared less offensive, and not peculiarly colonial, to a student who first came across them in the early 1990s (when the Indian government offered extravagant sovereign guarantees and counter-guarantees on rates of return to attract foreign investments into power and infrastructure projects or in the spring of 2001 when some of these guarantees came back to haunt the government) than to someone in the 1970s when India was a closed economy with little exposure to foreign direct investment or international capital markets. Hmmmm… Wonder why Tharoor neglects to mention this?
Moving on, Tharoor omits a fact that has been known for decades. The realised rates of return on Indian rail securities were much lower than other rail securities and similar to British rail securities as per Michael Edelstein's calculations.
New research by Bogart and Chauhdhuri further confirms that railways, were far from extractive:
The average annual total return on the largest and most important Indian railway securities was 3.7%. These returns were not excessive by any financial standard. Indeed, they were lower than the return on railway securities in North America, Latin America, and Asia.
The rail infrastructure had a vital effect on the market for grains. We first deal with the work of Michelle McAlpin. Her papers were condensed into a book.
What does her book say? She mentions that certain railway lines were constructed specifically to make it possible to move grain quickly and relatively cheaply from areas of surplus production to areas affected by crop failure. These lines were not necessarily expected to show a profit, although some of them did. The volume of railborne trade in grains and pulses increased enormously between 1880 and 1920. As her findings show, the *increase in internal grain trade was far larger than the rather limited increases in the exports of wheat and rice. *
Railways along with other measures (that McAlpin details in her book) contributed to the decline of peacetime famines in the 20th century in the Deccan, an area notorious for its famines.
McAlpin isn't the only one who has shown this. In a widely cited 2010 paper Burgess and Donaldson echo her conclusions:
The results of our analysis suggest that rainfall shortages had large effects on famine intensity in an average district before it was penetrated by India’s expanding railroad network. But the ability of rainfall shortages to cause famine disappeared almost completely after the arrival of railroads. This lines up with findings in Donaldson (2008), where railroads were seen to significantly reduce the exposure of agricultural prices and real incomes to rainfall shocks. Donaldson drew this conclusion in another widely cited article published in 2018.
19 million passengers rode the trains in 1871. This increased to 183 million in 1901, 630 million in 1930 and more than 1 billion in 1946. That's an increase of 5163.21% in 75 years.
India had a poor system of transport before the railways. Grain and goods a town away would vary enormously in price. The cheapest and most widely used method of transport (non riverine areas) was pack bullock.
Hurd calculates the savings made from the railways.
By 1900 Rs 1 billion or 9% of national income in 1900 was saved in transportation costs. Even in areas of light rail traffic, rail saves Rs 372 million on 4% of national income in 1900. The cost of it all? On average 0.2% of national income, never more than 0.3% of national income was paid to rail investors. This was between 1860-96 when guarantees were paid.
Colonial scam eh? Most nations would wish to be scammed this way.

United India

No the existence of Mauryan Empire doesn’t mean India was united entity in any way. This isn’t even disputed in academia yet sadly we must prove a truth universally acknowledged.
See Bryant, 2000:
But then, it would be anachronistic to condemn eighteenth century Indians, who served the British, as collaborators, when the notion of 'democratic' nationalism or of an Indian 'nation' did not then exist.
Indians who fought for them, differed from the Europeans in having a primary attachment to a non belligerent religion, family and local chief, which was stronger than any identity they might have with a more remote prince or 'nation'.
Let’s read what the doyen of IR studies in India the late Dr Rajan had to say about this:
Perhaps the single greatest and most enduring impact of British rule over India is that it created an Indian nation, in the modern political sense. After centuries of rule by different dynasties overparts of the Indian sub-continent, and after about 100 years ofBritish rule, Indians ceased to be merely Bengalis, Maharashtrians,or Tamils, linguistically and culturally.
The British did unite India. It is laughable to claim otherwise.

Commercialisation of agriculture

Despite it being repeatedly asserted, no the advent of the Raj did not lead to farmers abandoning foodgrains for cash crops. Nor did the Raj force farmers to till their land for export markets. India wasn’t a colony that was operated for purposes of extraction. (https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/L/bo24214020.html)
India was not a plantation colony. Small to midsize farms were the norm.
The share of exports in total agricultural production in 1871 was only around 10%. At its peak, only 10–15% of crop land was devoted to non food exports. Exportable goods came from just a few districts. Wheat WAS exported to the West true. HOWEVER, as little as 5% of the wheat crop was exported.
82% of acreage cropped was devoted to foodgrains. The same holds true for Bengal. Yet people confidently claim that themajority of cropped land was turned over to cash crops.
The Raj did not create a class of large landlords out of the blue. Most of the consolidation occurred before the Permanent Settlement, a process initiated by Murshid Quli Khan.
Mughal taxation was atrocious with peasants parting with anywhere from 40 to 50% of their gross produce.. Under the Raj however land tax as a proportion of the value of agricultural production declined from possibly 10% of net output in the middle or early nineteenth century to less than five in the 1930s.
To the chagrin of many nationalists, salt was cheaper than ever [with salt consumption under the raj being substantially higher than the Mughals.](Habib 1999 pg 105)

De industrialisation

Far from being prosperous and independent artisans weavers, just like most of their contemporaries, were a poverty stricken lot.
Weavers were mainly agriculturists. It was only the European Companies who, with their incentives turned them into full time manufacturers.
The lot of the weavers was one misery and debt.*
The East India companies induced weavers to migrate, and weavers often did to escape local oppression. The experiences of weavers engaged in export oriented manufacture 'cannot be assumed to be representative even for all artisanal occupations'.
The export trade in itself was tiny. The proportion of textile export to total textile production was very small, at its peak not more than 1 to 2%. To give a sense of scale, around 1795, India's net export of cotton cloth was 22 million yards, and domestic production was 1102 million yards.
What de industrialisation?
India from 1750 to 1900 produced more cloth than she did from 1600 to 1750. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014498314000187) and (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0014498383900414) The Indian cotton and silk industries did not decline due to British policy.
[In a new paper Gupta states unambiguously 'the thriving world of Indian trade and commerce barely touched the vast majority of people'. Bengal by far the most industrialised region in India, had only 11% working in industry. Sushil Chaudhury estimates in a workforce of million maybe 50,000 jobs being created by the VOC and the EIC.
Even if one were to assume the very worst of the fate of Indian weavers who were in engaged in the export trade, one must bear in mind that they were not in any way representative of the Indian weaver at largen nor even the vast majority of the Indian textile industry. They were but a tiny part of that industry.
Gupta in a recent paper speaks of the interaction between the Companies and the weavers. As her paper outlines Indian exports of textiles increased massively with the arrival of the European Companies. The companies made profits from the trade. So destroying the industry was not in their interest. The Companies (mainly English and Dutch East India company) signed contracts with the weavers through Indian intermediaries to buy textiles.
While Gupta is sure that some of the examples of harassment by the companies is correct, she however cites documented archival evidence of weavers defaulting on the contract and the companies not being able to do anything because they wanted to contract with them again. According to her, it would make no sense for the trading companies destroy the weaving industry, which was the basis of their trade and their prosperity.( https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789047429975/B9789047429975-s012.xml)
Far from de industrialising India industrialised. India was the earliest country in Asia to begin her industrialisation. We turn to Roy, 2020:
Profits from trade were invested in large-scale mechanised factories, especially cotton and jute textiles, plantations, mining and banking. Between 1860 and 1940, employment in factories increased from near zero to two million. The growth was comparable with that in two other emerging economies of the time, Japan and Russia, but without parallel in the tropical world.
India led the contemporary developing world in two leading industries of the industrial revolution, cotton textiles and iron and steel.In1910, 55% of the cotton spindles installed outside Europe, North America and Japan were in India. In 1935, 50% of the steel produced outside Europe, North America and Japan was produced in India.

