Top 30 Supervisor Interview Questions For 2021 (+ Sample

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Slaughter Theatre

Listen, mate. Something is rotten in the State of Victoria, Australia.
From the muddy banks of the Yarra, up and beyond Sydney Road, to the Dandenong mountain ranges….down to the borders of Port Phillip Bay where the fibreglass Luna Park clown, old Mr Moon, grins contemptuously over the brothels and slums of St Kilda. Fuck me sideways. Pernicious humidity followed by a spell of rain, and a sky perpetually overcast with moral decay. Something is wrong, and it rhymes with girder.
Yeah, St Kilda, in July of 2017 a dead body was found in the Triangle construction Site near the Bay, adjacent to where the Palais theatre once stood —before it burnt to cinders. Body had also been burnt, and was unidentifiable, charcoaled as it was. Funnily enough...Nobody seems to know who is to blame. As daily race riots and brawls break out on St Kilda streets, and the cops impose tougher alcohol restrictions, this gaping wound remains untended.
J D Williams and the three Phillips brothers from Seattle had their part;— left their American legacy in Australia, no doubt about it— the Coney Island style theme park of vices, a carnival of underground crimes which led to that precise moment —a swamp of intertwined histories beyond my capabilities to research thoroughly or summarise accurately. Nevertheless, I swear to you old chum, like a moth to a flame, I was drawn into the tangled investigation of that mangled female corpse near Luna Park,... an investigation which would near drive me insane.
My name is Pharlap Dronefire, a Private Investigator based in South Yarra.
I’m not normally inclined to investigate murder cases, but this particular private client had a list of seemingly unrelated things he wanted me to research, the St Kilda murder being just one of them. As I didn’t have access myself to the police files, I resolved to meet up with my police contact, Andrew Barrington, and get the facts surrounding the case.
Officer Barrington consented to meet at Luigi’s; a video game themed bar on Acland Street. It was a hot Saturday, and the St Kilda crowds were wild and varied; thousands of English, Irish and American tourists flocked to the beach, whilst teenagers vomited on the rickety roller-coasters of the seaside theme Park. The scenes were impressionistic, with Bosch-like crowds, bollards lined with palm trees. Myriad junkies asked for change and cigarettes of passers by— on the street, whilst bips and boops sang out from customers playing the vintage arcade machines behind me.
I sat at the outside tables, drunks brushed by me on the cramped and cracked sidewalk, car pollution and smog slept thinly at knee level over the scene, as the green and orange blur of a passing tram flashed by.
I saw officer Barrington approaching from a distance and waved as he crossed the road, shortly he sat down at the table and we ordered two Pale Ales.
‘Thanks for comin’ Bazza’ I said with genuine appreciation. Barrington scratched his face, and muttered a kind of ‘no wukkers ’ through his chin.....he seemed to have a lot on his mind. ‘So what have you got on this St Kilda killing?’ I asked directly, ‘There’s almost nothing online about it, barely made a dent in the press.’ ‘Jesus Pharlap.’ Barrington sighed, ‘Haven’t you got anything better to do than dig up old corpses?’ ‘You know me Baz—’ I said, ‘I’m determined to end up a chalk outline myself. But this corpse is still pretty fresh i’d say. Why are the cops choking on this chicken anyway? What’s the unseen bone?’ ‘Look…’ Officer Barrington sighed, as our beers arrived and I took a big swig of lager; ‘The murder made the papers when it happened, toured the news for a week or so...but because the body has never been identified there hasn’t been much for the press to chew on. There’s no suspects, no motive or cause. We’ve only been barely able to piece together what actually happened.’ Barrington took a sip of beer, as I jotted down some notes. The officer looked down at my ex—left-hand for a moment, noticing the bandaged stub from the accident that had happened to me recently. ‘What happened to your hand?’ He asked. ‘My own bones have been chewed…You and I...’ I replied, ‘....Work in a dangerous line of work.....sometimes the danger of your profession leaks over to mine in unexpected ways ....probably best leave it at that. So what exactly DO the police know about this barbecued girl?’.
I noticed an extraordinary amount of discomfort in Barrington’s face as he discussed the girl. Being partially involved in the murder investigation, it seemed to have particularly disturbed him. He struggled uncomfortably in his seat, Barrington was a large muscular man with thick, black-rimmed glasses and layered, thin hair. His eyes seemed permanently tinged with paranoia.
‘Officially?’ Barrington replied nervously, ‘Nothing...... But unofficially....’ ‘You’ve got your own theories about who did this, don’t you?’ I asked making my own deductions. Bazza sighed and massaged the back of his neck; ‘Look’ he said, ‘Whatever I tell you here is completely off the record. You understand?’ I made an affirmative gesture.
‘You know well— I’ve been investigating various unsolved gangland killings for a long time.’ Said Officer Barrington, ‘We’ve discussed previously my unofficial research and interests.’ I nodded, motioning him to continue. ‘Well. Hexton Police Station is full of officer’s hunches. We’ve always known of these criminal families running things, and what not, but sometimes you don’t have the evidence to put the bastards away. This case goes back years....’
Another tram chimed past in the street as Bazza continued his story; ‘There was the Walsh Street Massacre in 1988; that set a wave of anxiety through the ranks. You’ve head of it?’ ‘Sounds familiar. That’s what ‘Animal Kingdom’ was about, right?’ I said. ‘Right. Before Howard took the guns away, you had the crime families, bank robbers, strings of crimes done with sawn-off shotguns in broader Hexton. Cops shot Greame Jensen, and Victor Pierce promised two cops would die in revenge attacks. After those two young coppers were murdered in Walsh Street, the cops fought back. Executed a bunch of the gang leaders. Then there were the trials of the Walsh Street killers, that bitch Wendy Pierce didn’t testify. Half the buggers never done time. I was trying to nail Peter McEvoy for a long time in the nineties. He moved up to NSW after he was freed.’ I furiously recorded notes as the officer spoke.
‘After the gangland killings of the nineties, and the Purana task force, it took years to catch up on who was doing what. Well that’s when I really went down a rabbit hole in my research. Started trailing these rich crime families who’d been running tricks over the NSW/Victorian border for over a century unchecked. I’m not talking about Gangitano, Gatto or the Manillas. Used to be all the crime was comin’ in from the docks, you know? The Painter and Dockers union, that’s where Victor Pierce worked, the Walsh Street murderer, the Moran family and the Carlton Crew, they were all running drugs through Port Melbourne. The Calabrian mafia, AKA the honoured society, the Ndrangheta—now they also got their claws into Australian society way back then too, they come down from Queensland, had their racketeering going through the fruit and vegetable markets. Everyone remembers the key events— Frank Benvenuto was killed in 2000, but even without their leader the ’Ndrangheta was obviously still operating —because in 2008 the cops seized 15 million ecstacy pills hidden in tomato cans from Calabria. Now, Frank Benvenuto rang Victor Peirce the day he died. You want my opinion— That’s because the thugs that organised Walsh Street, weren’t just acting on some petty revenge motive. The whole thing was planned from higher up, maybe Frank was fronting up to Peirce before he was shot, and maybe Peirce knew too much when he was blown away in 2002. You catch my drift?’
‘’Im trying my best to follow—’ I replied, still anxiously scribbling notes.
‘Keep up mate… Anyway listen, after the terrorist attacks on September 11, people have been too hung up on Islamic extremism to pay attention to what’s really happening with the Mafia and these other organisations, these crime families. Now there was way more knowledge of this in the police force, the internal corruption was proven to go right to the top….in the end — we know the Wood Royal Commission only really exposed the affairs of the Kings Cross Police in Sydney, barely scratched the surface of mafia interception and corruption within the government. Yeah, they brought in some regulations, hell… even that snake Roger Rogerson got done eventually,…the Labour party dealing with Mokbel was partially revealed… but all the while, secret meetings of the same groups were happening; members of corporations, corrupt police, board members, Australian politicians. I was still trailing them, I had addresses of mansions where these figures lived and hung out. Just waiting to catch a lucky break. This wasn’t just a few career criminals. It was like an underground cult.’
I polished off my beer and motioned with my hand to the waitress to bring out another one. ‘So you think this St Kilda killing was perpetrated by these underground crime families?’ I asked intrigued.
Bazza grew more paranoid still, almost sweating and glancing about him as if he was afraid of being watched. ‘There’s this urban legend among ...those interested in crime this city. Have you ever heard of the the ‘Slaughter Theatre’ trilogy?’ ‘The what?’ I asked cluelessly. Barrington seemed peculiarly begrudging to keep telling me information about what he knew, nonetheless he obligingly indulged me;
‘Back in the days of Walsh Street there were rumours of these VHS tapes existing, you know?… It was rumoured that Peter McEvoy, Victor Pierce and other murderers involved in the police killings— used to film their crimes. Snuff videos —which would prove their identities in various murders —nail the Walsh Street killers, and hundreds of other crime figures….. these VHS were alleged to have been seen by multiple witnesses. The stickers on the old video tapes were supposed to be labelled ‘Slaughter Theatre’ in red permanent marker, creepy handwriting. That’s what all the legends say anyway. I know officers who claim to have seen some of this footage. I’m talking sadistic brutal shit. You remember Dennis Allen?’ ‘Sure’ I said. ‘Mr Death they used to call him, well— there’s apparently a snuff video of Allen cutting up one of his biker adversaries with a chainsaw, he’s covered in blood, films the whole thing as he approaches a bunch of slaughterhouse workers in their white gear. They’re all covered in blood and laughing their asses off, saying ‘What floor you working’ on then Dennis?’. Another guy I know claims he’s seen these tapes, proof of all kinds of things we just suspected… Mad Charlie being massacred at his home in Caulfield. Girls being raped and tortured and mutilated. One of the pieces of footage is allegedly of a group of about 30 members of the Comanchero Motorcycle club, and they’re standing around with a group of these government guys in suits, who pay them a bunch of money, then what follows is a sadistic orgy which ends in bloodshed and bizarre ritual.’
I sweated, my hand starting to cramp from the overload of information. I held my hand up for a moment, indicating Bazza to give me a second to catch up. Finally, after a deep breath, and massaging my wrist, I waved; ‘Go on’. Barrington continued;
‘In the nineties and noughties —more rumours popped up about these secret videos. Apparently rich perverts we’re paying criminals for these snuff films, this Slaughter Theatre….. some of them were even getting top notch production values with members of the Melbourne creative industry being involved. At least that’s how the rumours go. The legends are constantly embellished. In the 90’s it was burnt DVD’s which the files were allegedly being copied to. Press dubbed it ‘Slaughter Theatre part Two’. Then downloaded files, and well, you can imagine how the rumours escalated in the modern age of social media.’
I tried to absorb what Barrington was telling me, but had to admit it sounded suspiciously like an urban conspiracy theory. I tapped at my pad with the nib of my pen. ‘So how exactly does this relate to the burnt female corpse that was dumped here in St Kilda?’.
‘Listen,’ Barrington said adjusting his thick, black glasses nervously and preparing to stand; ‘I’m afraid there’s only so much I can tell you without compromising my job. That girl was burnt alive, with a can of gasoline. Autopsy confirms that much. If I tell you that urban legends suggesting that her murder was filmed— are prominent in police circles, would you even believe me? What if I told you I had proof that this murder was filmed as part of a third instalment in this snuff trilogy? Slaughter Theatre - Part Three. That these murders are having a resurgence ——that its all part of this conspiracy?’ ‘I’d say you were either crazy, or had something that would make the biggest news story in Australian history.’ I replied bluntly. Officer Barrington stood up and handed me a business card; ‘That’s all I can do, mate—to tip you off. Listen Pharlap… If you want to learn more I suggest you dig around about this snuff video, I think you’ll find more than you had imagined in your worst daydreams. The.... You’re going to want to speak to the guy —on this card’— (Barrington handed me a business card)— ‘…about a murder that happened at the Three Vertice construction site in Footscray in July 2016. Sorry I can’t be of more help...’ Officer Barrington then shook my hand firmly, and I thanked him before he disappeared into the St Kilda crowds.
So that was how it started. How my innocence was tainted, and I was dragged into this most unnerving and unusual investigation. The business card Barrington gave me belonged to somebody called ‘Drendyl Pex. Three Vertice Construction Company. Owner. Manager.’
For a moment I sat back, and tried to get the tangled mess out of my brain, sipping at the last of my beer. Surely Barrington had gone a bit nuts— reeked of classic Police conspiracy stuff. The idea that the whole criminal underworld is linked through some kind of satanic cult— it was absurd. Satanic Panic. And as for this snuff film? Well… I just had trouble believing that something that could’ve appeared on a /4chan creepy pasta/ could exist in any tangible reality. Nonetheless, right now, it was my only lead. If Barrington believed that the murder of the girl at St Kilda… could somehow be linked to another murder in Footscray, i’d have to investigate it, any other solution would be neglectful.
It was about a twenty five minute drive out to Footscray in my Valiant Charger. I had the air conditioning up to full blast, and my tinted windows down. The radio was blaring FURY FM, some poncy hipster DJ raving on about his succulent garden, and his batch of home-brewed beer. I was about to turn it off when a killer track came on, Head On by The Jesus and Mary Chain, so I cranked the volume and hit the gas. The DJ may have been an arsehole… but he did have decent taste in music, the next tracks were also great; King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, MGMT -Little Dark Age, ORB -Man in the Sand, Nap Eyes -Don’t be Right. The synthetic pulses of the Chromatics cover of Kate Bush’s ’Running up that Hill’ was playing as I pulled into the car park of the Three Vertice construction company.
It was a busy location, with an adjacent yard; many workers in their flouro orange high vis neons and yellow hard hats coming and going. I stumbled over a poorly concreted patch of turf, up a flight of roughly hewn stairs, through a mesh steel fence, until I came into a sheltered office, and temporary reception desk. The lady at the desk gave me a funny look, and I realised I was still wearing my aviators and tennis visor, and I removed them for politeness. ‘Pharlap Dronefire. I’m here to speak to Drendyl Pex’, I said flatly. The blonde woman with dark wirey eyebrows still had an aggravated look on her face, she scowled and said, barely curteously; ‘I’m afraid Mr Pex is quite busy, do you have an appointment?’ I thought cunningly for a few split seconds; ‘No. But this is of a very private and urgent nature. Mr Pex will see it in his interest that we speak as soon as possible—’ ‘Im sorry sir, but Mr Pex….’— ‘—You can tell him it’s in relation to something that happened last year—at this site— he may want to keep confidential…’ The woman sighed, looking fearfully at her computer, ‘Ill try his office, if you just want to take a seat Mr….?’ ‘Dronefire’ I repeated, casually taking a seat on the old, tattered couch.
It was about a seven minute wait —before a well dressed man, with shoulder length, greased-back hair, purple waist coat, cravat, dark velvet jacket and long boots walked into the room. The woman stood up to introduce us, but before she had a chance the man lunged forward and stood before me with his right hand held straight. The man commanded a strange authority, so that I found I quickly leapt to my feet in his presence, and before I knew it we were in the middle of a firm handshake. ‘Mr Dronefire I believe? Drendyl Pex.’ ‘It’s a pleasure, sir, Is there somewhere we can talk a little more privately?’ ‘Of course, please… Come to my onsite office.’ I followed Mr Pex outside of the temporary unit, and we walked up a hazardous mud slide mountain to a— 3 metre square— white cubicle or trailer. Pex opened a door, and we entered into the luxurious space, decked out with a bar and expensive furniture and entertainment system. ‘Can I fix you a rum, Mr Dronefire?’ Pex asked. ‘I’ve never said no to a rum before.’ I replied truthfully. Pex pulled down a bottle from his packed shelves, dropped ice machine cubes into two glasses and poured. ‘On the rocks suit?’ ‘Yeah…that…uh…that….suits perfectly’ I replied. Drendyl handed me a three quarter full glass of pale liquid; ‘Have you tried it?’ He asked ‘Australian brand, from Adelaide, Gunnery, white spiced. Best this country has to offer.’ I took a sip of the drink, and was surprised by the earthy taste, it was dirty but delicious.
‘Mr Pex’ I said, ‘May I be upfront?’ ‘You want to know about the death that occurred last year.’ Pex replied; ‘I’m guessing you’re a Private Investigator or amateur sleuth of some kind.’ ‘Your receptionist passed on the hint, I suppose?’ I asked. ’I must apologise for our quote-unquote reception. It’s a temporary head office, we’re building a new office space here. Miss Weabley is actually our occupational health and safety manager, just filling the desk whilst we get a new temp in—’ ‘I’m not here representing anyone in a legal capacity Mr Pex’… I said, sensing Pex’s defenses, ‘…you guessed it right, I am a P.I-——— my client is interested in a murder that occurred in St Kilda recently, however other trails of research have led me to a you. Did the death last year occur at this location?’ ‘Aha!’ said Pex, seeming to have figured me out, ‘You’re following the urban legend surrounding a certain snuff film.’ I tried not to act surprised. ‘I can provide you some information about that. But follow me, I want to show you something first.’
Pex swigged the rest of his drink, and placed down the empty glass, I followed his lead, and we exited the white building, trudging around a muddy path on the outer rim of the construction zone. My head was warm from liquor and smog, the sprawling horizon bore the haphazard scattering of Footscray industry. ‘Just up here…i’ll show you…. is where the death happened Mr Dronefire. Alice Goddard. Up over the hill there. I’ll show you the place alright…but….. Are you familiar with Footscray at all?’ ‘Not really…Not a bulldogs fan….I…uh…I barrack for Essendon.’ I joked. ‘Blasphemy’ Pex smiled with formulaic small talk, ‘This was Wurundjeri land, where we are standing. Some time ago it was an immense lagoon where the Koories went fishing. There was a factory here at the turn of the century when the industrial revolution hit. They bulldozed it in the seventies, and it’s been nothing much more than landfill up until 2007 when the Three Vertice construction company purchased it. It’s been a sort of base for some time, although our head office used to be in Fitzroy. We are an equal opportunity employer Mr Dronefire. In the last 20 years, over 50 thousand employees; South Vietnamese, Sudanese, Ethiopian, Somalian, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indonesian —they have all come through here.’ ‘I’m not quite sure why you are telling me this Mr Pex’ I confessed. ‘I know you’re not a fool Mr Dronefire. We’ve been through our trials and tribulations, pleaded our side in court cases. I don’t particularly enjoy going through the ordeal of recounting the horrific tragedy that happened here last year over and over again. But if I can be plain with you, off the record…’ I nodded. ‘There’s no doubt that girl Alice Goddard was murdered out here, and if you ask me, the likelihood that someone under the employ of the Three Vertice Construction company committing that murder— it’s more than just a likelihood. Of course, you can understand…. why, as leader of this company I would be cautious about publicity over this, i’m not a monster. My pity for the girl is endless. I’ve been very frank with the police about giving them all our employee files.’
I felt like I had just taken in a whiff of pure Drendyl heroine, and had to take a minute to contemplate it. ‘I’m not here to accuse you or your company of anything untoward Mr Pex. Just to seek out the truth. To be honest, I have absolutely nothing in my research which even suggests that the murder which occurred in St Kilda is in any way related to the death of Alice Goddard.’ ‘Well… if you’d done your research, you’d know that she—Alice— was burnt alive.’ Pex stated plainly, ‘Similar autopsy results as your St Kilda murder. I read the newspapers too Mr Dronefire. If I was a police man, i’d definitely be looking at the murders as a double homicide, or possibly two murders in a repeat serial killing. Mind you, this country’s never been well equipped to deal with the serial killer phenomenon, the AFP has a history of bungled investigations in that regard.’ ‘This snuff film?’ I asked increasingly intrigued, but distracted—’You said you were aware of——‘ ‘Everyone in Melbourne is aware of Slaughter Theatre, Mr Dronefire. It’s a legend that’s been spreading around parties in the Northern suburbs for as long as Venereal disease.’ I tried to hold back a chortle, given the morose aspect of the subject matter.
Mr Pex began to walk again, and I followed him up over the last dirt pile which led to the alleged murder site. We were quite high up on the elevation now and had a good view of the Melbourne CBD. Pex stared outwards towards the skyscrapers looming over the Yarra on the horizon. ‘Do you know much about the Crown Casino?’ Pex asked, looking in the general direction of the deluxe crown towers on the horizon. ‘Only that it’s putting a lot of cash in Andrew Packer’s pocket’ I replied. ‘Pfa haha… Packer’s barely here, he’s too busy in Sydney building his 60 million dollar pad at Barangaroo, when he’s not brushing gently against his Scientologist buddies. Good mates with Tom Cruise our James, they’ve all stayed out here at Crown towers too; prominent Scientologists, the Kardashians, the Bush’s, the Rumsfields. Kerry Packer was much more interesting than his son, you know Dronefire. Back in the days of VHS, back when him and Rupert Murdoch were fighting their cold war over who was to be the king pin of the Australian media.’ I took a moment to absorb the serene, pale view of the spires of Hexton CBD, and the dark crown towers silhouetted by the glare of the sun. ‘I’m waiting for the day when the full history of Consolidated press broadcasting comes out,’ Pex continued, ‘…there’s a dark past there the public may never know about. But ol’ Kerry, he knew how to separate recorded history into public and private.’ ‘How do you mean exactly?’ I asked ‘I’m not going to spill all the dirt on Kerry—Mr Dronefire. My father and he had some shared acquaintances. We’d be here all year, and besides, what’s the point. The old cunts dead. You’re a younger bloke, aren’t you Dronefire? I’m guessing 34?’ Pex continued without waiting for an answer, ‘My generation will always remember the day— ha— when Nine Network over stepped Packer’s rule book….’ We reached the top of the hill and stared down into a junkyard of scrap material where the body of the girl had allegedly been dumped. ‘During the shortly lived ‘Australia’s Naughtiest Home Videos’ hosted by the Triple M yobbo Doug Mulray, do you remember? Grown men all over the country were loosening their belts with joy, but Kerry knew there was a time and a place for pornography, and Network television wasn’t it… Haha…. ‘Get that shit off the air!’ That’s what he told the Nine execs when he called them. You should have seen Doug Mulray’s face. Now young James, he’s much more interested in chasing girls, much more interested spending his time in Casino’s than policing the media-boundaries of public and private.’
‘Forgive me Mr Pex’ I interrupted, ‘Maybe i’m misunderstanding all of this. But what exactly does this have to do with the snuff film? Slaughter Theatre?’
Pex seemed satisfied he had given me enough time to look at the scrapyard the body had allegedly been dumped, his body language suddenly changed, and suggested I had overstayed my welcome, and he authoritatively began to escort me back down the dirt hilltop. ‘I can tell you everything I know about the snuff film Mr Dronefire. I’ve heard plenty of rumours about these murders being connected. About them being filmed, and what not. The rumours are everywhere out West and up North in Victoria. They have been for the last 50 years— every time a body shows up, theres a new trail of gossip. Melbourne IS the murder capital of Australia, Mr Dronefire. But unfortunately, I can attest to the truth of those claims no more than I can—the millions of claims about the Loch Ness monster. For all intents and purposes, those of us who are sane rightly dismiss such conspiracies as absurd. Right wing nuts who can’t handle disorder in everything, want everything to be part of some master plan. Then you’ve got the left wing vultures, media types who love a scandal, any fad you can write an article about, or make an indy film inspired by. That’s all this is. Now I have to apologise Dronefire, but I am a busy man. Always happy to help out any investigation, and i’d just as soon see whoever is behind these horrendous crimes behind bars, as much as you, the police— and the girls parents. Now—‘ I could see Pex was wrapping up, but I wasn’t a hundred percent satisfied with the information I had been given, and needed a few more points; ‘Do you mind if stick around here for another ten minutes, just to get some quick interviews with the staff?’ Pex looked mildly disgruntled but not resistant; ‘I can give you ten minutes. Longer than that and you’d be interfering with our productivity i’m afraid. You can speak to our onsite supervisor, he works with most of the staff here.’
Drendyl whistled, and an ocker looking fellow with a mullet, safety vest and a hairy arms made his way over. ‘Fortyn Kildare, this is Private Investigator Dronefire. He’d like to ask you a few questions about the death of Alice Goddard.’ Pex excused himself and disappeared, as I shook Mr Kildare’s hand. ‘You’re a little late aren’t ya?’ asked the gruff man in a thick Aussie accent; ‘Press was all over this ten months ago. What are you hoping to dig up now—eh??’
Continued in Part Two:
submitted by GoityePowerhouse to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