Mike Davis:

Mike Davis frankly a clown rather than a serious scholar. Not content with just parroting falsehoods he treats a study from 1878 as gospel but ignores contemporary works which would of course ruin the narrative.
An excellent and most cogent critique was offered by Morrison, 2019:
The growing tendency among historians to draw an equivalence between the crimes of European colonialism and those of the Nazi and Soviet regimes seems to have crept up on us by stealth, until it has become a normal part of academic discourse. The pioneer was perhaps Mike Davis in Late Victorian Holocausts, a book that has acquired near canonical status *despite being riddled with elementary errors of historical fact and tradecraft. *
Davis’s crass title was intended to suggest that the millions of deaths worldwide which occurred as a result of famine and disease in the late 19th century should be considered in the same light as the deliberate mass killings perpetrated by the Nazi regime in the 20th. His argument was that the integration of peasant subsistence farmers into global markets made them far more vulnerable to famine caused by fluctuations in global grain prices. For this argument to work, Davis had to demonstrate that famine had been unknown or at the very least much rarer in precolonial times, which he did by cheerfully taking absence of evidence as evidence of absence.
Davis is a particularly egregious example of this tendency, claiming that “Mogul [sic] India was generally free of famine until the 1770s, [1630 don’t real]” while the British colonial state that succeeded it was unable to prevent or mitigate famine because of its doctrinaire adherence to laissez faire and reluctance to intervene in grain markets.
Quoting the footnote:
Ironically enough, the evidence Davis cites in the three-page section of his work devoted to precolonial systems of famine relief in India consists largely of unsupported assertions of the superiority of Mughal systems by conservative East India Company officials such as Sir John Malcolm and Mountstuart Elphinstone, who in the 1820s and 1830s were engaged in a polemical debate with “westernisers” in Calcutta over whether British rule should take on “European” or “Oriental” forms, a debate Davis is clearly completely unaware of.
The extent of his ignorance of Indian history can be gauged by his reference to “traditional Indian elites, like the great Bengali zamindars” when the latter were, of course, a British administrative creation, noted not for their paternalism, as Davis argues, but for screwing as much revenue as they possibly could out of the land the colonial state had given them.
Hmmmmm…… Wonder who’s worse? Tharoor or he?
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submitted by 24Julsquare to u/24Julsquare [link] [comments]

Social media users need a personal protection kit against overzealous arrests!

Social media users need a personal protection kit against overzealous arrests!

Arrests are being made for spreading fake news under the Epidemic Diseases Act which due to its vague phrasing gives wide powers to the government. We give a background on the Act and its provisions and how in times of increased government power it has led to more than 500 cases being lodged under it. We have also written to the Union Home Ministry to urgently issue an advisory to State Governments with a draft SOP, to tackle the menace of COVID-19 related disinformation without resorting to overzealous criminal prosecutions.
Background on Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897
The Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 was first enacted in the wake of the outbreak of the bubonic plague in India which gave the colonial government wide powers at the time. “This Act empowered the colonial authorities to detain the plague suspects, destroy or demolish infected property and dwellings, prohibit fairs and pilgrimages and examine the passengers at will.” The Act, as it stands currently as well, gives wide powers to the State government under S.2. It authorizes the State government to take any such measures or prescribe any such temporary regulations which it shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak or further spread of the epidemic. This provides a wide ambit to the provision and one of the measures for which it is being used consistently is combating fake news.
Misinformation through social media has been one of the toughest adversaries in the fight against COVID-19. Various stories about fake cures and solutions have been doing the rounds on the internet which include vibrations from clapping will kill the virus and that cow urine and cow dung can be used as cures. While the spread of fake news is itself problematic as it creates confusion, one of the most worrying trends of this pandemic is the spread of conspiracy theories which has led to a rise in communal violence.
According to a status report filed by the Central government in the Supreme Court, “fake news causing serious panic, is the "single most unmanageable hindrance" in the management of this challenge.”. Our Executive Director, Apar Gupta has explained how this order of the Supreme Court undermines the right of journalists to report.
Relevant legal provisions that cause concern
The legal provisions being invoked for criminal prosecutions of social media users that are being used as a means to curb the spread of fake news are illustrated below:
  1. Under S.3 of the Epidemic Diseases Act any person who disobeys any regulation or order made under the Act is punishable under S.188 of the IPC. For context, punishment under this section will be prescribed for violation of lockdown orders issued by the Central government under this Act. Under the S.188 of the IPC , a punishment of simple imprisonment for a term of six months is prescribed for whoever disobeys an order duly promulgated by a public servant.
  2. S.505(1)(b) of the IPC is another provision which is being invoked frequently. It prescribes a punishment of imprisonment which may extend to 3 years or fine or both for making, publishing or circulating any statement, rumor or report which may cause fear or alarm to the public.
  3. Section 54 of the Disaster Management Act also deals with creating ‘false alarm or warning as to disaster or its severity or magnitude, leading to panic’ which is punishable by imprisonment of upto one year.
Arrests for fake news
As reported in today’s (April 30, 2020) Hindustan Times, these legal provisions have been used to lodge at least close to 500 cases. This is a large number which matches a disturbing yet global trend of using criminal prosecutions as a preferred choice to tackle disinformation.
Some illustrative cases include:
  1. Close to 100 arrests in West Bengal, “The arrested people include homemakers, students, school teachers, government employees and traders. The police are scanning social media pages, said Gyanwant Singh, the inspector general (law and order) of West Bengal Police.”
  2. “A health worker posted in Rajasthan's Dausa district was arrested and his services were terminated for allegedly spreading fake news about the coronavirus”.
  3. In Odisha, a man was arrested for making a misleading post relating to COVID-19 on Facebook.
  4. At least 15 people, a majority of them being women, have been arrested for spreading fake news in Mizoram.
  5. Three people in Telangana were arrested for spreading fake news via social media for forwarding a fake picture on Whatsapp.
  6. In Maharashtra, at least 18 people were arrested for violating the advisory released by the State government which prohibits organizations or individuals from publicizing information about COVID-19 without ascertaining prior clearance from relevant government health authorities, in order to avoid spread of misinformation. The advisory has been framed by the State government under the Epidemic Diseases Act.
The problem with arrests for fake news is as follows:
  1. Wide ambit of Epidemic Diseases Act might lead to arbitrary arrests targeting specific community or political opponents. The Act could then be used to stifle political dissent instead of curbing fake news. Since these provisions are broadly phrased they can result in arbitrary action. For example, a news portal founder was arrested in Tamil Nadu for publishing reports that were critical of the government. It was claimed that the news reports were “false and provocative”. He was booked under S.3 of the Epidemic Act and S.188 and 505 (1) (b) of the IPC.
  2. Arrests for fake news have not proven to be effective in curbing fake news. This is because rampant arrests have been made of random people. For example, people who have forwarded a fake Whatsapp message have been arrested. This does nothing to either identify the source of the misinformation who has started the Whatsapp forward and in the age of social media it might be difficult to identify altogether. Additionally, it also does not curb the spread of the fake message itself since arresting people for forwarding messages, even though fake, only goes to show the inability of the government to control the spread of fake news and also poses the danger of possible human rights violations.
We write to the Home Ministry to issue an advisory
We draw our position against misinformation clearly. It is a complex problem which must be addressed by a policy tool kit that promotes the values of free expression and also to exercise any censorship powers based on the legal standards that emerge from a human rights framework. Here we have written to the Home Ministry and called on them to issue an advisory with a draft SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that draws from “Joint Declaration on ‘Fake News’, Disinformation and Propaganda” dated March 3, 2017.
Effective communication should be made from official channels to fill the vacuum in which misinformation perpetuates. It is imperative for authorities to instead begin combating bad information with good information and curtail the room for speculation.Almost all countries around the world have seen their leaders holding regular press briefings to answer questions about the government response to the pandemic except India. With a 1.3 billion strong population locked down under some of the strictest lockdown measures, the panic and hysteria created due to fake news and misinformation in India has already been catastrophic and something which could have been easily avoidable if effective paths of communication had been created.
Arrests for fake news solve no purpose and should not be made
Arresting people for spreading fake news during this pandemic only further traumatizes individuals and communities in this unprecedented time. Instead of using the heavy handed approach of arrests, the government should try to ease the misery of the nation by providing clear and effective information.
Important Documents
  1. Representation to HMO on Social Media Arrests dated April 30, 2020. (link)
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submitted by InternetFreedomIn to india [link] [comments]