[S3E16] The Story So Far - Part III

Rearranging the the episode summaries on Wikipedia and the Wikia I came up with this three part basic summary (not including everything):

Good Cooper

Dale Cooper remains trapped in the Black Lodge. In a grey room, Cooper speaks with The Fireman. [In New York City, Sam Colby sits in a warehouse watching a glass box. Tracey Barberato visits him. With the security guard absent during Tracey's second visit, Sam lets her into the room. As they have sex, a pale androgynous entity—the Experiment—materializes in the glass box and murders them.] Inside the Lodge, Cooper encounters MIKE, Laura and a skeletal tree with a featureless head (an evolved form of MIKE's severed left arm). Laura tells Cooper that he can go out now but the tree says that his doppelgänger has to return first. After an encounter with the tree's doppelgänger intervenes, the floor of the Lodge gives way and Cooper falls into the glass box in New York, then into space. Cooper lands in a metal building where two women (Naido and American Girl) appear to protect him from an unseen entity until he leaves through a portal.
Dougie Jones, who just had sex with Jade, a Las Vegas prostitute, becomes sick and sees the Lodge's red curtains. Dougie is drawn into the Lodge, where he turns into a golden bead. The real Cooper, taking Dougie's place in Las Vegas, is found in a disoriented state by the prostitute, who drops him off at a casino. Criminals who are pursuing 'Dougie' place a bomb under his car, still parked outside the Jade's house. Cooper wanders around the casino and plays slot machines marked by hallucinatory images of the Lodge, winning megajackpots every time. Cooper wins 28 consecutive megajackpots at the casino, totaling $425,000, then is driven to Dougie's home. Dougie's wife, Janey-E, is upset about her husband's three-day disappearance, but she is relieved that they can pay his $20,000 gambling debt ($52,000 after interest).
Still near-catatonic, Cooper settles into Dougie's life. While getting dressed, he sees a vision of MIKE, who informs him that either he or his remaining doppelgänger must die. Janey-E drops Cooper at Dougie's workplace, where he reacts to a statue outside, the smell of coffee, and the words "agent" and "case files". After a light illuminates a colleague's face, Cooper accuses him of lying, angering Dougie's boss.
The criminals who planted the bomb under Dougie's car contact their superior, Lorraine, who expresses fear of being killed if the job isn't completed and sets off a mysterious alarm. Later, Dougie's car explodes when some car thieves trigger the bomb. The Mitchums beat and fire the casino supervisor, accusing him of complicity in Cooper's winning streak. Jade drops Cooper's Great Northern Hotel room key in a mailbox. Police take Cooper to Dougie's home and Janey-E receives a photo of Cooper with the prostitute from two criminals demanding Dougie's gambling debts plus interest, totaling $52,000. Janey-E meets them, lambasts them and gives them $25,000, her "first, last and only offer". Cooper draws cryptic images on the case files, guided by lights on the pages. Dougie's boss recognizes a pattern in the drawings and thanks Cooper. Cooper has another vision of MIKE telling him "Wake up! Don't die!". Duncan Todd retrieves an envelope marked with a black spot from his safe and sends it to hitman Ike "The Spike" Stadtler. The envelope contains photos of Lorraine and Dougie. Ike kills Lorraine and her coworkers, demolishing his signature "spike" weapon in the process. Police visit Cooper at Dougie's workplace to question him about his destroyed car. As he leaves with Janey-E, Ike runs at them with a gun, but Cooper expertly disarms him while having a vision of the skeletal tree. Dougie's boss says that Dougie sometimes has episodes due to a car accident. The Las Vegas police discover no record of Dougie Jones before 1997, and take fingerprints and DNA from Cooper's coffee mug. They arrest Ike "the Spike", who has left a phone message for "J.T". Duncan Todd orders Anthony Sinclair to frame 'Dougie' for the denial of an arson insurance claim that lost the Mitchums $30 million. The Mitchums see a news story about Ike's arrest, and recognize Cooper as "Mr. Jackpots". Janey-E notices that her husband's physique has improved and has sex with him. Dougie's boss sends Cooper to give the Mitchums a $30 million check after realizing their claim is legitimate. The Mitchums plan to kill Cooper, but after Bradley has a prophetic dream, they decide he is not their enemy and take him for drinks, where Cooper reacts to the words "damn good" while eating cherry pie. Cooper and Sonny Jim play catch. The Mitchum brothers and their assistants take Cooper to Bushnell Mullins' office, celebrating and bearing gifts for Mullins. Anthony Sinclair hides from the brothers as he fearfully calls Duncan Todd, who gives him one day to kill "Jones." Delivery men bring a gym set for Sonny Jim and a new car to the Jones home as Janey-E happily looks on. Janey-E and Cooper later watch Sonny Jim play on his new gym set.
The Detectives Fusco look over the results of "Douglas Jones"' fingerprint as an altercation takes place in the next room. Sinclair comes to see Detective Clark for poison.
Janey-E takes Cooper to work in the new car. Sinclair waits nervously for "Dougie" and takes him to get coffee. After taking a sip, Cooper wanders over to observe the shop's pie as Sinclair laces his coffee. He returns and Sinclair breaks down, leaving with the poisoned coffee. Cooper takes Sinclair's coffee and is brought a slice of pie. Sinclair pours the coffee into a urinal and throws the cup in the trash before apologizing to "Dougie." In Mullins' office, Sinclair tearfully confesses his activities with Todd. Wilson brings Headley to a Douglas and Jane Jones and their family that have been brought in for questioning. However, these are not the correct Joneses, as they have multiple children. Todd tells Roger to find Anthony Sinclair just before they are both assassinated by Chantal. Chantal and Hutch eat in their van. Janey-E brings Cooper a slice of cake, reflecting on their life since they became friends to the Mitchum brothers. As he eats, Cooper observes and experiments with objects on the table, particularly a TV remote. He turns on Sunset Boulevard and hears Gordon Cole's name, startling him. He then looks over at an electrical outlet and crawls toward it, sticking a fork inside and causing a blackout. Hutch and Chantal wait in their van outside the Jones home. Two FBI cars arrive and the agents find that there is nobody home and they head to Lucky 7 Insurance. Cooper lays comatose in a hospital bed, Janey-E and Sonny Jim at his side. Mullins arrives, followed by the Mitchum brothers and their assistants, who bring food, then offer to stock the Jones home. Janey-E takes Sonny Jim to the bathroom, leaving Mullins alone with Cooper. He receives a call about the FBI agents at the insurance office, looking for "Dougie." Hutch and Chantal sit in their van and idly chat as Agent Wilson and another agent return to the Jones home. A limo arrives followed by a bus, brought by the Mitchums, who go into the house. A Polish accountant approaches Hutch and Chantal, complaining that they are in his driveway. When they refuse to move, he pushes their van with his car. Chantal shoots at him and he returns fire. They then drive away and the accountant continues shooting, killing both of them. The FBI arrest the man as the Hutchens' van catches fire. The Mitchums watch the spectacle with confusion. Mullins hears a noise in the hospital and follows it. MIKE appears to Cooper as he wakes up, finally mentally and physically restored to his former self. He tells Cooper that his doppelganger did not return to the Lodge and gives him the ring. Cooper has MIKE make another duplicate of himself with a strand of his hair, similar to the seed that Dougie Jones turned into. Janey-E and Sonny Jim arrive, followed by Mullins. Cooper announces that he is leaving the hospital and the doctor lets him go. Cooper borrows Mullins' handgun and asks him to contact the Mitchum brothers to tell them that he is bringing his family to the Silver Mustang Casino and he needs a plane to Spokane. Cooper gives Mullins a message to read to Cole and he gives his farewells. Cooper leaves with the Jones family as the FBI arrives at the hospital. Cooper brings Janey-E and Sonny Jim to the casino and the Mitchums take notice of his different behavior. He tells Janey-E and Sonny Jim that he has to leave, but appreciates the time he spent with them, though assures that he will be back, first misspeaking that Dougie would be back. Janey-E realizes that he is not Dougie, but he does not acknowledge it to them. Janey-E thanks him for his help and kisses him before he goes. Cooper speaks to the Mitchums about his actual identity on the way to the plane. Despite Cooper's career as a lawman, he looks past their criminal activities and sees their hearts of gold.

Bad Cooper

In Buckhorn, South Dakota, Cooper's doppelgänger—a sinister, long-haired man with black irises—retrieves two associates, Ray and Darya. Police find the severed head of Buckhorn librarian Ruth Davenport placed on the headless body of a John Doe. Local principal Bill Hastings's fingerprints are found and he is arrested. Bill denies guilt, but fumbles his alibi. His wife, Phyllis, accuses him of having an affair, while Phyllis has been having an affair with Bill's lawyer, George. A ghostly woodsman occupies another cell. Phyllis is murdered at home by Cooper's doppelgänger. Cooper's doppelgänger attempts to obtain information through Darya, Ray, and another associate, Jack. Perceiving that his associates have turned on him, Cooper's doppelgänger murders Jack and Darya, speaks to 'Phillip Jeffries' and later sets out for a federal prison in South Dakota, where Ray has been jailed. He also reveals that he is due to return to the Lodge, but has a plan to avoid this.
Cooper's doppelgänger drives a car, becomes sick and sees the Black Lodge's red curtains. Cooper's doppelgänger crashes and is apprehended by the police. At the FBI headquarters in Philadelphia, Agent Tamara Preston is debriefing Gordon Cole and Albert Rosenfield when Cole receives a phone call stating that Cooper has been found in South Dakota. The FBI is informed that Cooper has been found and taken to federal prison in South Dakota, where he is interviewed by Gordon, Albert, and Tammy. Gordon and Albert discuss their misgivings about the inmate, one of whose fingerprints is the reverse of Cooper's. They decide to seek the one person they think can help them. Cooper's doppelgänger makes a phone call in prison that causes the security system to go haywire. He says "The cow jumped over the moon," before hanging up, stopping the alarms.
In Buckhorn, an autopsy of the decapitated body reveals Dougie's wedding ring in the stomach.
Cooper's doppelgänger sits in his jail cell and correctly predicts that his food is coming. He takes his food and goes to the mirror, noting that BOB is still with him.
At the Pentagon, Colonel Davis is informed that the fingerprints on the Buckhorn body match Garland Briggs's – the sixteenth set of his prints they have found in 25 years. Albert finds Diane, Cooper's erstwhile assistant, in a bar. Lt. Knox arrives in Buckhorn and is stunned to learn that Garland Briggs's fingerprints come from a body in its late forties, not seventies. Albert and Gordon convince Diane to speak to Cooper in prison. She is upset by the conversation and tells Gordon the man is not Cooper.
Cooper's doppelgänger blackmails Warden Murphy into releasing him and Ray. Ray shoots Cooper's doppelgänger. Woodsmen tear at his body, revealing a sac with BOB's face. Ray flees, leaving Phillip Jeffries a message that Cooper's doppelgänger may have survived. Later, Cooper's doppelgänger awakens.
[In 1945 New Mexico, the first atomic bomb is detonated. A convenience store is occupied by woodsmen. Floating in a void, the Experiment spews a stream of fluid; one globule manifests BOB's face. In a building above a purple sea, a man resembling the giant watches the detonation, the convenience store, and BOB. He levitates, light emanating from his head. Señorita Dido enters, and an orb with Laura Palmer’s face inside floats down to her. She sends the orb to Earth. In 1956 New Mexico, a creature hatches from an egg. A woodsman descends to the ground, then enters a radio station and kills the receptionist. Overpowering the disc jockey, he repeatedly broadcasts the words "This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within", rendering listeners unconscious. The creature enters an unconscious girl's room and climbs down her throat. The woodsman kills the disc jockey and leaves.]
Cooper's doppelgänger meets hitmen Hutch and Chantal at a farm. He sends a text to Diane and calls Todd to ask if he has done "it" yet. He orders Murphy's death and mentions a job in Las Vegas.
The FBI stops in Buckhorn to examine the body with Briggs's fingerprints. Hastings tells Tammy that he and Ruth visited Briggs in another dimension, where he had been "hibernating" for years, and witnessed his beheading as he was saying Cooper's name. Hastings's secretary was killed in a car explosion and his lawyer arrested for the murder of his wife.
Gordon has a vision of Laura. Albert informs him that the FBI has intercepted a text message from Diane informing someone of Hastings' arrest. Tammy shows them a photo that places Cooper's doppelgänger at the location of the New York murders. At the location where Hastings met Briggs, the FBI finds Ruth's body with coordinates written on one arm. Gordon sees woodsmen in a portal and is drawn back by Albert. One of the woodsmen sneaks up on Hastings and kills him.
Gordon and Albert recruit Tammy and deputize Diane to the Blue Rose task force. Albert interrupts Gordon and his French lady friend to show him a text message Diane received asking about Las Vegas. Chantal and Hutch assassinate Warden Murphy. Diane finds that the coordinates on Ruth Davenport's arm point to Twin Peaks.
Cooper's doppelganger arrives at the farm as Ray and his associates watch him on security camera. They bring him to their location and he says he is there to see Ray. He is told that Renzo is the leader of the men, as he is undefeated in arm-wrestling. The doppelganger likens this practice to children's games and challenges Renzo, wagering Ray. After much toying with his opponent, the doppelganger wins, then kills him.
As the group' new leader, he is granted his request to be alone with Ray, who – after being shot in the leg – tells him the details of his contract from Phillip Jeffries to kill the doppelganger, as he has "something inside" (Bob) that he wants. Ray takes out the owl cave ring, saying that he was supposed to put it on him after killing him. Richard Horne joins the group as they watch on camera the doppelganger and Ray, who hands over the coordinates. Ray tells the doppelganger Jeffries' last known location and is killed. The ring disappears from his finger and appears in the black lodge, followed by himself. MIKE places the ring on its pedestal.
Hutch and Chantal drive towards Utah, discussing Mormons.
Cooper's doppelganger drives down a dark road, reaching a convenience store, where a woodsman leads him to a room above it. He requests Phillip Jeffries and is led to a motel. A woman approaches and unlocks a room door for him. Inside the motel room, he meets with Jeffries, speaking through a steam-emitting mechanism. The doppelganger asks about Jeffries sending Ray to kill him and confirms that Jeffries had not contacted him at the motel, and that the person who did had sent Ray. He reflects on Jeffries' appearance at the FBI headquarters and questions him about Judy, who Jeffries' says "Cooper" has already met. A phone rings as the doppelganger continues questioning Jeffries. As the mechanism disappears, the doppelganger answers the phone, but is promptly teleported outside the convenience store, and finds that the line is dead.
Leaving the phone booth, he is confronted by an armed Richard Horne, who knows him as an FBI agent from a photo his mother Audrey kept. "Cooper" quickly disarms him and tells him to join him in the truck. He then sends a text, reading, "Las Vegas?" before leaving with Richard. The convenience store emits electricity and smoke before it disappears.
Told about the ring found in Major Briggs's stomach, Diane identifies Janey-E as her estranged half-sister. Gordon orders the Las Vegas FBI office to search for the Joneses. Gordon recalls dreaming of Monica Bellucci and the last appearance of Phillip Jeffries.
Cooper's doppelganger and Richard drive down a dirt road and make their way to the coordinates that were given to the doppelganger. Jerry sees them as they approach a rock, which Richard is instructed to inspect. On top of the rock, he receives an electric shock and is disintegrated. The doppelganger says "goodbye, my son", then sends a text reading, ":-) ALL" and gets in his truck.
Gordon stands in the hotel at Buckhorn.
Diane smokes at the hotel bar and receives the text sent by Cooper's doppelganger. Unnerved, she "remembers" and responds with a series of numbers. She checks her handbag, revealing a gun before walking away from the bar and goes to Gordon, Albert, and Tammy and tells them about the night Cooper's doppelganger visited her. She recounts the evening, which occurred a few years after Cooper's disappearance. As they visited, the doppelganger only wished to know about the FBI's activities rather than speak about his own whereabouts. He leaned in to kiss her, but something went wrong and caused Diane to be fearful. He then smiled at her and raped her. Diane says that he then took her to an "old gas station" before suddenly declaring that she is in the sheriff's station. Diane becomes very upset, saying "I'm not me," and draws the gun she has in her purse. Albert and Tammy react in time, shooting her before she abruptly disappears. A horrified Tammy realizes Diane was a Tulpa. Gordon questions what she meant by sheriff's station.
Diane appears in the black lodge, where MIKE tells her she was manufactured. She bluntly acknowledges this before cursing him out. Her face breaks open, releasing black smoke and a seed before she disintegrates.