I'm in Argentina, what now?

So, most of the resources I've seen (including my cursory glance at the wiki here) seem to be targeted towards people learning at home, and starting from scratch. I am in neither position, and so hopefully this post is allowed. Apologies mods if what I'm looking for is covered in the wiki somewhere -- I'd appreciate it if you let me know where exactly if it is.
So, my background in Spanish:
So, for right now, my grammar is decent enough. Maybe some drills could help, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm worried about vocabulary, and I don't know what words I should be learning. I'm sure this is a common question, but I still figured I'd throw it in.
My main question is -- how do I maximize the time I have in Argentina? What can I do here that I won't (as easily) be able to do at home, and how should I go about it to gain as much as possible out of it? I don't know any expats, so I'm not too worried about slipping into only English while I'm here, but I am slightly worried about becoming more of a recluse and not talking to people. I'm not the most social guy, and I don't know how to talk to people really.
Any help would be much appreciated!
submitted by TrekkiMonstr to languagelearning [link] [comments]

Cuisine of the week: Tamilian cuisine

Welcome to another regional cuisine thread. This week /IndianFood will be exploring Tamilian cuisine!
Tamilian cuisine originates from the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, but its presence can be felt in many other places as well (Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore). It has a diverse set of offerings that both vegetarians and non-vegetarians can choose from. Key elements of many Tamilian dishes include the use of rice, lentils, tamarind, coconut and spices.
Many of you might be familiar with vegetables such as onion, potato, tomato, okra, eggplant, and spinach, which all have a place in Tamil cuisine, but some lesser-known vegetables that are also used are: elephant yam, taro root, white pumpkin, orange pumpkin, sweet potato (white/purple variety), drumsticks (moringa oleifera), raw plantain, raw banana / banana plant stem / banana plant flower, bitter gourd, snake gourd, bottle gourd, chayote squash, broad beans, yard-long beans, (daikon?) radish.
Different regions and subcultures will spice their food differently, but the types of spices/flavouring agents you will typically find across the state are: cloves, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, garlic, curry leaves, (black) pepper, mustard seeds, chili, cardamom, nutmeg, edit: turmeric, corriander (leaves and powder).
The traditional fats used to cook dishes can range from sesame oil (edit: known as "nalla ennai" or "good oil") and peanut (ground nut) oil, to coconut oil. Ghee ("nei" or "ney" in Tamil) is also used, though more so to top foods than for actual cooking. However, ghee is usually the fat of choice when making a large number of desserts.
Tamil Nadu has quite a large coast and, as such, is home to regions with a rich seafood culture. It is not uncommon to find curries (supposedly curry was derived from the Tamil word kari!) that use prawn and fish ("meen"). However, mutton and chicken are also popular choices within the state.
Lastly, while many people associate basmati rice with Indian food, basmati rice is actually not a traditional/staple rice of Tamil Nadu! There are many different rice varieties (including red rice) grown within the state. I've heard that ponni rice(short grain) has gained much popularity within the last couple decades in urban areas due to ease of access. Another thing I've heard is that Tamilian (and maybe to some extent South Indian) rice tends to be shorter grain. Edit: I've also heard of parboiled rice being used!
If you would like to learn more about Tamilian food, Wikipedia's entry would be a good place to start. For those who have had experiences with Tamilian cuisine, please chip in! Share your stories, recipes, favourite meals, or provide any insight. For those who haven't, feel free to ask questions!
Random fact: Mulligatawny is an English adaption of milagu thaneer - meaning pepper water in Tamil.
Edit: Tamil food traditionally used to be served on a banana leaf. Here's an example of restaurant-style vegetarian Tamilian thali, served on the leaf! Note: Katori = cup
Edit2: This picture (I think) would be a more accurate representation of a traditional Tamilian veg thali. This comment talks more about it.
submitted by ooillioo to IndianFood [link] [comments]

A ghost fell in love with me and tried to kill my girlfriend [Part 1]