Twin Peaks

Dr. Jacoby receives a shipment of shovels. Dr. Jacoby broadcasts conspiracy theory videos to sell his golden shovels, with Jerry Horne and Nadine Hurley among his viewers. Nadine Hurley watches Dr. Jacoby's latest broadcast from her drapery store.
At the Great Northern, Ben Horne introduces his brother Jerry to his new secretary, Beverly.
Deputy Chief Hawk gets a call from the Log Lady, who tells him some evidence relating to Dale Cooper is missing. Hawk continues his investigation and approaches Glastonbury Grove, the entrance to the Lodge near Twin Peaks. Hawk, Andy and Lucy are unable to discern what is "missing".
Sheriff Frank Truman gets an update on Hawk's investigation, and Deputy Bobby Briggs recalls that Cooper was the last person to see his father, Major Garland Briggs, before his death.
Andy and Lucy's son Wally Brando arrives at the Sheriff's Office to pay his respects to his godfather, Harry Truman.
Norma sorts through documents as Heidi is serving and Becky delivers bread to Toad and gets money from Shelly. Norma goes to Shelly, urging her to help Becky rather than continue to enable her. Becky takes the money to Steven and they snort a drug.
At the Twin Peaks sheriff's station, Hawk and Andy continue to sort through files.
Richard Horne smokes underneath a 'no smoking' sign. Employee Federico asks him to quit and the off-duty Deputy Chad Broxford takes over but ends up taking a bribe from Horne. Charlotte, from the next table over with Elizabeth, asks him for a light, but he grabs her and threatens to assault her.
Shelly is meeting friends at the Roadhouse, shares a nostalgic moment with James Hurley and flirts with Red. Red, who is a drug supplier, charges Richard Horne with a delivery. Richard speeds recklessly in his truck, running over and killing a young boy. The incident is witnessed by Carl Rodd, who comforts the boy's mother, and kindergarten teacher Miriam.
Hawk drops a coin in the bathroom and sees that the stall manufacturer's logo is a Nez Percé chief. Noticing two screws missing from the stall door, he finds several written pages inside.
Jerry Horne wakes up in the woods, extremely stoned from his last bout of doing drugs. He calls Ben, frantically claiming someone stole his car and he does not know where he is.
Hawk and Frank Truman examine the pages torn from Laura's diary. One entry describes a dream in which Annie tells Laura that the good Dale is trapped in the Lodge. Frank calls Doc Hayward, who recounts his memories of the day Cooper returned from the Lodge.
Andy arranges to meet the farmer who owns the truck driven by Richard Horne in the hit-and-run, but he never arrives.
Beverly tries to locate the source of a mysterious hum in Ben Horne's office, then returns home to her terminally ill husband, Tom.
Roadhouse owner Jean-Michel talks on the phone about his prostitution business.
Late at night at the Double R Diner, Heidi and Shelly serve customers while Norma goes through some paperwork. A man runs in and asks if anyone has seen Billy before running out again.
Bobby visits his mother with Truman and Hawk to ask about Cooper; her husband Major Briggs long ago foretold their arrival, and she gives them a cylinder containing a location, date, and Cooper's name written twice.
Johnny Horne injures himself, and Jerry Horne hallucinates his foot is talking to him.
Truman removes a slip of paper with directions, which Bobby understands, noting the "Jack Rabbits Palace" to be an imaginary place he and his father had during his childhood. Also in the object is the transmission Briggs intercepted with Cooper's name.
Ben and Beverly again investigate the strange noise in the hotel, which Ben likens to a monastery bell. The two nearly share a romantic moment, but Ben politely refuses.
Richard Horne confronts Miriam, who tells him she has written to Sheriff Truman about the hit-and-run. He attacks her and leaves her for dead in her trailer, then has Deputy Chad intercept the letter.
Carl plays guitar and sings outside of his trailer and stops when a red mug is thrown through a trailer window by Steven Burnett, who is inside abusing Becky.
Jerry, lost in the woods, yells when he loses phone signal.
Richard attacks his grandmother Sylvia in her home and robs her. She calls Ben and demands money from him. Ben asks Beverly to have dinner with him.
Hawk receives another call from the Log Lady, who tells him "Laura is the one."
A group of children discover Miriam crawling from the underbrush.
Becky learns Steven has been cheating on her with Gersten Hayward. She drives to Gersten's apartment and shoots through the door, but the couple are elsewhere. At the diner, Becky's parents, Shelly and Bobby, discuss the incident with her. Red arrives and Shelly leaves to kiss him. A child fires a gun through the diner window, causing a commotion.
While Hawk and Truman study an ancient map, the Log Lady calls Hawk and tells him "There's fire where you are going."
Jerry runs out of the woods and into a clearing.
Sarah Palmer buys alcoholic beverages and cigarettes at a grocery store. She also inquires about an unfamiliar jerky being sold at the store. She warns them of men coming and suffers a breakdown.
Carl Rodd stops a trailer park resident, Kriscol, asking him about his income and gives him $50, saying not to pay his rent for the month.
Hawk goes to Sarah's home. He hears a noise inside, which Sarah dismisses as something in the kitchen. Hawk ensures her that if she needs anything, to call him.
Miriam lays unconscious in a hospital bed at Calhoun Memorial Hospital.
Audrey Horne demands that her husband, Charlie, help her find Billy, her missing lover. He reluctantly phones Tina, and is astonished by what she tells him, but does not tell Audrey what Tina said.
Frank Truman visits Ben Horne to tell him his grandson Richard killed the boy in the hit-and-run, and then attempted to kill the only witness, Miriam. Ben gives Frank the key to Room 315 as a memento for Harry, and agrees to pay Miriam's medical costs. At the Double R Diner, Shelly gets a phone call from Becky, who says that Steven has been absent for two days and she is worried about him. Shelly invites her daughter to the diner for pie.
Bobby goes to the diner and visits with Ed and Norma. He describes to them that he came across some belongings of his father. Walter Lawford soon shows up to join Norma and Ed and Bobby move to another booth. Walter reports on the franchise progress of the diner, saying that she is selling her pies too cheap, though she disagrees with the franchise stores' practices compared to the flagship store.
At Run Silent, Run Drapes, Nadine is visited by Jacoby after he spotted one of his shovels in the window. He expresses his admiration for the decoration and she praises him and his show. They reflect on their last meeting at a supermarket during a storm.
Sarah watches boxing as she drinks.
A near-hysterical Audrey demands Charlie to tell him what Tina had told him. He tells her to go to the Roadhouse to see if Billy is there, offering to go with her, though she is indecisive and breaks down crying.
At the Roadhouse, an MC introduces James Hurley, who performs "Just You" as a clearly moved Renee watches. Ed sits alone at Big Ed's Gas Farm. Frank informs Gordon that pages found from Laura’s diary suggest the existence of two Coopers. Chad is arrested. Frank, Hawk, Bobby and Andy follow Major Briggs's instructions and find Naido naked in the woods.
After touching her, Andy is transported via a vortex to the Fireman, who shows him visions of the events in New York New Mexico, Laura, two Coopers, Lucy and an electrical pole numbered 6 flashed three times.
Andy returns and carries Naido to the Sheriff's Department. James learns from fellow Great Northern security guard Freddie that he bought a strength-enhancing rubber glove and moved to Twin Peaks from London after a vision of the Fireman. James notices a strange hum in the boiler room.
Sarah rebuffs a trucker's advances at a bar. When he insults her, she opens her face, revealing darkness, and bites his throat, killing him.
At the Roadhouse, Megan (Tina's daughter) and Sophie discuss Billy, who stormed in and out of Megan's kitchen, bleeding from his nose.
Nadine Hurley walks along the street, proudly displaying her gold shovel. She reaches Big Ed's Gas Farm and tells Ed that she has changed, having come to the realization that he only stayed with her due to his guilt, so she decides to "free" him, giving her blessing for him to pursue Norma. She then leaves a shocked Ed at the Gas Farm. Ed goes to the Double R Diner to whisk away Norma, but she apologizes as Walter joins her. Crushed, he sits down and orders a coffee from Shelly, adding "and a cyanide tablet." Norma tells Walter to take over the franchise and to leave her with the flagship diner, as she wishes to spend more time with the family she has made through the diner. Baffled, Walter tells her she has made a mistake and leaves. Norma goes to Ed and he asks her to marry him. They embrace and Norma agrees to Ed's proposal as Shelly watches with glee.
Cyril Pons walks through the woods with his dog as Steven and Gersten Hayward hide in the shadow of a large tree. Steven has a gun with him and is contemplating suicide, while Gersten tries to console him. Pons sees them, and Gersten runs to a different hiding place before hearing a gunshot. Pons reaches the trailer park and tells Carl about the situation. They look over at Steven and Becky's trailer, with the window still broken from their last fight.
At the Roadhouse, the crowd dances to "Sharp Dressed Man" as James and Freddie approach Renee's table. Chuck, her husband, attacks him and Freddie comes to his aid with his gloved fist, knocking Chuck and his friend out. James urges the crowd to contact 9-1-1 for the men Freddie incapacitated. At the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department, Hawk and Bobby lock up James and Freddie. James takes notice of Naido.
Margaret calls Hawk, telling him that she is dying. He expresses his condolences, but she speaks to him about death and tells him to remember everything that she has told him and to watch for "the one." Hawk quietly says goodbye as she hangs up. Frank sits in the conference room, soon joined by Bobby, Lucy, Andy, and Hawk, who has assembled them to mourn Margaret, who has passed away. The light inside her cabin goes out.
Audrey and Charlie prepare to leave for the Roadhouse, though Audrey delays them, commenting that Charlie now seems like a different person to her. Charlie takes off his coat and Audrey attacks him.
At the Roadhouse, The Veils perform "Axolotl" as two men remove Ruby from her booth. She crawls on the floor and screams.
Cooper's doppelganger and Richard drive down a dirt road and make their way to the coordinates that were given to the doppelganger. Jerry sees them as they approach a rock, which Richard is instructed to inspect. On top of the rock, he receives an electric shock and is disintegrated. The doppelganger says "goodbye, my son", then sends -a text reading, ":-) ALL" and gets in his truck.
At the Roadhouse, the MC welcomes Edward Louis Severson III. Audrey and Charlie arrive and sit at the bar. The MC then introduces "Audrey's Dance" and the floor clears for her to dance until a jealous husband starts a fight. Audrey runs to Charlie, asking him to get her out, but she finds herself in a white room, looking at a mirror. The Roadhouse band continues to play, but in reverse.
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The Official Highly Opinionated SecondSafestCity Voter Guide - 2013 Edition

I wish I had more time to write out full expositions for each of these choices, but frankly, anyone who has managed to stay subscribed to this sub has a pretty good idea of where I stand on these candidates and issues anyway. Please feel free to discuss openly. Share your opinion. Tear my opinion to shreds. Let's share what we know.
County Executive Ed Day. Fried is in every way an establishment candidate and his relationship to the Clintons and subsequently their relationship to the New Square Four is hard to overlook, not to mention his close relationship with convicted felon Paul Adler. Day's experience and stated platform are sound, specifically, he should be held to his promises to implement zero-based budgeting.
County Clerk Paul Piperato. Piperato has done a fine job in this capacity during his tenure. He recently came under fire for complying with applicable state law during the gun map controversy. However, his failure to do so would have almost certainly resulted in expensive litigation between the county and Gannett (who did, in fact, file suit against Putnam county for failure to release records). As much as it pains me to unenthusiastically endorse an incumbent, there is really no reason to oust him from this position.
Supreme Court Justices Abstain. Unfortunately I don't know enough about any of the candidates to make an informed decision.
Orangetown, all races Orangetown First party, Row H. The Orangetown First party is a unique amalgamation between the incumbent Supervisor, Andy Stewart, hopefuls for Council, Ann Marie Uhl and Dan Salmon, and receiver of taxes Chris Smith. First and foremost, I enthusiastically endorse Andy Stewart for re-election as supervisor. I endorsed Stewart in 2011 and have no regrets. Stewart has demonstrated the same values and work-ethic in his role as Supervisor as he did as CEO at Keep Rockland Beautiful. The Republican Supervisor and Council challengers have desperately tried to sling mud at Stewart to no avail. Most recently it was claimed that Stewart's budget exceeded the tax cap, when in fact his budget precisely met the tax cap, and he has worked effortlessly to fight the police union and close the deficit at the town's fledgling and wholly unnecessary psychiatric center golf course. Dan Salmon, like Stewart, is notable for his volunteer involvements and is also enthusiastically endorsed. Chris Smith, a Republican who crosses party lines to join Row H with Democratic candidates, is also enthusiastically endorsed for his platform of eliminating his own position upon election. The reality is that the receiver of taxes is a superfluous position, and Smith recognizes this issue and brings it to light. Smith's challenger made the argument that eliminating the receiver of taxes position would "only" save the town $30,000 - a telling indication that the position is wholly unnecessary. Uhl is endorsed, but reluctantly. Uhl currently serves on the South Orangetown Central School District board, where her term has been mostly non-notable. She also lives in an exceptionally extravagant nigh-mansion set on Clausland Mountain which, in my humble opinion, calls into question her ability to sympathize with middle- and lower-class voters and her true position on preservation of open space.
Supervisor, Clarkstown Brian Moran. As if it weren't painfully obvious that Clarkstown was rife with corruption, the Republican's utter failure to even bother running a candidate spoke volumes on the subject. A vote for Moran, while practically futile, is a conscionable vote against Gromack's reign. Gromack is essentially certain to win regardless, but given that he personally vetted Jay Savino, a target in the recent FBI probes into Rockland Politics, and given the recent $20+ million tax cert his administration gifted to the Palisades Center out of school district funds, it would be nothing short of masochistic for voters to extend Gromack's role into a second decade.
Council, Clarkstown John Noto, Robert Pitofsky. This is an anti-endorsement based solely on the fact that George Hoehmann and Stephanie Hausner are incumbents, and based on their failure to achieve any positive meaningful change within the town.
Justice, Clarkstown Adam Garth, Ed Kallen. Again an anti-endorsement against Johns and Ugell, both long-time incumbents (over 20 years for both). Kallen astutely noted in his interview with Patch that "turn-over of judges (or any elected official) creates a healthier flow of diverse talent and results in ongoing and fresh examinations of the office."
Highway Superintendent, Clarkstown Dennis Malone. This is a particularly reluctant endorsement, however, Ballard is easy to anti-endorse. Ballard has been incumbent for years and most recently is remembered for his questionable patronage hiring of Frank Sparaco for a $75,000-per-year no-show job answering Ballard's phone. Sparaco's "FBI probe" was particularly unusual. The FBI's official response, appropriately, was that investigations are not publicized until charges are filed. Sparaco's choice to have a press conference in which he announced that secret, highly edited recordings smearing Malone were turned over to the FBI is incredibly bizarre. My personal opinion, with no evidence whatsoever to support it, is that Sparaco likely taped the conversations, edited them, presented them to Malone in an attempt to extort him, and when that failed, threw out the baby with the bath water so to speak, revealing the tapes publicly, despite that the FBI disavowed him as an informant immediately.
Ramapo, Supervisor Michael Koplen. This race likely will not matter as St. Lawrence (and all other races in the town) are essentially locked, historically, by the bloc vote. The Supervisor race is particularly of interest since it is my opinion that the FBI probe will likely result in St. Lawrence's indictment before his term is over.
Ramapo, all other races Unfortunately, I do not know enough about the other candidates to make an informed decision, however, I strongly anti-endorse all incumbents in Ramapo given the rampant alleged corruption and pandering to the Orthodox communities needs at the expense of the surrounding residents.
Proposition 1 - An Amendment Authorizing Casino Gaming NOT approved. The casino lobby has been hard at work sending mailers, running commercials, and robo-dialing everyone in the state of New York begging for this amendment to pass. Contrary to claims by the casino lobbyists, casino gambling is not a net economic benefit to the communities in which it is permitted. While I admit that it will "create jobs" in the Catskills, it is hard to argue that these jobs will be anything more than minimum wage, low skill jobs with virtually no transferability to other sectors. Furthermore, anyone that believes that casino gambling will "lower property taxes" is also welcome to buy a bridge from me and should carefully examine similar claims that were made about the Palisades Center when it was constructed. Not only are casinos associated with various vice crimes, and increased reliance on social services resulting from problem drinking and gambling, they are also part of a uniquely bound market. The casino industry in the United States is already struggling to maintain a status quo given the cannibalization of the market between various states. If New York lowers the bar further, it only assures an even lower standard for the industry at large. Atlantic City's "Revel" project is a perfect example of how a casino project in a saturated market is doomed to fail: $2 billion in the hole, subsidized by taxpayers, and still bankrupt within a year of opening. Don't fall for the casino lobby's bullshit. Let New Jersey keep its gambling problem.
Proposition 2 - Additional Civil Service Credit for Veterans with Disabilities Certified Post-Appointment NOT approved. How this makes sense to anyone is baffling to me. This is a complete non-issue and a giveaway to civil servants that happen to be disabled veterans. Our veterans deserve every bit of respect for their service but our Country, not our State, is responsible to repay that debt, and any disability benefits should not be solely tied to civil service.
Proposition 3 - Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities Approved. As much as I am hesitant to endorse such an amendment in the face of bloated sewer districts like that in Orangetown, the reconstruction of sewer districts is but one part of a multifaceted infrastructure crisis that we are facing as a nation. Compared to many other types of government spending that are full of shit, sewers are an actual necessity that we rely on daily, and the infrastructure involved is often extremely old and subject to failure if not maintained.
Proposition 4 - Settling Disputed Title in the Forest Preserve I abstain, noting that the language is loaded and reminiscent of many other similar ballot propositions. Who has decided that the land to be incorporated into the preserves "would benefit the forest preserve more than the disputed parcels," and on what basis?
Proposition 5 - In Relation to a Land Exchange in the State Forest Preserve with NYCO Minerals, Inc. NOT approved. An obvious and transparent land grab by a mining corporation. This initiative even goes so far as to say "When NYCO Minerals finishes mining, it would restore the condition of the land and return it to the forest preserve." If you believe that, I have a second bridge to sell you.
Proposition 6 - Increasing Age until which Certain State Judges Can Serve NOT approved. Sorry guys, but it's time to take off the wigs and retire at 70. Let some new blood onto the bench.
submitted by SecondSafestCity to Rockland [link] [comments]

Feel like i was given a bait and switch offer. don't know what to do.

Hi all, I am a recent college grad and I applied to a corporate marketing position at a major casino hotel. For all intents and purposes let's say the job title I applied to was Marketing Floor Supervisor and the description stated that it involved a lot of public speaking, managing, and public interaction.
So I get called to an interview and suit up. I show up and the executive leaves saying she has to go and that one of the employees will do the interview instead. Meanwhile there were others there around my age and it seemed like they double booked interview times. I thought it was weird that I was the only one in a suit. Everyone else had brown shoes, Vans, and/or polos on.
The interview goes pretty well, they ask me salary requirements to which I replied 30,000 and I ask some questions to which they reply with regular answers, only I thought it was weird that she kept talking about me having to work sometimes in a customer service booth, but whatever.
Well today I get an offer in my email. I log into the portal and I have an option to view applications, accept, or decline. That's it. No details, no phone number, nothing. And on top of that, my original application says "withdrawn" and I was reapplied to a position called something like "Marketing Operations Representative" with a very vague description.
What should I do? Should I ignore it? Try to call them out?
tldr: Company gave job offer with no details that was significantly different from the one to which I applied
submitted by lippindots to jobs [link] [comments]

The beginning
Hey Matthew,
Just wanted to run you an update of where & what I've been up to so far. Try hit you up each week and keep you up with everything i'm doing.
I've been in the hospitality industry for 10 years now and if there is one thing I have learnt; it would be that the goal posts you are aiming for are like the end of a rainbow. No matter how close you think you are getting they keep finding a way to move further away.
It's easy to think then, What's the point? Why do I keep at it? Why do I put up with the unsociable hours? Why do I continue to deal with delusional customers? Why do I endure the painful conversations with difficult or emotional staff? And the list could go on and on.
I think the answer to these questions is very surprising when I truly think about it. It's not because I love alcohol and food. I mean I do love both of those things.... very much. And it’s not because I love interactions with people. I mean this one time I did an introvert/extrovert test at university and scored the highest in a class of 300 or so on the introvert scale, I was one score away from being as introverted as one person could be. So interactions with people exhaust me, especially those I have trouble relating to.
No, why I do it is because of the challenge. It's just so complete as a problem. Almost all facets of life are encompassed by this industry. Ok almost everyone could say that about their own industry and find ways of proving the statement they have made. But hear me out, let me start with where I have come from and what has bought me to where I am today.
So I moved out of home at 19, the only job I had ever had was working with dad during school holidays helping him flip houses. So when I found myself living in a shoe-box apartment in the middle of Auckland City I was stumped as to what to start doing to pay my rent. Across the road from where I lived was the Sky City Casino and they were looking for staff in a bunch of the outlets and gaming floor. As I was still 19 I was too young to work on the gaming floor, but because I was a guy I was given an interview with one of the restaurants who were looking for more men to balance out the team. This was my first dip in. Now I admit, I was a joke when I first started. I was one of "those" workers, you know the ones. The ones that call in sick all the time, ask to go home early and just have an overall lack of effort. As time went on I slowly learned the trade and got better and better, learned how to make coffees and a few basic cocktails. I also gained confidence in talking to random strangers as I asked them what they would like to drink with their buffet dinner. But at no point in this 12-month experience did I ever think that I was now a hospitality worker. It was a means to an end.
Then in 2008, I moved to the Gold Coast in Australia, quit university, ran away from debts, ex-girlfriends, and just general life struggles. At the time I thought it was a great idea and it would solve all my problems. Instead I was young, dumb and well you know the rest. I was unemployed for 3 months. In that time all I achieved was to learn how to solve a Rubix cube in less than a minute and a half. Don’t get me wrong I still pull out that trick at parties but it didn’t exactly help me eat or pay rent. Instead I bludged heavily on other people and ruined friendships because of my incompetence. I managed to find a job at a factory that lasted a month before getting fired for not showing up enough. Then along came Holiday Inn Surfers Paradise. I remember when I took this job I felt like I was getting desperate and this was my job to keep me afloat not actually start a career in. I mean, it was hospitality. People only work in hospitality while studying for their real job right?
Well 12 months went by and I found myself standing with an eventual very good friend who at the time was my big boss. My F&B Manager. He asked me if I wanted to make something of my career and take this job seriously for once. After a few days I came back and told him I was in. I was going to do whatever it took to become the best F&B Attendant at the hotel. And within 6 months I was promoted to a team leader. I spent the summer as this team leader and by the end of it the timing was perfect and I managed to land an F&B Supervisor job. My career had really started. I was now a salaried worker for the first time in my life, I had responsibility and I guess I still felt I had nothing better going for me so I would stick at it and not screw it up.
Of course I almost screwed it up a number of times. What can I say? I get bored and when I'm bored I do dumb stuff. After a couple of secondments at other properties around the country I landed the Meetings & Events Manager at Holiday Inn Brisbane. It was now 2011 and I had a 12-month contract. I had already decided with my partner at the time that at the end of the contract we would go travelling and head to London to live. So after 12 months of intense personal growth that is just what I did. I had really become an adult at this point and my career was no longer something that I did because nothing else was going to pay the bills. I was doing it because I just overcome the hardest 12 months of work in my life and I loved it. I grew leaps and bounds as a leader and enjoyed the rush. It is hard to explain but I started to feel satisfaction for overcoming all the challenges being thrown at me.
So 2012, I just finished 3 months of travelling Asia and landed in London, the next day I had a job interview for a little restaurant called Charlotte’s Place. The day after I was at a two-day trial and then I was hired as the Assistant Restaurant Manager. I was now running one of the most successful independent restaurants in London. We ended up winning Top Restaurant in London in the Good Food Guide awards while I was there.
7 months after arriving in London I had to head home due to family reasons and I found myself back at the Holiday Inn Surfers Paradise, but it was now called the Outrigger Surfers Paradise and I was the Restaurant & Bar Manager. I lasted here 9 months and although I had the worst General Manager ever, I learned so much here. I learned how to earn a pay cheque. This job was tough! I once served 700 customers for breakfast with 2 chefs and 6 wait staff, and the funny part was that I felt it was an easy day because of all the help that I had. I was used to doing 100-150 covers with one chef and one other staff member. That was my typical day. I never ran so much in a job ever. But what it taught me is efficiency and how to still offer a great customer experience with absolutely no staff. I had to think outside the box so often. I had to find ways of being prepared for everything. And I did. I was so good at it. We hardly ever had complaints at breakfast and we were getting smashed every day.
September 2013 I had had enough and I needed something else. I took on a role of Assistant Bar Manager at Palazzo Versace which lasted 6 weeks before being offered the role of Four Winds Restaurant Manager at the Crowne Plaza in Surfers Paradise, which evolved into the Assistant F&B Manager. And during these 13 or so months I learned more about leadership than ever before. My boss had a way of opening my eyes up to it and it all started to click. I started to realise why I was doing this. Why I was putting up with the unsociable hours, Why I continued to deal with delusional customers, Why I endured painful conversations with difficult or emotional staff. The concept hadn't completely formed in my head but it was starting to take shape and with success after success the picture started to become clearer and clearer.
And then December 2014, I got a transfer to Crowne Plaza Terrigal as the F&B Manager. This was it, I had reached department head level and this was kind of the pinnacle of my F&B career. Yeah I will go on to bigger roles with more revenue and more outlets and bigger teams but essentially it is all the same thing, just the stakes are higher. I am the authority on F&B in this hotel reporting directly to the General Manger and until I make the jump to a General Manager the dynamic of the role is never going to really change much from this. I will always report to the General Manager and I will from now on always be in charge of everything F&B. It’s been 16 months in this role now and I am on the verge of my next step. I have started applying for other roles and this time I am looking to Asia, specifically South East Asia.
So now I am in a position to explain my love for this industry, the challenges I face and the reason I keep asking for more, every time I think I have it all figured out and have taken my department or hotel to new heights I realise that the goal posts have picked up and run away from me. Maybe only last year did I really realise there is no perfect hotel or perfect restaurant. You can always be better, you can always improve. And that goes for everything in life. Don't just accept mediocrity.
I now wake up each morning and ask myself "What can I do today to improve on yesterday?"
Talk to you next week bro.
submitted by stanchenry to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

Interview with Vadim J. Birstein about Smiersz secret Soviet Russian counterintelligence. PLS forgive me my english. I hope your dear reader will look more on info layer as on grammatic ;).

Interview with Vadim J. Birstein talk Piotr Zychowicz translation: absolute beginer
Soviet counterintelligence brutally killed houndreds thousands Red Army soldiers. For them anybody where a potential sky.
PZ: What were general purpouse of existing of soviet counterintelligence during IIWW? VJB: Fight with their own nation.
PZ: Not with german intelligence ? VJB: No. With german inteligence soviet counterintelligence start to fight in last phase of war, when Red Army go to attack and start to recollect from hands of Wehrmacht (German land army)another teritories. Even there actions of Special Group (OO), and from June 1943 Smiersz, where concentrated on spying and exterminating their own people.
PZ: How it happend? VJB: Any Soviet unit had a oficer of counterintelligence. Soldiers called them "osobistami". They act like a real Czeckist. On begining they looking for confidentials (los chivatos), called them "sieksoty" Then collect info about soldiers and oficers. If they found something they send them to war trial. Trial were very "sharp" and punished them by very hard. Often it where death.
PZ: How vet's of Red Army memorise them ? VJB: They hate them, hate them very strong. "Osobisty" where deckers, never where in action on first line always terrorising soldiers. They where brutal and arogant. Beat and torture soldiers until they self or other blame according to the statement. So soldiers have to fight with Germans, and then were killed by their own counterintelligence.
PZ: How many Red Army soldiers killed this service? VJB: Only war trials sentence 2.5 mln soldiers. In this number is 0.5 mln soldiers sentenced for contrrevolutionary act. 217 000 soldiers were shoot. Execution were in a front of unit in assist of Smiersz oficer.
PZ: Shocking number. VJB: This number is more shocking when we compare number of execution in other armies. In British army were 40, in French 102, in US Army 146. Even in German army before the end of war where had a place massive execution of deserters war trials sentenced 30 000 soldiers.
PZ: How many of them were really guilty ? VJB: Insignificant. Most of them were absolutly unguilty. They were a victims of blind absolutely nonsense terror.
PZ: For what they were placed in a front of execution platoon? VJB: For a joke about Stalin, saying a citation about German technique or criticise a supervisor or even for a bad look at "Osobisty" oficer. They massively sentenced to death soldiers if they found in their pockets German pamphlet talking about surrender. Problem with this last is that Soviet Army gave a soldiers a tobacco but not a paper to make cigarettes. Soldiers use pamphlets to roll a cigarettes.
PZ: Most famous example of Smiersz were Alexander Solzenicyn. VJB: Future author of "Achipelag Gulag" were captain of Red Army and were arrested in Feb 1945 in Eastern Prussia, reason: wrote a letter to a friend where he criticise a Stalin. He had a lot of lucky because instead of death he catch only 8 years of concentration camp.
PZ: Did system of repression touch just only a soldiers or spread on their families too? VJB: ON a power of Stalin order persecution also families of the soldiers. Local NKVD cell almost instantly take them. This people were send on Syberia or to concentration camps or shooted. By this way were killed many wives of sentenced oficers. Their children were delegated to special infant house. System destroying their lives. It was a great tragedy.
PZ: Executed on a order of trial is just a part of Smiersz units. VJB: Many soldiers died even except this parodies of trials. Nobody knows how many people killed famous barrage groups ("zagradotriady"). It were condensed groups of Czeckist that step behind Red Army soldiers and shot backsteping soldiers. Were situations when they killed in actions whole units (div) that have to backstep under a heavy German fire.
PZ: So soldiers haven't and other option like only go ahead. VJB: One of vet Jelena Bonner sayed: We didnt fight for a country, for Stalin we hadn't a choice in front of us were Germans behind Smiersz. This situation were consequence of literally take of Stalins order "no step behind". According to this soviet soldier could only go ahead.
PZ: Costs of this situation ? VJB: Enormous and absolutly unnecessary loses of Red Army. Tactics of Soviet commanders were very often limited to sending another waves of terrified soldiers under a fire of German machine guns. On of witnes of gain a Budapest in 1945 describes a scene: "Germans behind baricades. Line of Soviet infantry step ahead like on parade. Obviously their were cut down. We count 20 waves and any next wave falling down create next layer of death bodies. When last waves gone thru baricade they with wild fury slaughtered Germans. This what freezing a blood in veins were absolute indefference of oficers like they ordered to their own people go to die".
PZ: Who were better armed: line units of Red Army or barrage groups ("zagradotriady") ? VJB: Please dont joke. First line soldiers had one rifle on two man. Doubler had to wait until his mate die to grab a gun. In this time barrage groups ("zagradotriady") had most modern equipment and as many ammunition as they can carry. From point of view of Stalin they were most important.
PZ: We have to say a few words about captivees (war prisoners) VJB: Stalin consider all red army soldiers who were capruted as a traitors. In his opinion every bolschevik have to fight to the last drop of blood. In final situation must suicied. This idea were published 16-08-1941 in order no.270. In this moment is worth to say that in first months of war surrender to Germans 4mln soviet soldiers. All this people were sentenced as criminals and deny by Soviet Union. This mean unconditional represion for them and their families. Soldiers who escaped and came back to their own army were imidiatlly arrested, tortured until they confes that they are spies, sentenced and executed.
PZ: Germans also captured son of Stalin - Jakow. VJB: Stalin were consequent. Deny his son, dont agree on German proposition to exchange him on marshal Friedrich Paulus captured under Stalingrad. In effect Stalin's son suicided in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Supposedly run on electric barbed wire.
PZ: What happens with captured red army soldiers founded in German camps by Soviet Army? VJB: Smiersz (SA counterintelligence) create for them special filtration camps. Counterintelligence oficers very detailed examinted every soldier. Every soldier had a folder and again interrogation torture and absurd accusations. Many of them left this places as a cripple, a lot were send to Siberia others were shoot. Until the end of Soviet Union in all oficial documents were place to fill "Did you or anybody from your family were in German slavery or were on teritories occupied by Germans. Until 1991 this people were suspicious.
PZ: In soviet army were other interesting units - "sztrafbats" VJB: Came a moment when Stalin realize thats instead of shoot so many soldiers better is use them and form penal units. De facto weren't any difference. Order to join "sztrafbats" were equal to death sentence. In this formations people weren't live long. If in normal soldiers were treated as clutter there were absolute terror. They were used for most suicide missions, for desarming mine fields. They form a row and run thru field, most did't survive but field were empty.
PZ: Key question why it happens ? Why Soviets so much bully their own army ? VJB: There are 2 reasons. First, it was a nature of soviet system, it was a system that terrorize and exterminate their own nation, and it wasn't a reason to let a army live better. More, on people who have a arms system have to keep much eye. Second reason was a efectof shock that was for Stalin and rest of his "management" were first weeks and months of war with Germans.
PZ: Soviet colos start to break apart like a house of cards. VJB: In did. Whole '30 communits say to the world and their own people that Soviet Army is unbeatable, and have so many equipment and soldiers that can crash any enemies. In reality were one offensive of Wehrmacht to complete crush this army, appear that Soviet Army is totaly unprepared to war.
PZ: And soldiers mostly farmers who still felt a passing thru genocide collectivisation haven't any reason to protect hatered bolschevic system. VJB: Precisely. Thats reson why Stalin deceided to keep army on "short lead"/"mouth shut". Force so many people to fight for something what they deeply hated. If we sum this with his obssesion fear of spies, we have answer on this question.
PZ: Let's talk now about this what Smiersz made for foreiginers. Starting from German war captives. VJB: In first phase of war when Germans going deep on teritory of Soviet Union as easy as knife in butter they didn't capture many Germans, they were on place shoot. Often according to order of Zukov they were tortured. Later when were more captured it changed. Methods were less cruel. But for example after a battle of Stalingrad they were treated very cruel. In winter 1943 jam them in animal wagons without heating and send to camps (lagrs), many of them dont survive travel, rest dont survive on place. From 100 000 Paulus army, camps survived only 5000. The last German prisoners were came back at '50.
PZ: Most cruel Smiersz were for russian patriots who deceided to fight in army of general Wlasow. VJB: Yes, they were searched everywhere with huge cruelty. If they captured any soldier usually he were very brutal murdered. It happensalso a general Wlasow, Stalin didn't forgive.
PZ: At night 3/4 of January Soviet Army passed Polish border ... VJB: Smiersz instantly start to pacification of Polish Underground Army and other military formations. Especially activity were near Bialystok. It wereregular extermination of all people who could possibly make resistance against sovietization of Poland. Massive executions, tortures, deportations. Smiersz in Poland made terrible things.
PZ: What's the difference between Smiersz and NKWD? VJB: Smiersz were elite, they haven't privates only oficers. It were elite of Czekist. They key is that Szmiersz werent under a order of Lawrientij Beria, but directly under Stalin. They were a secret weapon of Stalin. Incredibly dangerous and absolute loyal.
PZ: On west probably anyone who watched James Bond movies hear about Smiersz. VJB: In did. Ian Fleming in his firsy book "casino royale" wrote that in Soviet Union is this organization. In book acurate were only a name of formation Smiersz (Smiert Szpionam - death for spies). Ian Flemming who were inteligence oficer, but he make a mistake. According to this what you say Smiersz were formally unformatted after a war in 1946.
PZ: Who directed Smiersz ? VJB: Wiktor Abakumow. One of the bigest soviet criminals. In naturally brutal and ambitious person. Absolutely dedicated to Stalin. Now we can say that he and Beria were rivals for influence in soviet secret services. Dictator deicided disposal him, how he have in his manner. Abakumow simply knows too much. Men who torture others now were tortured during investigation. Even death of Stalin didn't stop that. New masters of Kremlin immidiatly sentenced him to death as a loyal men of Stalin. Were killed by shot in a back of head in 1954. His last words were "I'ill inform about all this ...", executor don't let him say "politbiuro" (politic office).
PZ: How is present goverment point of wiev on Smiersz ? VJB: They are gloryfied. In Russia are builded museums dedicated to them, writing a books, making a serials about them where oficers are presented as a superheroes. Big patriots, brave fightes for a freedom. Simultaneously until today in russian woods are thousands of unburied bones of Soviet Army soldiers.
PZ: Whats this say about present Russia? VJB: Russia is still country where contemp a human life. Country adminisstrated by former soviet service people who slowly want to rebuild their beloved country Soviet Union. For them closer are murders from Smiersz like their victims, privates from Soviet Army, ordinary Russians. For the last of them they have only contempt.
Vadim J. Birstein is world known molecular genetic. Born in Soviet Union is living and working in New York. From predilection id historic. Especialy concentrated on Soviet Union and him system of repression. Hi wrote "The perversion of Knowledge: The true story of soviet science". Now is on sale his book "Smiersz: secret weapon of Stalin".
submitted by pinchito to history [link] [comments]