This happened to my girlfriend and I when we went to Pondicherry for a romantic getaway. What we thought would be a nice, quiet holiday like many before this trip, turned out to be our worst nightmare.
My girlfriend works in India for a well known MNC whereas I am in the United States for my Grad School. So, we get to meet every few months when our schedules permit. And whenever we meet, we take vacations where it’s just the two of us. This time, after several discussions, we settled on Pondicherry.
“Where are we going this time?” she demanded.
I being like my usual adventurous self, suggested that we go somewhere remote. “How about the North-east?” I asked.
“It’ll take forever to travel there” she whined. “Let’s go somewhere we don’t have to spend too much time travelling to.”
“Well then, how about we go to Pondicherry? You’ve always wanted to go there,” I suggested.
I could see the twinkle in her eyes, her wide-eyed smile did it for me. “We are going to Pondy!” she exclaimed giving me a kiss on the cheek whilst doing so. This is the fastest we’ve agreed on anything.
Pondicherry is a quaint little town near Tamil Nadu, in the southern part of India. It’s well known for its many colonial buildings, churches, temples, and statues which, are heavily influenced by French architectural styles, its French ambiance a remnant of its colonial past. It’s the perfect place for a pretty young couple such as ourselves or like my girlfriend says, “We’ll be young forever, boo.” She’s cute when she says things like that, it melts my heart.
We took a 2 hour flight to Chennai from her hometown city, Mumbai, which she is madly in love with. I’ll never understand why. From Chennai, we rented a car and drove on the East Coast Road (ECR) that runs along the Bay of Bengal coastline, a very picturesque road, my favorite memory from the trip. You’ll understand why when you read further.
The road-trip to Pondy was mesmerising and at the same time, uneventful. We relied on Google Maps to guide us to our location, and it did its job until we hit the city limits. I continued driving, and as soon as we got near the city, it led us to a very remote locale, overgrown with creepers and what not.
My girlfriend, in her excitement, something to do with her childhood fantasy, had booked an old colonial bungalow on Airbnb, insisting that it would give us a more “authentic” experience.
“Babe, are you sure this is it?” I looked at her uneasily.
“You have arrived at your destination,” said the good old google lady.
I got a creepy vibe from the place. “Are you sure this is the right place?”, I asked her, my voice rather shaky. The “hotel” looked like something straight out of an old horror movie. It was clearly neglected and about to crumble any minute. I don’t mean to exaggerate, but I’m pretty sure I spotted a couple of cobwebs from what I could see.
“This is what the map says, doesn’t it?” she said, adding “Don’t be such a wuss.”
All I could say at that point was, “Okay.” I didn’t want to ruin her mood as we don’t get to meet that often.
“I swear it looked different in the pictures!” she said, defensively. “Let’s check in at least.” Gathering whatever courage I had, I followed her in. I might look big but she’s more ballsy than I am.
There seemed to be no one at the reception. “Hello?” I called out. “Is anyone here?”
Secretly, I hoped no-one would turn up. That way, we wouldn’t have to stay at this monstrosity of a place and we could move to a decent, civilized hotel. I looked at my girlfriend, who was impatiently tapping her foot and tapping away on her phone. I have gotten used to this habit of hers which I find very cute. She called the number on the site and started ranting.
“Hello, I had booked your bungalow for the week. We’re here but there seems to be no one at the reception.” She has a short fuse for someone who seems to be so nice and sweet.
I pretended to look inside the hallways. “There’s no one here. Let’s just check in to another hotel,” I was practically running to the car at this point, bag and baggage in tow, begging her to follow me.
“I’ve already paid for this!” she looked outraged. “I’m not going to be swindled of my money by some random cheats. The guy on the phone says there is a whole team sitting here, that stupid liar,”
As it was getting darker outside, I started getting more antsy. Just as we were getting ready to leave, a wizened figure slowly slid towards us, clad in an old smelly blanket. It was an old man holding a lantern. Though I was panicky, my instincts kicked in and I stood in between the man and my girlfriend, shielding her. The whole thing seemed off.
He said something undecipherable. Luckily for us, my girlfriend understood basic Tamil.
“He’s the caretaker here, he says. He’ll lead us to our room,” she explained. “Come, follow me.” And follow her I did, keeping my thought to myself.
I wanted to run as fast as my legs would take me, but I reluctantly followed her. The hallways smelled musty, and I swear I could see a thick layer of dust on the walls. I was tempted to write something on it. As we made our way through the sinister looking corridor, I thought I saw a figure move through its walls. I dismissed all this thinking that my mind is playing tricks on me. Also, seeing my gutsy girlfriend, I mustered up enough courage to walk beside her. Sensing my nervousness, she held my hand which calmed me down, as it always does.
The old man opened the door to the room, his hands shaking. The door creaked open rather noisily to a view of the room. The room looked like it hadn’t been occupied in years. I cleared my throat, and asked the old man to leave.
“Saapad?” he croaked. I looked at my girlfriend quizzically.
“He’s asking if we want to eat anything,” she explained.
“No thanks, I don’t want spiders and worms for dinner,” I said, explaining my reservations once again.
She said something to him in Tamil, using a mix of gestures and expressions, and the old man slunk away, nodding.
That room was a dilapidated mess. There was no fan, no lights and certainly no AC. I wondered if I could leave in the middle of the night, carrying my sleeping girlfriend.
As soon as the old man left, I let out a huge sigh, “I’m tired. Let’s order some food.”
Although I always made fun of my girlfriend for her snackboxes, they were the saviors that day. She had packed some ready-to eat meals as she always does because she gets hungry every two hours or so.
I looked at the things she got along. Pasta was one of the few things she got. “You got only vegetarian food!” I complained. She glared at me.
“Thanks to my genius, we won’t be going hungry to bed,” she snapped.
Seeing as I had little choice, I heated the box in a water bath. “What hotel doesn’t have a microwave? This is 2017,” I said reminding her about how much I disliked our current state of arrangements.
She ignored me, and went into the bathroom. “I’m getting ready for bed,” she announced.
“Okay, I’ll unpack and change,” I said while keeping an eye on the water bath.
I unpacked my night clothes, with no intention of fully unpacking. I wasn’t going to stay in this Addams Family bungalow for the rest of our holiday. I rehearsed my outraged speech in my head.
I suddenly heard her shriek. My first reaction was that it might be a spider. But then she called out to me, “Hey! Get in here.” The tone of her voice set me off and I immediately ran in to check on her. As soon as I got in, there was some strange blackish-green liquid, goey in texture, all around her. I got her a towel and helped her remove some of it. Once I wiped her down, I got her some clean water to clean herself.
“Oh my god, let’s get out of here,” she looked scared for the first time since we’d come. Happy realization, I thought to myself.
“Where will we go at this hour? It’s late. No hotel is going to let us in,” I reasoned.
Knowing how hyper and panicky she gets, I tried to calm her down. “Let’s just eat something, go to bed, and in the morning we’ll figure something out. Here, I have your favorite movie on my laptop!” I exclaimed. Hearing that, the smile that I fell in love with returned. She calmed down considerably.
We ate our pasta in silence while watching the movie. She fell asleep watching the movie. I covered her with a blanket and moved to the sofa to catch up on some news before hitting the bed.
It must have been pretty late into the night or pretty early as some of us might prefer when I was rudely awoken to the noise of my girlfriend screaming her lungs out.
“Get off me!” she said in a very muffled voice like someone was strangling her.
“What’s happening? Are you alright, babe?” was all I could say in my half asleep state.
“There’s something sitting on top of me,” she wailed. Her limbs thrashed about as if she was being attacked. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
“The fuck are you on about? I can’t see anyone,” trying my best to calm her down and thinking about what to do in that situation.
“I can’t breathe!” she gasped. I could see her turning pale. I had to act fast.
“Fuck it! I’m taking you out,” I shouted as I gathered her to carry her in my arms. While getting out of there, I disconnected my phone from the charger to take it along with me just in case I need it. I picked her up in my arms and tried to kick open the door like a moron in a bout of adrenaline rush. After failing the first time, I got a hold of my senses and unlocked the door to the hallway.
The hallway was pitch-dark as if it was the dark-ages. I heard a strange guttural voice in the hallway, calling out to me...
submitted by mishomasho to nosleep [link] [comments]

Part 33

Yikes. Pretty fast. Sorry guys. I really hope this doesn't happen again.
5873.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Photophone not existing?
Add-On: Do you remember certain lines in The Fly existing that aren't not there anymore?
Add-On: Add-On: Do you remember Planter's Cheese Balls instead of Planters Cheez Balls?(Were the letters in Cheez not connected?)
Add-On: Do you remember Salt And Pepa, or Salt & Pepa, instead of Salt-N-Pepa?(Pepper, or Peppa?)(Was it a duo?)(Anything else off?)(Kids And Play/Kids 'N Play)(Anything else off?)(Sweet Tea/Sweet Tee)(Nate Dog/Nate Dogg)(Dog Pound/Dogg Pound/The Dog Pound/The Dogg Pound)(Are the album titles off?)(Exhibit/Xzibit)(Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)(Are any of their rapper names off?)(Anything else off?)(Bel Biv Devoe/Bell Biv DeVoe)(Div?)(Other spellings?)(Anything else off about any of this?)
5874.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember SNICK(Snick?)not existing?
5875.(Music Lyrics change.)"The seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, or the sun, or the rain."/"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain."(Other lyrics?)
5876.(Music Lyrics change.)"The hair is standing straight up."/"The air is standing straight up."
5877.(Song Title change.)Knocking On Heaven's DooKnockin' On Heaven's Door(Ing to In' lyrics and song title.)
5878.(Body Part name change.)Stomache/Stomach
5879.(Famous Singer name change.)Janice Joplin/Janis Joplin(Other spellings?)
5880.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Sebastian from The Little Mermaid(Little Mermaid?)not having yellow eyes?
5881.(Famous Actor name change.)Alex Wolf/Alex Wolff
5882.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember the ears of Bugs Bunny being shorter, and the legs of Lola Bunny looking more like rabbit legs?(Does she look more sexual now?)
5883.(Book Title change.)War Of The Worlds/The War Of The Worlds(Other names?)
5884.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the iconic poster from WWII saying, "You can do it!" instead of, "We can do it!"?(Anything else off?)
5885.(Music Lyrics change.)"Do you remember the 21st night of September?"/"Do you remember, 21st night, September?"(Any of the other lyrics off?)(Ing to In' lyrics.)
5886.(Music Lyrics change.)"You ain't gotta go to work."/"You don't gotta go to work."(Any of the other lyrics off?)(Ing to In' lyrics.)
5887.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Minnie Mouse's bow being smaller?(Anything else off?)
5888.(Music Lyrics change.)"I was the scorpion."/"I was a scorpion."(I Hate You, I Love You/I Hate U, I Love U)(Anything else off?)(Olivia O'Brian/Olivia O'Brien)
5889.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember ancient star holes not being a thing?
Add-On: Do you remember, "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.", or "I think you're gonna need a bigger boat."
5890.(New species.)Have you heard of the red owl?(Were owls never red?)
5891.(New species.)Have you heard of the golden zebra?(Have you heard of the Zorse?)(Have you heard of the Wholphin?)(Have you heard of the Leopon?)(Have you heard of the Cama?)(Have you heard of the Beefalo?)(Have you heard of the Hinny?)(Have you heard of the Pumapard?)(Have you heard of the Dzo?)(Have you heard of the Liliger?)(Have you heard of the Jaglion?)(Have you heard of the Coywolf?)(Have you heard of the Żubroń(Zubron?)?)(Have you heard of the Quagga?)(Have you heard of the Tiliger?)(Have you heard of the sheep-goat hybrid?)(Have you heard of the Yakalo?)
5892.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember most of the characters in The Brave Little Toaster(Brave Little Toaster?)not having yellow, red, or blue eyes?
5893.(Music Lyrics change.)"At the drive-in."/"At the drive-ins."("Down in the basement."/"Down the basement.")("Lock the cellar door.")("And lock the cellar door.")(Does the Poison logo, or any of their album covers look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Voynich Manuscript not existing?(Did anything based off the Voynich Manuscript not exist?)
Add-On: Do you remember there not being a wart-like object under the nose of the Sphinx?
5894.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Mog's Amulet from Final Fantasy being officially known as the Moogle Charm?
Add-On: Do you remember Jaws 2 not almost being Saving Private Ryan 2?
Add-On: Do you remember all of these colored beaches not existing?(Are there even more now, and are there more colored bodies of water?)
5895.(New species.)Do you remember these animals not existing?(Samurai Bug Pink Peacock,(Was Peacock used for both male, and female peafowl, and did the term Peafowl not exist?)Pink Katydid, owls with fur, Australian Funnel-Web Spider, Rainbow Leaf Beetle, planthoppers with white hair tufts, Rhinoceros Hornbill, or Hornbills in general,(Was Rhinoceros spelled differently for you?)Shipworm Superb Bird Of Paradise, white rattlesnake, pink slug, and tons of other pink insects, and arachnids, and more multi-colored(Multi Colored?)grasshoppers, and hairy moths.)
5896.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Aerogel not being a thing?
Add-On: Do you remember Douglas never being spelled Douglass?(Was Anderson never being spelled Andersson?)
Add-On: Do you remember Slip And Slide instead of Slip 'N Slide?)(Did the apostrophe never come after the N?)(Was It only known as the Slip 'N Slide?)
Add-On: Do you remember Planter's Cheese Balls instead of Planters Cheez Balls?
Add-On: Do you remember "Yee hoo!" being said at the end of The Dukes Of Hazzard(Dukes Of Hazzard?)theme song instead of "Yee whoo!"?(Ing to In' lyrics, and words like Straightening are off?)(Did Rosco(Roscoe?)P. Coltrane become Rosco Coltrane for a while?)(Was the K not cut in the Kellogg's logo?)(Safeway Chicken Wings/Safeway Chicken Wingz)(Does The Equalizer(Equalizer?)logo look off?)(Do any other new t.v. show logos look off, or do the texts of commercials look off?)(Does the AmSam logo look off?)(Does the Veritiv logo look off?)(CenterPoint/CenterPointe)(JEEP/Jeep)(Does the Pioneer Packaging logo look off?)(Does the TwinMed logo look off?)(Scotch Bright/Scotch Brite)(Mop Glow/Mop Glo)(All Mighty Packs/All Mighty Pacs)(Is the Zacky logo off?)(Has Donald Duck's neck tie flipped back, and forth for you?)(Does the Garrison + Home logo look off?)(Does the Assured sanitizer logo look off?)(Does the Biotène(Biotene?)logo look off?)(Does the Latino Times, or Homes & Land logos look off?)(Does the Toffifay logo look off?)(Are the Dunkin' Donuts colors off?)(Does Germany look off?)(Is there more stuff that seems ahead of its time?)(Has I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 changed again?)(Is the time when the Pound Coin was made off?)(Does the sun, or anything else look off?)(Are Date Palms, or Date Palm Trees off?)(People say trees are appearing, and disappearing, and other things in their areas.)(Does The Goonies(Goonies?)seem off in any other way?)(Messed up R in Long John's commercial.)(Ribs, spine, and shoulders have changed.)(Has the Animal Planet logo always been misaligned, and has the M always been sideways, and a different color?)(Is the Nutro dog food logo off?)(Laugh Channel/Laff Channel)(Is the Ensure logo off?)(Hunchback(Hunch Back?)Of Notre Dame/The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, and is the pronunciation of Notre Dame different?)