[Table] IAma former Knight at Medieval Times AMA!

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Date: 2013-03-01
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Link to my post
Questions Answers
How did you get a gig like that? Were they, like, recruiting from a renaissance fair, or did you have a theater background, or what? I actually applied to be a food server. They make bank. But their manager was out sick the day of my interview and my interviewer was the head knight (manager). During the interview Him: hey you look in shape Me: Yeah i played football and ran track in high school. Him: You ever ride a horse? Me: not once Him: You wanna learn? And maybe be in the show? Me: Hell yes. Him: You start monday... as long as you pass the piss test.
I had zero experience in all aspects.
Wow, then that first piss must have really been something! Stream of legends
They make bank. How much are we talking? Depends on the night and attendance. Ive seen 300 in one night.
Lucky you don't smoke weed :D. Constant drug tests over there. Minor injury? Drug test
I am wasting my life at this Italian place I'm at =/ Its not ALWAYS that high. but more than there im sure.
Haha thanks for your boost of confidence. Also you are doing a fantastic job of replying to people. No problem. good luck if you try and apply. Thanks, im trying to do well for my first and probably only AMA.
I'm assuming there are no asian people working there? I'm asian btw.. Yeah there were two Asians from Russia who worked at the FL castle. Those dudes were sick! They don't discriminate.
If you were a real knight, what would your loadout be? Sword and shield? Big 2-handed sword? Flail? Ohhh I miss these conversations. We(the knights) used to talk about random crap like this from time to time. It depends on my opponent. But, I would normally side with the sword and shield. Both can be used quickly and as weapons. Shield bashes can kill. One handed swords are fast and deadly. Too each his own though.
Sword and board is respectable an time honored, I tip my visor. Nice wordage.
We never spoke that way but its always fun. I raise my lance to you sir.
"Let us gingerly touch our tips together! " HUZZAH.
Also, dost thou joust? Nay, no longer do i joust.
Would you rather joust against 1 duck sized hors... shoots self Seriously though, what's the most common injury suffered by jousters? What's the worst injury you've suffered? Haha REAL jousters I'm not sure... everything is choreographed. Even the lance tips were cut so they looked pretty when they hit the shields. But in those cases when they were not cut right, you could take some hard hits on the elbow(where the shield is resting against) or if you take a hard hit and you happen to be falling that turn, it could make your fall extremely difficult because your balance goes out the window.
You're saying that as if it was all staged... I think you need to know something about santa clause...
Tread carefully, ser knight... Are we being watched? reddit is safe right?
Yeah come on man. Thank god the Easter Bunny is real. Right?
What was your favorite color knight to play? I loved being the Lord Marshall (black knight) from the show about 6 years ago. And the green knight is always fun. He gets to be (or used to at least) a douche bag and its great fucking with the audience.
I went to the NJ one about five years ago with a group from my college. We were in the green knights section. It was heartbreaking when he got killed right at the end :( I was probably there working. Probably either the green one or the guy killing him haha.
Oh man, always thought it was the green knight who was evil... I guess his "theme song" threw me off when I was younger. He was the D bag of the knights, but not the "bad guy"
Always a fun knight to be... my fav.
Thats the knight we would say shit too hahaha, thats funny you say that. He had long hair and everytime he would ride by we would be like nice flow bro sick flow. He just seemed like a douche. Awesome role to play. Especially when he gets into it. You have to!
How many different characters are there? What are their roles? It's usually the same from show to show. 6 knights, a bad guy, a king and princess, The Lord chancellor(the mc), a master of horse, lots of squires.
When I was there green knight had like a goatee thing going on. Black hair. Think he got killed by the the knight? You just described every knight lol.
Oh... Dang... Yea... sorry lol.
Dost thou even hoist? Advance towards me brethren! Nice one.
Has any kid ever run onto the arena, if not whats the craziest thing the audience has ever done? Not kid, but a drunk dude did once. He jumped in and ran across the arena right by the "bad guy" and was just looked at funny. When he tried to jump out, he broke the plexi-glass and cut up his hand BAD. He was charged with drunk and disorderly, trespassing and endangering the animals. Other crazy stuff Ive seen range from flashing tits, to grabbing knights after the show to kiss them. Nothing TOO nuts... it IS a family show.
I almost ran out in the arena in Dallas last week ... according to my co-worker. Why?
I was pissed that the green knight laid down like a little bitch and got himself killed. Laid down? you mean he died...
This is all heresay. The bartenders (females, especially) do a great job of selling booze. Yeah, they have some great assets to do that
How often did you say ni? Never, sadly.
Alas you were not one of the knights that say neee. I twas not...
Why did you stop? Not a career. Girls wont take you seriously when they realize THATS your job EVERYDAY. Not high pay. No retirement plan. LOTS of injuries...even little injuries add up.
Related, did you ever use your job to pick up girls? Dude... that job was an aphrodisiac. women loved us. Many of the guys would pick up chicks all the time. It happens a lot, and frankly isnt fair to the general male population.
I went to Medieval Times (Toronto) a couple years ago and we asked the knight we had if he used the line "I'm a knight in shining armour" to pick up girls at the bar. He only replied "they don't believe you!" Hahaha true, they dont until you show them proof.
That makes sense. I guess us girls do want to feel like a princess being carried away by a knight at least once in our lifetime, and seeing as you guys are the closest thing to what we think of as "knights"... Valid point. We are looked at as chivalrous and loyal. Who wouldn't want that.
So this whole AMA is just a clever ruse to provide proof of knighthood and therefore pick up chicks? That just jaded my whole view of the AMA section. :D. Im engaged and faithful... dont be jaded.
Proof... As in your lance? They ask sometimes believe it or not... Or just grab...
Usually show them a pic on your phone
The proof you showed them, was it your lance? Wouldn't be very chivalrous if I... Showed and tell.
How do you decide who gets the roses? The hot women or do you try and confidence boost the rest? Sometimes cuz they are hot, others cuz they are little girls, and the others are just random. Depends on the knight really. usually wild fans get noticed first
Oh..because, I'm not at all still butthurt I didn't get one...or anything. Many chicks get upset. keep in mind they may have not seen you. And they only have limited amounts. I felt bad sometimes when i didnt get enough to throw out to the crowd. I always asked the princess for more flowers.
I received one when I was 5 years old. My dad told me if I flirted with a knight I might get one. Flirting to my 5year old mind was waving, shyly smirking and batting my eyelashes. It worked! I kept that rose for way too long. It was the highlight of the summer and probably the beginning of my fascination with knights, magic, and that whole era. Haha. did making a little girls day ever brighten up your own day? If I saw a 5 year old waving and doing that, she's getting a flower. When I saw those girls light up and get so excited, it really did make my day.
I'm a guy, and I got the rose during my senior trip. I was pretty loud that night. Lost my voice the next day. I might throw you one too if you were the awesome
That's exactly how I earned my Queen of the Torny sash near the end of the night. I didn't know flailing around obnoxiously actually worked. I was a little ashamed walking back up the stairs. Of you stand out, you'll get at least a flower.
I went to one in Orlando when I was 5. I was super bummed I didn't get a rose, so my grandpa went and found one from who knows where and told me that the king had it specially delivered to me. Awesome grandpa is awesome
Aww...that's the best.<3 I just chugged my giant beer in souvenir cup. It healed the pain. Glad i.. or the beer... could help! lol.
Do you like "The Cable Guy"? Did they portray your job accurately? Awesome movie. Eh... no not really. The audience would never be allowed to go into the arean...ever. The wenches... yeah pretty spot on. Some can get into character, but alot ive seen are like "dude... cmon"
"Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?" They didnt have forks and knives but they had pepsi?
Has anything ever happened unexpectedly and you were forced to stay in character and improv the incident? Many times. most memorable, my weapon broke while fighting a new guy, and we both didnt notice... i went to block my head and he came crashing in with a sword and WHACK... took a sword to the face. Blood went everywhere... the other knight froze in terror... i, dazed, went to the wall with the weapons and grabbed the next one i saw and yelled KEEP GOING!... I was pissed so it was like 125% faster than he was expecting... good training for him though haha.
We're you the white knight? And who chooses the winners? I was legit every color. Usually the supervisor, or whoever is left in charge that show. If no supervisor then the most senior knight will "write the show board" to determine the whole show.
Do the fans talk shit when you trot by? I remember me and my brother used to say random shit to them when we were younger. All the time! Personally I loved it. I always yelled back. It makes the job more fun than it is. I would subtly say kiss my ass by kissing my hand and smacking my horses ass while staring at the mocker. Always got a laugh.
You're going down red knight. Fuck you i never lose... i lie, i lost all the time.
So that was a normal "thing"? The Green knight did that to me in NJ once, and I thought I was special. It all depends on the knight. Some guys play into it, some don't. I was over the top with it when I yelled at the audience. It's hard to say to be honest.
Down down down, red knight's going down! The red knight sucks the big one!
Roughly how much money did you make? Any benefits? Health insurance seems necessary... Health insurance was ok. Not many benefits unless you count being a bad ass for a while. When I left i was making 18 an hour
I dunno if 18/hr would be enough to have huge dudes swinging medieval weapons at me all night. Damn. You'd think those guys would at least make a good salary. 18 is HIGH... Start at 8 being a squire... if your good enough to train you go to 10... once your in the show 12... then up from there whatever you learn and crap.
How is being a bad-ass NOT a benefit? Oh it is.
I've always wanted to go there, but I hate "participating." I want to eat and watch a fucking horse fight. Can you do that, or are audience members forced to participate? Participating makes the experience better for everyone. Imagine everyone sitting quietly not cheering at all... it would be lame. BUT NO, you dont have to. You can sit and just watch if you like. Many do and are not looked at funny for it. Its like going to a baseball game or football game. Your encouraged to yell and stuff. But its no big deal if you dont.
Previous knights have mentioned hook-ups. Any interesting stories there? One story I think i can tell without being yelled at by the SO... A bachelorette party came one night(no idea why) and the bride to be wanted me to be her... last fling? She was pretty aggressive and kissed me pretty wildly. Then gave me her number and demanded to see me later. I was involved at the time so I did not lol. In retrospect I should have later finding out that I was cheated on... thats another story lol.
I went to Medieval Times in NJ last year! I can't blame the ladies for hitting on you, you're very good looking! Thanks much! You saw some of my good friends there.
Good on you for not doing it. Girl had to have been a complete fucking cunt to try and get laid at her own fucking bachelor party. Feel sorry for the guy who married her. I do too. I hope she only did that cuz she was drunk and feeling weird about the marriage... i HOPE shes faithful
Spoiler: she isn't. Twist: neither is he. seem like a redditor...will you join us? I am honored and absofuckinglutley
How much of a fight is choreographed, and how much improvised? Obviously you're not trying to hurt each other, but do you have a bunch of "set lists" or are you winging it? Dream job out of high school, thats about it.
Also, that seems like a God damn dream job. 100% choreographed unless something goes wrong, then as much to choreograph as posible. When its time to improvise, you can tell... usually they will just freeze up and stare with the "wtf do i do now". Training is drilled into us, so when something is different it throws us off.
How heavy is your gear? How long did it take to learn to battle? The armor was only about 7 lbs. Motor cross chest and back with metal shoulders. Lances were about 15-20 lbs. Shields about 10. Swords ranged from 5-15 lbs. It took me about 3 months to learn everything to be "show ready"
You said you had virtually no experience, how long did it take you to become a decent enough horseback rider to be in the show jousting? Surprisingly i picked up riding quickly. Few weeks and a i was a calm and confident. When I was training they didnt need any more knights in the show, so it took about 7 months for me to finally go into the show. It all depends on personal skill level and coordination
I've never been to any of these so sorry if this is a dumb question but is every day and show pretty much the same thing? How often are new shows written and changed up? Yeah, same show day in, day out. Roughly 2 years the shows change... used to be longer but their shows and scripts have gotten seriously bad. The first show i did was in for 5 years i think. It was awesome.
So did any of you and your fellow knights ever have beef with each other? Like anyone purposely messing someone else up out of spite? Curious to know if the rivalries ever translated from script to real life. Thanks for doing this! Oh god yeah. Tempers flew like we were movie stars. We would scream and curse (in shows) at each other and would fucking HATE each other that day. But, when the actual fight came time, it was respectful and hate free. No matter how badly we wanted to kill each other, we knew we could seriously fuck someone up with those weapons. Or worse. They are fake but made of real titanium.
Titanium? I gotta ask.. how much would one set you back? Those started from 350 for the small one handed swords I think. It's been a while.
Why titanium? Titanium smashing against titanium makes sparks
You worked in the New Jersey Castle? I've been there a couple times. Great stuff! Now for my question: If I recall correctly, the knights are split up into different colors, i.e. Red, Yellow, Green, Black & White, etc. How does that process work? Do you get to select your color, or does management force a color upon you? Yes, NJ castle. Its all on who knows what fights and who wants to do what. If that makes sense. The senior guys get to pick normally. Management doesnt get involved, only our immediate supervisor.
Do you have any memorable events during your time there? I remember when I was there one of the falcons stole a patrons meal but you must have some pretty cool stories yourself! (side note-how accurate is the game chivalry(if you have heard of it)or skyrim? Are they boring compared to what you've done?) Oh i have countless memorable events. Never heard the falcon taking food off a plate though. thats priceless. I HAVE heard the flacon grabbing a kids head though... bled like crazy. They are serious when they say DONT WAVE SHIT AT THE FALCON. Game of chivalry...???... during the show? The games portion? Thats all on skill of the knight and chance usually. And im not sure what you mean with Skyrim too.. played it.. love it. But yeah video games of that nature are boring WHEN compared to the job. But i played the crap out of skyrim
How was the kid? Also do you get to choose the weapon or are you forced to use the one your given? He was fine. Mom was pissed lol. Whatever fight you are assigned to do before the show determines your weapon and if you lose a joust.
I hope some of you got the reference I was making. Link to Oh wow! been a long time since ive seen that movie. Totally forgot about this. No we do not wear real suits of armor. He makes us look like more dopes than we are.
I actually think its a cool job, but anytime that I think of the Ren fair or Midevil times, I always think about this scene. I've actually studied western fencing (foil, epee, saber, and broadsword) and eastern sword tactics (Kendo, Eishin Ryu Iaido). I used to as well(that scene)... it so far off. Never did fencing. How does one fence with a broadsword?
What was your favorite experience while working? Wayyy too many to count. Its easy to say the things i miss most... Mainly my horse, Friend. Love that fucker. The comradery between the guys. And the fans and excitement of shows.
Any specific ones that standout? OH! duh.. meeting my fiance! I was the yellow knight and she was in the red/yellow section. She wasnt a slutty "omg your a knight" chick and we hit it off... obviously.
Your horse was named Friend? That is actually one of the best horse names ever. Yup. It was originally Amigo(spanish owners.. from spain), but we already had an amigo... so, he became friend! NOTTT friendly at all to people riding him... except me.. we got along so he kind of just became my horse.
More details. Make me swoon dammit. I asked her if she knew what a princess was... she said yes of course... then i gave her my number and said, call me when you want to be treated like one..
No i wish. that would be awesome. We exchanged numbers and did the whole dinner and a movie thing and got along great. We have been in a honeymoon stage for 4.5 years now.
Do you have life insurance? I specifically remember the green knight dying in the show. Real deaths... never heard of it. ive seen a lot of close calls though... buddy got kicked in the head by a horse... he got LUCKY. Minor injury. He did black out though and the show was over (it was at the end) But yea i do have life insurance. Im in the USAF Reserves so... they said i should.
No. Yes. Maybe... Yes...
Do they serve alcohol? I could see it being a lot of fun to get loaded and cheer your team on. You better believe it. Its pricy but have a few before you go. A FEW. Dont get tanked before hand, they'll throw you out. But during the show go nuts, yell and scream. They wont care.
What's the food there like? Its ok now. Used to be amazing. Most people love it. Chicken, rib, garlic bread, soup, potato, and a pastry. I think thats all of it.
Went to a Medieval Times once, I was given a bowl of warm marinara and they called it "dragonbreath soup" I think that's Excalibur in Vegas
What changed in the kitchen to make it less amazing? They changed recipes and soup and stuff. Not sure really.
I went to the Medieval times in Toronto for my neice's birthday, and ended up buying a 2handed Scottish clay-more($650, you people ripped me off). Please settle this for me, my 9-year old neice and I (26) have been arguing for the last 6 weeks about this... If you were to battle another knight with it, do you think a 2 handed weapon would be viable in a fight? Not me! I dont make those absurd prices! haha.
It depends on the opponent. What do they have? I prefer a one handed sword and shield. BUT, a two handed sword(bigger and heavier) could potentially demolish a sword and shield with one blow. It relies heavily on the skill and weapon of the opponent. Give me more details and ill be happy to answer.
What was the worst injury you received? I got lucky. Almost died a few times and almost broke my legs getting trampled by a horse. Almost snapped my knee backwards by getting kicked by a horse. Lots of close calls and minor injuries. Worst one I got was in the very beginning of a show ( i was the prince, white knight) in the very beginning of an ambush scene. I did a minor flip stunt and my down guy never supported me and I landed on my shoulder tearing my a.c. joint in my shoulder. THAT was an interesting fight. Finished it though... not the show.
Have you ever heard of anyone getting killed in an accident at a Medieval Times? No, never.
What was the breakdown of time spent practicing/performing/anything else? Practice is done everyday usually. Even on off days where no shows happen. Go in, warm up the horses, do some horse exercises, joust a bit, train new horses, train new guys, show fights. Basically thats an off day. Show days: show fights before the show...warm up your horse a bit, and thats it.
Can you speak Klingon? Negatory sir.. Star Trek the new movie is cool... but thats my limit.
That's another Garden State reference. Too lazy for a link. I know, just answering honestly
Ever seen the Tournament of Kings in Las Vegas at the Excalibur casino? If so, how does it compare to Medieval Times? Never have, always meant to. I applied once when I thought of moving out there for a change of scenery and they told me I didnt have to audition. More money too... ugh. So I cant fairly say how it compares... I have heard they sing there and are a little more over the top.
I went to it once a few years ago... no singing, but it was awesome. I was hoarse for a few days because of all the shit-talk my section yelled to the other knights. I think my section was the purple Russian knight. Food was good too... especially the Dragon's Blood (spicy tomato soup). Yelling is a plus at every show. kudos for the lost voice.
I went to the one in L.A. with my dad when I was eleven. I had a crush on our handsome blue knight. I couldn't talk for three days afterwards. Thats a common problem even with legal girls... and its hilarious
Have you ever met the Black Knight? Did he set you on the right path as a teen and spark a lifelong dream to become a jouster? Was that really a cheeseburger I ate 2 hours ago? I have, and he did. He was my inspiration. He was kind of a dick though.
I'm not sure what you ate.
Is the king still called Alfonso? Because that was my favorite part. No, the names all change. That was my favorite too
How historically accurate were your jousts, costumes, battles etc? Did you have to sacrifice accuracy for safety or audience enjoyment? I know at one point the story line was very accurate to some history in spain. Now? Its all out the window and the only things accurate are the county names and knights names... supposedly.
Has being a knight in shining army help you get laid? While employed there, plainly... yes.
Which is the most popular of the castles? My guess is Orlando. California and NJ battle it out for busiest. And orlando i think is like 3rd.
Also are there any Knights that take it way too seriously? Those guys never make it to the show. They take it way too seriously and love the medieval era, but are as coordinated as a 16 year old trying to fuck. Just bad. I Love the era, but didnt speak or act that way.
What was the worst/funniest thing to happen during a show? Personally? Worst... 1. getting a sword to the face and bleeding everywhere and my fans not giving two flying fucks... "oh hes bleeding alot... can i have a beer" Fuck them.
Getting trampled but a blur of white (white horse) and almost breaking both my legs.
Tearing my a.c. joint in my shoulder in the beginning of the show in the beginning of the fight... awesome.
Funniest: 1. Having a horse "jerk off" in the middle of the "dancing horses" part... I think i fell into the sand laughing so hard (no it wasnt the horse near me)
One of the knights was trying to impress a lady during the games part... when really fast on his horse and was about to throw a javeline into a targer(imagine him up in his stirrups being all badassery) When his horse decides to come to a dead stop, flipping the knight over the horses head and almost out of the arena. he was fine... so it was fucking hilarious.
I really like getting drunk and going to the later shows so I can yell at the knights, can you here when someones yelling stuff like sweep the leg and play dead or does it all just washed out by everyone yelling? I always like to think the knights can hear me saying stupid things. You guys are the best... my hats off to you and your buddies. You make the show better for us.
During the fights, no we cant hear you normally. Adrenaline is pumping and we kind of just see each other and what we need to do next. Unless you have a very quiet show and your real loud up on the glass... yeah we hear you... youll even see us break character and laugh... happened to me all the time.. "PUT IT IN HIS ASSS" anddd im laughing. Totally unexpected things to throw us off make you a memorable person.
My buddy is one of the kings for the Orlando show - ever do any work with cast members from other locations? Also, is the show the same for all the locations or do they each have their own variations going on? Ive been there before... and may be going actually next week or so. Yes the show is the same country wide, unless a new show is going in, then it will go castle to castle in a few months. Ive worked with guys at the NJ castle from almost every castle in the country. Injuries take a toll and people get flown in to help out.
I just might! What exactly do squires do? Clean stables and groom horses? They do everything. Prep for the show, clean weapons, prepare lances, clean/wash/dress horses, paint shields, help the knights.
Edit: btw what do you do now? Im trying to be a cop, but i work at teterboro airport right now.
Last updated: 2013-03-06 02:05 UTC | Next update: 2013-03-06 08:05 UTC
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[Table] I am a casino executive. AMA