(Is the pronunciation of Yakima, or other Washington cities different?)(More songs have Ing to In' lyrics.)(Aswell/As Well)(Was Barack Obama president in 2005-2007?)(Captain Knuckles/Captain K'Nuckles/Captain K'nuckles)(Is Mardi Gras pronounced different?)(Are any of the planets larger, or smaller?)(Is the science of black holes off?)(Roaming Catholic/The Roamin' Catholic)(Does the Ozzy Osbourne(Ozbourne, or Ozborne?)logo look off?)(Have you heard of the phrase, "De rerum de renis"?)(Did it exist, or not?)(Are tons of words, and phrases swapped, and wrong in the Bible now?)(Did any of the dinosaurs from Dinosaurs not have purple eyes?)(Allot/A Lot)(Was there only 3-4 members in N.W.A.?)(Was there not a third The NeverEnding Story(Never Ending Story?)movie, and was there no T.V. show?)(Did multi-colored squirrels not exist?)(Did Mona Lisa get stolen by Napoleon(Was it never Napoleone?)instead of being sold to the French king?)(Were King, and Queen never capitalized?)(More words have duplicated letters.)(Do the eyes look more realistic on statues, and paper currency?)(Was the plural of Currency always Currency, and not Currencies?)(Mamas & Papas/The Mamas & The Papas(Is Mama, Mamas, Papa, or Papas spelled different?)(People have claimed items have gone missing, changed color, size, design, shape, etc, and even old items have randomly popped up, or duplicated.)(Birds, and airplanes can appear to hold still in the sky.)(The sky sometimes has an off moon, off sun, no moon, no sun, two suns, two moons, off clouds, etc.)(Are gemstones off to you.)(Are butterfly growth patterns off?)(Next Guard/NexGard)(Are the lyrics in Love Lies by Khalid off?)(Speach/Speech)(BillionaiBillionaire)(MillionaiMillionaire)(Myblueprint/Mybluprint, and logo is off.)(TrillionaiTrillionaire)(Anything else in terms of numbers ending in Aire vs. Air off?)(Do you remember place names ending in Ville being Vill?)(Is charade pronounced different now?)(Certain houses, and entire streets have changed, and morphed, and things have disappeared, and appeared.)(Moving On/Movin' On)(Moving Out (Anthony's Song)/Movin' Out (Anthony's Song))(Do you remember certain things not having, or having "The" in the title?)(Does the Flatout bread logo look off?)(Blue bees apparently live alone, and bumblebees too.)(More weird shaped clouds.)(Money has changed around the world.)(Does the This channel logo look off?)(Tons of diamonds discovered below Earth's surface.)(Fukashima, Japan/Fukushima, Japan)(The Big Timers/Big Tymers)(Do you remember Steve Urkel from Family Matters saying, "Got any cheese?"?)(Does the Dunbar logo look off?)(Does the Prestige logo look off?)(Does the Herc Rentals logo look off?)(Does the Westside Performance logo look off?)(Does the Marriott logo look off?)(Does the Applus(Aplus?)logo look off?)(Does the Simply Me logo look off?)(Does the Curiosity Stream logo look off?)(Blowing your nose can fracture the bone behind your eyes.)(Retconned banner has changed.)(Indestructible animal discovered.)(Marilyn Monroe now looks different.)(Keeped vs. Kept.)(Reddit alien changed.)(Fedral/Federal)(Seprate/Separate)(Athelete/Athlete)(All Laverne & Shirley logos are off.)(Princess Diana had brown eyes.)(Johnny Deep/Johnny Depp)(The Statue Of Freedom now goes by other names, and changes appearance.)(Did Ursula's eyes change, or did her minions' eyes change?)(The Sun sometimes "blinks", or does a set of "blinks" apparently.)(Leggos/Legos/Lego)(Sometimes, there is a black line on the moon.)(Alvin And The Chipmunks/Alvinnn!!! And The Chipmunks)(People claim to lose time, or redo moments, or dream the future, and other things.)(Trees now make their own rain.)("Come Josephine, my flying machine." is no longer sang by Jack In the popular scene in Titanic.)(More YouTube videos have changed.)(D o es the Xfinity Mobile look off?)(The nose now has a bone in it.)(Lighthouse brand vs. Litehouse brand)(Light vs. Lite in product use.)(Were there no letters, or. Chinese characters in the opening scene of The Matrix?)(Background of Mona Lisa has changed again.)(George Washington on Mount Rushmore has changed again.)(Rothchild/Rothschild)(RockfelleRockefeller)(Scottish Right Foundation/Scottish Rite Foundation)(More parts of The Shawshank Redemption changed.)(Joey logo has changed.)(Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and That's My Boy movie cover letters have changed.)(Dumb And Dumber Two/Dumb And Dumber To)(Swaziland has moved.)(Elizabeth Taylor's eyes.)(Sand fleas are now a thing.)(Stove Top is now a Kraft product, and their tagline for being chosen over mashed potatoes is hard to find.)(Entrance of the Great Pyramid is now on left side.)(Community Transit logo has changed.)(Flavor Flav's catchphrase(Catch Phrase?)has changed.)(Owch/Ouch)(BECU logo has changed.)(Sonic Care/Sonicare, and logo has changed.)(Pedia Light/Pedialyte, and letters are connected.)(Certain animals, or sounds being more, less, or weird for a time, or place.)(Respawning flies?)(Multiple new moons surrounding it.)(Talking Beavers/Talkin' Beavers)(2 Chains/2 Chainz)(Disturbing The Peace record label vs. Disturbing Tha Peace record label)(KemstaKeemstar)(Does the ankle bone look off?)(Personal items are changing again for everyone.)(Back To The Future changes.(Does the Playhut logo look off?)(Road Way Inn/Rodeway Inn)(Road Island/Rhode Island)(Faze Clan/FaZe Clan)(Optic Gaming/OpTic Gaming)(Soar Clan/SoaR Clan)(Does the Black Ops 1 cover look off?)(Does the MediFacts logo look off?)(Lips Are Moving/Lips Are Movin)(Grace Vanderwall/Grace VanderWaal)(Other spellings?)(Jhene Aiko/Jhené Aiko)(Iresponsible/Irresponsible)(Iresistable/Irresistible)(IregulaIrregular)(Evangeline Lilly eye color change.)(Main/Maine)(Changes in the upper half of the map.)(Charlie Putin/Charlie Puth)(Purple bananas)(Sun, and moon alignment, and daytime.)(Spiro The Dragon/Spyro The Dragon, and overlapping letters.)(Glue that apparently seals wounds in a minute.)(Cheese Whiz/Cheez Whiz, and the letters are merged, and some remember a spray version.)(The hyper-realistic(Hyper Realistic?)fish from Spongebob is completely different.)(Big Bang Theory/The Big Bang Theory T.V. show)(Goldbergs/The Goldbergs)(Leaning Tower Of Pisa changed again.)(All flags that have Union Jack in the corner have the changed one too.)(Does the Quest pizza logo look off?)(Kathy Griffin's Trump head photo.)(Fat being the only cause of weight gain.)(Does the Death Addict logo look off?)(Herr's Sweet And Crunchy/Herr's Sweet N" Crunchy)(The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all had red masks originally.)(Boy from Frosties commercial died from cancer, being beat up, or suicide, and says stuff in the commercial different.)(Skechers products with off logos.)(Wild Waves logo now has off, and connected letters.)(Krusty Krab/The Krusty Krab, and it looks different in the front, top, and sides.)(Match Them gummies/Match 'Ems gummies, and logo has changed.)(Shiva statue is now pink.)(Kuroba logo seems wrong.)(Andy Cap/Andy Capp)(Brite vs. Light on T.V..)(The Ms in Merrie Melodies are now musical notes.)(Arthos/Athos)(Mount Arthos/Mount Athos)(Does the Cinderella band logo look off?)(Does the Black Veil Brides(The Black Veil Brides?)logo look off?)(Jupiter moon amount changed.)(Diana Rigg is no longer dead.)($100 bills now have a black line.)(Bambi's mom dies at different times in the movie for certain people.)(One eyed goat born in India, and other one eyed animals.)(Movies, games, T.V. shows, etc released earlier, or later.)(Does the grunge.com font look off?)(Cigrette/Cigarette)(Do you remember 'N, and N' never being used to mean And?)(Did Donald Duck have two yellow buttons?)(Photographs are changing in color.)(Mount Rushmore has moved a little bit completely.)("Work Out." is once again in Takin' Care Of Business.)(Pronunciation of Z.)(Mount Rushmore has changed with Abraham Lincoln again.)(Keebler's is now Keebler.)(Lots of plants grow different.)(Vance Joy is now alive again.)(Patricia is no longer a color.)(XXTentacion/XXXTentacion(Other spellings?), and he died earlier.)(Stouffers/Stouffer's, and they may have been the owners of Stove Top.)(More words like Granny have tons of off spellings.)(Is Water pronounced differently?)(More website logos, and fonts are changing.)(Pac Man/Pac-Man)(Downy Unstopables commercial uses weird font.)(Choclate/Chocolate, and pronunciation change.)(Does the Flonase logo look off?)(Gone Fishing/Gone Fishin')(Big Pimping/Big Pimpin')(Smooth Criminal lyrics changed back.)(Big Things Popping (Do It)/Big Things Poppin' (Do It))(Abby was added to Sesame Street in 2006 instead of 2010-2011.)(Have Whilst, and Yea popped up randomly, or more often for you, or were they not things?)(Did Nat King Cole sing You Belong To Me?)(Do you remember Capri Sun being sold in large bottles similar to V8?)(Saturniidae moth now exists.)(Saharan dust going to other places like Texas, and was it not a thing?)("Why can't we be friend?"?)(Married With Children!/Maried... With Children)(Mandarin wood duck is a thing.)
5897.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Human Distemper not being a thing?
5898.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember babies not being able to live at .8 pounds?
5899.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Tilt not being a thing?
Add-On: Do you remember the letters in Drake being normal?(Are the letters in Drake the singer's logos off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Program being spelled Programme?(Was it the other way around?)(Anything else off?)(Albumn/Album)(Full-Fill/Full Fill/Fullfill/Fulfill)
5900.(Music Lyrics change.)"So come to me."/"A come to me."
5901.(Music Lyrics change.)"Honey you get hot."/"A you get hot."("We'll see who's riding."/"Yeah who's riding.")(Anything else off about the lyrics?)(Ing to In' lyrics.)
5902.(Music Lyrics change.)"Preaching 'bout(Bout, or About?)the promised land."/"Preaching 'bout the promised lands."("But Lord I think he sinned."/"Lord I think he sinned.")("The bullets took his best friend."/"Their bullets took his best friends.")("A mile away from the rich folks."/"A mile away from the rich folk.")("How so many lose."/"Why so many lose.")(Ing to In' lyrics.)
Add-On: Do you remember Fanta being the only orange soda that contains caffeine instead of Sunkist too?
5903.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Arc De Triomphe not being white, and being taller?
5904.(Rap Group name change.)No Whites Allowed/Niggas With Attitude/Niggaz Wit Attitudes(Was Arabian Prince never part of the group, and were there only 5 members?)(Gangster Rap/Gangsta Rap)(Fuck The Police)(Fuck Tha Police)(Niggas For Life/Niggaz4Life)(World Class Wrecking Crew/World Class Wreckin' Cru)(The CarteTha Carter)(Does the Straight Outta Compton album cover look off?)(Tory Lanes/Tory Lanez)
5905.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the milkshakes at Steak 'N Shake coming with a chocolate wafer cookie?(Steak And Shake/Steak 'N Shake)(Does the letters, or the logo look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Statue Of Liberty not having black fingers?(Did it not have black spots on its neck?)(Is the position it holds the torch, and the tabula(Tablet?)off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the FedEx logo only being purple, and green?
5906.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember not being able to go without oxygen for more than 2 minutes?
Add-On: Do you remember Star Trek: Next Generation instead of Star Trek: The Next Generation?(Star Trek: Original Series/Star Trek: The Original Series)(Star Trek: Motion Picture/Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
5907.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember One Dance by Drake sounding different?(Are the backup singers different?)(Degrassi: Next Generation/Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Add-On: Do you remember lava bombs not being a thing?(Were icebergs never a danger except on water?)
Add-On: Do you remember Pluto not being smaller than the moon?(Was it reclassified as a planet in 2013-2016?)
Add-On: Do you remember Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies(Beverly Hillbillies?), Guess Who's Coming To Dinner(Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?), and The Monkees always being in black, and white?(Did The Monkees T.V. show not exist?)(Jeb Clampett/Jed Clampett)
5908.(Music Lyrics change.)"On this lonely ride."/"On this lowly ride."
Add-On: Do you remember Maleficent's horns being shorter than they are now, and did they not have hooks?(Is Daisy Duck's bow larger?)(Are Sebastian's teeth off?)(Have Tom's eyes changed again?)(Were they simply known as Tom, and Jerry, and not Tom Cat, and Jerry Mouse?)(Did Plankton, Gary, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Larry The Lobster not have yellow eyes?)(Was Plankton's pupil not red, and are his antennas longer?)(Were Mr. Krabs' eyes slightly smaller, and his clothing off?)(Did Larry The Lobster have a six-pack(Six Pack, Eight Pack, and Twelve Pack?)?)(Squilliam Fancypants/Squilliam Fancyson)(Did Olaf have two teeth, and not one?)(Was he known as Olaf, and not Olaf The Snowman?)
5909.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember people not being able to have gray, violet, Amber, or red eyes?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Prince Naveen's teeth being different than they are now?(Princess And The Pea/The Princess And The Pea)(Princess And The Frog/The Princess And The Frog)(Princess Bride/The Princess Bride)(Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries)(Rum Diaries/The Rum Diary)
Add-On: Do you remember Mr. Burns not having blueish hair?)(Were Smithers' glasses not blue?)
Add-On: Do you remember the original Statue Of Liberty holding two torches?(Are any of the images of the Statues Of Liberty off?)(Did none of them hold two torches?)(Anything else off?)
5910.(Movie name change.)13th Monkey/13 Monkeys/12 Monkeys(Twelve, Twelfth,(Twelth?)Thirteen, or Thirteenth?)(Fith/Fifth)(Does the logo look off?)(Anything else off?)
5911.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Jane pushing Blanche down the stairs in What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?(Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?(Anything else about the title, or movie off?)(Betty Davis/Bette Davis)
5912.(Music Lyrics change.)"I keep rolling down the road."/"I keep blowing down the road."(Ing to In' lyrics.)
5913.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the three times George says, "Alright." in the Seinfeld episode, The Strongbox(Strong Box?)all being similar to the second time he said it?
5914.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Woodstock actually occurring in Woodstock, New York instead of Bethel, New York?(Does the logo look off?)(Was it not rained out, and was everything not covered with mud?)(Was New York State Thruway(Throughway?)closed?)(Do you remember the Altamont Free Concert not being a thing?)
5915.(Movie Quote change.)"Stay golden ponyboy."/"Stay gold ponyboy."(Was it something else?)(Pony Boy Michael Curtis/Ponyboy Michael Curtis)(Does the logo look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the eyes of the Sphinx not looking like pyramids?(Is the color on the head off?)(Anything else off?)
5916.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being dead bodies on the title screen of Super Metroid?(Were they not in the artwork?)(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Bugs Bunny's nose not being red, and was it more pinkish?(Was his wig gray, and not blue in the famous Orchestra cartoon?)(Did Orchestra never have to be capitalized?)(Did Sylvester have a smaller nose that was black, or more pinkish, and did it have nostrils, and other features?)(Was his full name just Sylvester?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Washington Monument being in front of the White House instead of behind it?
5917.(Music Lyrics change.)"He walked the streets a soldier, and fought the world alone."/"He walked the streets as a soldier, and fought the worlds alone."("He kept his motor running, but he never kept it clean."/"It kept his motor running, but it never kept him clean.")(Any of the other lyrics off?)
5918.(Music Lyrics change.)"I touch life barely sixteen."/"I tuft life barely sixteen."("Ass, gas, or grass. Living fast."/"Ass, gas, or grass. Baby living fast.")("Feels like time's running out on me."/"Feels like feels like time's running out on me.")(Ing to In' lyrics.)
Add-On: Do you remember there not being black on the torch of the Statue Of Liberty?
5919.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(55 pound South American pacu invading Arizona, really great residual of tankman getting killed from congressional testimony, Nathan Hale's famous quote, "I have but one live to give/lose for my country," water spout caused by firenado, dead leaf butterfly, goblin shark method of biting, Mars in the night sky, weird sharks, the Russo-Japanese war, leg bones, Svalbard islands, Rothschild & Co., squirrels eat other animals, elephant food plant, Sclera tattoo.)(Video below.)
5920.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the famous photo of the shell-shocked(Shell Shocked?)soldier not being obstructed by a second person?(Was he not smiling?)(Anything else off?)(Did the photo not exist?)(Was there not a full shot?)
5921.(Commercial Quote change.)"No one can eat just one."/"Bet you can't eat just one."
Add-On: Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Video below.)
5922.(Music Lyrics change.)"The girls are trying to look pretty."/"The girls who try to look pretty."("Work out." is not in the song.)(Ing to In' lyrics, and song title.)(Bachman Turner Overdrive/Bachman-Turner Overdrive)(Any of the other lyrics off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Roger Rabbit never having blue eyes?(Were his eyes always white?)
5923.(Movie name change.)Sweets For The Sweet: The Candyman Myths/Sweets To The Sweet: The Candyman Mythos
5924.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Big Bird not having a white forehead?
Add-On: Do you remember Big Ben not being yellow in some images?(Was there not four clocks on the tower?)(Was its official name not Elizabeth Tower?)(Anything else off?)
5925.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Incel not being a thing?
5926.(Movie Quote change.)"Want me to wash the leaves on your Viccus plant?"/"Want me to wipe the leaves on your Ficus tree?"
5927.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these not existing?(Video below.)
5928.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Sweden never having American colonies?
5929.(Spelling change.)Streudel/Struedel/Strudel(Toaster Scramblers/Toaster Scrambles(Was Scramblers a real word?)
5930.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember "This isn't even my final form." being said in Dragon Ball Z?
5931.(Song Title change.)Straight Out Of Compton/Straight Outta Compton(Did N.W.A. never wear Kings hats?)(Did a Tupac statue not exist?)(Does the slate.com logo look off?)
5932.(Music Lyrics change.)"I got home late on a Saturday night."/"I've got home late on Saturday night."("She took all I had, and left a hole in my heart."/"She took all I had, but left a hole in my heart.")("He said good-bye(Goodbye?), and she don't want me no more."/"It said good-bye, and she don't want me no more.")(Fire House/Firehouse/FireHouse)
5933.(Famous Musician name change.)Pat Metheney/Pat Metheny(Other spellings?)
5934.(Music Lyrics change.)"Somebody's got a bomb. We can all die here today."/"Everybody's got a bomb. We can all die any day."(Ing to In' lyrics.)
5935.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the largest amethyst cave being in Queensland, Australia?
5936.(Music Lyrics change.)"My hands felt just like two balloons."/"My hands felt just like two balloon."(Is comfortable pronounced differently in general?)(Is the Rosetta Stone logo off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Figaro from Pinocchio not having yellow eyes?(Are Jiminy Cricket's(Jimmy Cricket?)clothes, and color different?)(Does the Pinocchio logo look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and Minnie Mouse never having white glows on their noses?
5937.(Book Series Title change.)Where's Waldo?/Where's Wally?(The latter is more popular, and Waldo is only U.S., and Canada.)
5938.(Music Lyrics change.)"Love of a lifetime."/"Love of the lifetime."
5939.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Videos below.)
5940.(Music Lyrics change.)"Can't they chill, and let me be free?"/"Can't it chill, and let me be free?"(There's a missing "Boom" in the song.)(Corn/Korn, and the logo changed.)(New Metal/Nu Metal)
5941.(Famous Author name change.)David Wilcox/David Wilcocks/David Wilcock
5942.(Famous Rapper name change.)Meek Mills/Meek Mill
5943.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Emeril Lagasse dying?
5944.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Mike Starr(Mike Star?)dying of a heart attack?
5945.(Song Title change.)It Ain't Easy Being Easy/It Ain't Easy Bein' Easy(Ing to In' lyrics, and song title.)
5946.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these statues, sculptures, and monuments being different, or not a thing?
5947.(Fictional Planet name change.)Galifrey/Gallifrey
5948.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the B, and E in Bose being normal?
5949.(Music Lyrics change.)"How did we get here? I used to know you so well. How did we get here? Why dont you show yourself? I think I know." /"How did we get here? I used to know you so well. How did we get here? I think I know. I think I know."
5950.(Song Title change.)Bed Of Roses/Bed Of Rose's(Album too.)(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Big Bird not having colored eyelids?
5951.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Warren from There's Something About Mary being played by a different actor?(Did Angela Lansbury play Mary Poppins, and not Julie Andrews?)
5952.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in UKF not being connected?(Is the K different?)
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