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Date: 2013-06-16
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Questions Answers
What's you're best story about someone trying to con/steel from the casino? I figure you're looking for some kind of crazy Oceans 11 story (of which there are several in the industry but none on my watch), but honestly the best ones are people trying to steal from the fucking buffet.
Mom comes in with two kids and says they're not eating so she shouldn't have to pay. The cashier says OK.
Fast forward 15 minutes and the cashier notices that the kids are missing.
Best AMA response ever. have an upvote! We had set out in the foyer those bags for your umbrella so the floor doesn't get wet.
Lady takes one, goes to the buffet, and starts filling it with food. Brazenly. Not trying to hide it.
We stop her and she says "what? this is all you can eat?!"
"Sit down and eat the contents of the bag then..." We found a HUGE ziplock bag of food by a table. The "customer" had obviously left it behind.
She realized she forgot it and came back to get it about 30 minutes later.
You should hire me as a buffet monitor i can pose as a customer then obnoxiously call them out for stuffing their purses with chicken fingers and mashed potatoes w/gravy. "HEY FAT LADAYYY I SEE YOU STEALIN THEM CHIKKAN FINGAZ!" Have a lady who consistently bitches about having to pay full price since she can't consume a lot because of her gastric bypass.
Do you actually have a policy to ask people to leave if you feel they lost more than they can afford? i watched a piece by loius theroux once where he asked this question to some of the managers of a casino and they all said "oh, i know they can afford it, of course we would ask them to stop if they couldnt". but obviously, from a business perspective, this is counter-intuitive towards making profits. so what is your take on this whole thing? and what is the overhead like for running a casino? what are some expenses you have which may be surprisingly high? We never make judgment on whether or not they can afford it. We really only step in if they come to us or start doing something overt like begging for money or asking for loans, etc. In the macro view, it's very bad for business if we don't do something about problem gambling when it presents itself.
Overhead... EBITDA margin of 30% is great.
Expenses... I guess crab legs would be too obvious? Besides that, maybe table games labor. You have a 0.5% house advantage at blackjack and have to have a physical person here 24/7 plus a supervisor for every 5-6 games.
What games are the biggest money makers for the casino? and coincidentally, Ace, ever ran a sports book? Penny slots by far.
Ha. No. But have worked in casinos that have them.
But why do I always win/come out ahead max-betting on the fucking Sex and the City penny slot? Google "law of large numbers"
1) How do you like the city? (So many people hate on it, and I don't understand why). Also, how did you like UNLV and when were you there? 1.) I actually just moved away for a job. I just think Vegas is OK. I moved there when I was in my mid-20s with a decent job so it was cool and exciting then. Fast forward a decade or so and the allure isn't there anymore. It's not "home" and I don't think it will ever will be because of how transient the population is.
2) to me it seems like a pretty small about of locals gamble (at least at the strip properties), do you guys keep tabs on those numbers? If so, what is the ratio of your gambling customers? 2.) I don't have the numbers in front of me, but we did a study one time and showed that Vegas has the highest incidence of regularly gambling activity in the nation. I always just felt that was a function of accessibility and self selection on the part of the residents. But you're right that locals don't go to the strip. The marketing offers are terrible compared to the non-strip properties and it's a pain to get to the strip just to get your gambling fix.
To what extent is organized crime still present in or around the casinos? Any personal encounters? Virtually none AFAIK.
The industry is very, very heavily regulated. When you get to the executive ranks you have to go through very, very thorough background checks. 5 years of tax returns, 5 years of all cancelled checks, explanations of all withdrawals > $200 and deposits > $500, in depth interview with an agent, etc.
The last time I've heard of legit organized crime here in the states (places like Macau are an entirely different story) was in Rosemont, IL I think in the mid-90s.
Link to
Damn, all withdrawals over $200? For the past 5 years? "Uh, I dunno, I don't really remember why I withdrew $300 from an ATM 3 years ago. Maybe I spent it buying some off of Craig's List, I dunno." Yeah, it's really ridiculous.
Explain Macau? The Triad are heavily influential there. Kind of like what you'd imagine in Vegas in the 50s.
Holy shit, I live in Des Plaines. Des Plaines' only problem now is how to more quickly count all the money they're making
The scene from Skyfall comes to mind. Yep.
Organized crime is the muscle of the casino, the security guards, the directors of security, the private investigators, the small business owners, the gamblers who launder money through the casinos. Of course the mob isn't like the movies anymore. Well i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on everything except the money laundering despite the fact we have to live by Title 31 Link to
It is true that if a person is on a helluva winning streak and is consistantly winning and you cant figure out why... you will demand that he take his winnings and leave and never show his face in the place again? (kick him out for winning). It's possible but relatively rare. you have to have enough cash to really turn out our lights to get to that point. for the vast vast majority of people, we have more money than you so as long as feel like we can get you back in the door, go ahead and win away
So that scene in Rain man is totally bullshit then? Where they consistently win and make $80,000 from a couple of thousand... then are told to GTFO after the casino guys couldnt figure out how they were doing it. Bullshit only in the sense that couldn't figure out what was going on
What gives a person the best odds when playing Blackjack-playing with more decks or less decks? i seem to win more with tables that use 6 decks and my friends do better with 4 decks.. It's a lot more than the number of decks and the casinos use that information asymmetry to their advantage (e.g., $5 SINGLE DECK BLACKJACK!!!) Everything being the same, the less amount of decks the better but we will change the payouts for BJ, rules for splitting and double down, etc. to our advantage. So you can have a 6-deck shoe with otherwise very liberal rules that have a lower house advantage than a single deck show with very unfavorable rules.
So with the same set of rules, less decks is more favourable? Yes everything else being equal
Is that just because it's easier to count or is it fancy math stuff. Fancy math stuff.
Six Decks: -0.02% Five Decks: -0.03% Four Decks: -0.06% Two Decks: -0.19% One Deck: -0.48%
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Ever seen anyone get naked or have sex in the casino or bathrooms? Boobs pop out of the cocktail waitresses' uniforms relatively often because they'll get tops 3 sizes too small in order to get bigger cleveage/tips.
Saw chick blowing a dude at a slot machine at the entrance of a club.
And Vegas has all of these European-style pools so if you're out there "inspecting the grounds" then all those girls are topless.
Sweet. What'd you do with the BJ couple? Pic of one of the pools please? Security was running towards them so I just assumed they got the boot.
Pools = just go to imagefap and look for topless beaches.
Do you ever feel guilty for all the money people lose to your business? Of course.
Did you see the fictional series "Tilt" on ESPN about 5-7 years ago? Any opinions on it? Did you find it entertaining? Did you find any of it accurate at all? Vaguely. And when I say that I mean I remember the series and watching a bit of it and that's it.
To us, the holy grail of Casino movies is Casino and Rounders.
Thanks for the response! I love Rounders, but it seemed to focus more on the players, and more on non-casino-based games, whereas Tilt was as much about the casino management as anything else. I should watch Casino. Yeah if you're interested in the casino management piece then Casino.
Does your casino make any efforts to stop problem gamblers from betting more than they can afford? Every casino company has policies regarding problem gambling that are audited by the state. Each state also has its own minimum guidelines like mandating that brochures be placed in very visible areas of the casinos, hotline numbers printed on every ad, etc.
It's a delicate situation when you think someone might have a problem because, well it might not be a problem. So we generally only do things if they specifically ask us to (e.g., they can ban themselves) or if they start doing something really egregious like asking players or employees for loans at which point we'd probably pull them aside and hand them a brochure and ask if there's anything we can do to help because what they're currently doing is unacceptable (the begging).
There's a casino near my house that keeps a full time car appraiser on staff. I've always felt that's a little shady. You ever run into anything like that? No way.
Even though I believe casino gambling should be legal, I find the practice of casino's providing credit to be morally indefensible. What is your opinion on the practice? Would it be a reasonable compromise to allow for more casinos on the stipulation that gambling on a margin is banned? So if I'm a high worth individual who likes to gamble, your expectation is that I just bring in a suitcase of $100s to gamble with?
No, a debit card. Reasonable.
A debit card? not reasonable...a credit limit is the only feasible way some patrons can gamble...most people do not want to walk around with 50k in there pocket...and I'm not sure how you would go about withdrawing thousands of dollars from an ATM machine. I was being sarcastic. It's a huge competitive disadvantage to not be able to offer credit (e.g., Missouri) because no high roller wants to play there. You'd have to physically go to the bank, withdraw 20K cash or whatever, somehow survive walking to your car, and then somehow survive walking to the casino from your car. TBF, there's also what is called front money which is where you can wire money to us and we will hold it for you but you have to pay the fees vs us offering you credit free. I did have a millionaire player who strictly got his money off of a variety of credit cards and would just do cash advances. We obviously never questioned it but he had apparently had a huge credit line (evidenced by the amount he was able to withdraw) and enough to pay it back (evidenced by him able to come often). one cares if "you believe casino gambling should or shouldn't be legal"
How do you know if i am card counting, and do you care if i am not playing for big money? Primarily odd fluctuations in your betting patterns. $5, 5, 5, 5, then $1,000, then $5, 5, 5, 5 would catch our eye big time.
, big money! We care. Small wins add up.
What if i went 5,5,5,20? Would you care then? At those low levels no one would be on the lookout for you.
How automated is the alerting system for this? Pit boss getting info from the sky I assume? Not very automated. There are a variety of technologies out there designed to thwart this but they're expensive and casinos are too staid to invest.
So basically it's just either surveillance or the pit supervisor noticing something odd then starting to keep track of the bets.
Might be a silly question, but does stuff ever go down like it does in the movies? Like, say some guy is cheating in one way or another or doesn't take a hint to leave. Is he going to get taken into a back room and get his ass kicked or just escorted out? Taking fingers, breaking knee caps etc. etc. Nah, too highly regulated these days.
At what point do you start looking for card counters? If I'm playing with a $50-200 bet spread am I noticeable? Is the the spread (4:1, 8:1, 20:1) the dollar figure or a combination? Sorry this isn't my area of expertise so I can't with this level of specificity. I'd think a 4X spread wouldn't be bad, though, but just an educated guess.
You could buy a membership to the Green Chip forum (, though and read up on the reverse engineering they've done.
I would venture a guess that electronic card games have pattern recognition built right in? I don't know how they do the shuffle. I'd imagine it's a fresh shuffle before every hand like in video poker thus nullifying counting.
Well I understand that, but profits on a casino are through the roof, are they not? I assume that there is a relatively low amount of card counters , and that you still will make a very good profit. Profits aren't as good as you'd think post 2008 economy.
Bottom line is that it ain't ever gonna happen. Sorry.
What is the biggest amount you have seen someone lose? I was working at Wynn when Andy Beal played "The Corporation" so that was like $16.5MM he lost to them I believe.
That's fucking cool, I read the book detailing the events of this, Link to Any cool stories etc from your point of view from then? Honestly, everything I found out about it at the time was from 2+2. I didn't have direct access to the players so it wasn't really like I could analyze the session with Phil afterwards.
Urban legends of someone winning big at the slots but having it taken away to a glitch. Has this really happened to your knowledge? Not urban legend. Many cases like this. The player never wins. Google it and you'll find tons of them. E.g.,
Link to
This one is international but I think is the funniest. Not only did you "win" $55MM on a machine that stated the max jackpot was $50K but after winning $55MM, you went ahead and played another spin... just in case...
Link to
Damn that sucks. Well here is one for you. Did you know that in Panama you can double down at the black jack tables at any point. It gives you a huge advantage and you can win a lot of money that way. I'd heard something like that. My best friend (avid gambler) went to Costa Rica and basically came back saying he had to totally re-learn BJ when he was down there because of all of their crazy rules.
If that's true about Panama, I'm surprised there aren't people haven't just set up shop down there and pillaged that place until they went bust.
No i didnt have sex with the hooker but my friend did make out with her drunk. As would I. What's up with fucking people who just make out? Fucking amateur hour. This isn't fucking 7th grade.
He didn't know that she was a hooker and was just putting the moves on her. He thought he was just really smooth with his broken spanish. What he didn't know what that I paid her to keep quiet about it. He looked REALLY sad when someone else bought her and he realized what she was. I actually did something similar for my friend after he split up with his whore wife. We wanted to boost his spirits so gave a hooker $100 to go and flirt with him.
Shit man in Panama you can get a lot more than flirting for a hundo. Granted she won me a grand and i think i threw her 50 back. Well that and she got to make out with my friend...Worth it. Did your friend end up with the hooker hilarious movie style? Nah, this was in Vegas, he's cheap, and we're not that generous.
How do Vegas casinos differ from Native American casinos? Or are they essentially the same? Depends in the jurisdiction. in some there is no difference (e.g florida) while others are wildly different (e.g north Carolina)
I'm curious as to how they differ. I'm from NC but haven't been to any of the casinos around here. In NC, for example, games have to be "games of skill" so like on the slot machines you don't just pull the handle and watch the reels go round and round, you have to physically touch the game to stop each reel.
That's not true (I've been there). Admittedly it's been awhile since I've dealt with them (I used to work for Harrah's) but it was like that for awhile.
Link to (scroll down a bit)
They might have some that are like that, but the handful I played (there are a shit ton) were not. Apparently they've got table games there now, too, which is new from when I was last there just a year ago. Well the states quickly understand that they're leaving money on the table (no pun intended) but creating this arcane regulations.
Fastest growing casino region? AC? Vegas? Macau? Macau.
Absolutely nothing domestically.
Why? Distance to the large volume of middle and wealthy chinese? Yes, and whose culture has a high propensity for gambling.
Why isn't counting cards allowed? Lets say I was a math genius, isn't it just part of the game then? Because we reserve the right to serve whomever we please as long as we're not discriminatory against a protected class.
I see. It just seems like mocking people for being good. Maybe if I was a black math genius with down syndrome I could get along with it. No offense to either btw. Perhaps but we're not particularly concerned.
Btw, I'm a bit of an advantage gambler myself. I only play low house advantage games, maximize my coupons and promotions etc. so I'm sympathetic but there's just nothing that can be done on the card counting front.
Private business CAN discriminate based on protected classes, just bad business to do so. Then don't come to my casino.
Semi-serious question: have you ever crashed someone's hand with a hammer because he/she was found cheating? Boy do I wish, but no.
Could you explain why it is so difficult to get casinos in states that do not already have them? Im from Dallas, and it seems that the Oklahoma casinos are 70%+ Texans. It seems our state is losing a ton of $ to other states. (Oklahoma, Louisiana...) In Texas it's because your legislature meets relatively irregularly. expansion since the 90s has been predicated on budget shortfalls and using gaming to patch up those holes.
Texas' economy has been relatively good so combine that with a conservative legislature that doesn't meet often as we'd have have to have the perfect storm of you having a bad economic run at the same time the legislature is meeting.
Trust me, we are ready to pounce when that happens.
Okay so a couple of years ago there was a show called "Las Vegas" and it was about a casino. Hosts are basically your sales team to high worth players. The compensation structure is just like any other salesperson: base + commission.
Not sure if you ever saw it, but there was a character named Sam and she was a casino hostess and she was kind of a bitch but I always wanted to be that (casino host not bitch). How can I get into that? So, if you've never done that kind of work before or sales at all for that matter, you just need to take anykind of remotely similar job and then just keep trying to plug along with the job search.
Well I cant wait until it happens. I will gladly donate my fair share for a free Paula Dean buffet. We've owned land for decades in preparation.
You see where companies like PENN have already bought stakes in racetracks there, taking a bet that racinos (adding slots to tracks) will be the states first foray.
The owner of Landry's (also owns the Nugget) has said repeatedly that as soon as the law is passed he can have working slots in Galveston overnight. Yeah. His family (Fertitta) started Stations casinos in Vegas (and MMA) and really big shots in town.
Yeah, as a Houstonian and gambler, I am really hoping one day it finally happens. I hate hate HATE driving to Louisiana and I haven't been able to make it out to Vegas in 2+ years. The folks in Lake Charles and Shreveport do not share your sentiment.
I'm sure they don't. Bud of mine wanted to make an ad campaign of just going to Isle of Capri and showing the license plates. You mean Pile of Debris.
Highest progressive payout you've ever seen paid out? And what was the game? And any good stories about throwing out patrons? That I've physically seen? Probably like a $75K Caribbean Stud.
I have been encouraged by many people to get a job there, but no one, even me, knows where I should start. Personally, I don't enjoy gambling and have only been in the Hard Rock a couple times, just to see the lobby and buy shirts with some out of town guests. Probably on the non-gaming side. Not sure of your educational background but NA with degrees go very, very far very, very quickly.
So my question is where would you recommend someone to start in the casino industry, if they don't particulary like/understand gambling? If you want to work the front line, then hotel front desk or something like that.
I don't have a degree yet, but I do have 10 years in B2B (business to business) sales in telephony, so I know a lot about circuits/phone systems/general telecom. Native American.
EDIT: what does "NA" stand for? So then in your case either work in IT or maybe some kind of sales position like convention sales?
Oh I didn't know there would be some sort of sales team with a casino. Sweet. I considered IT, but I assumed it would be in the realm of network security, which I know little to nothing about. Who do you think maintains the phone switch, PCs, servers, etc.?
Proof? What would suffice without outing me?
You would know best what you have, however this sounds like it would be easier to prove confidentially to the mods. Things such as work ID, paystub, business card, etc are acceptable forms of confidential verification. I'll send a pic over to them. Never done this before so wasn't sure.
I have a BA in Accounting and am currently a Project Manager (Prior exp in Cost, Tax and Accural accounting, worked for the Big 4, Now I make Warheads for the Army). If I wanted to get into the Casino industry what jobs should I persue. What is the best way to persue them? Do people telecommute? Whats the pay range? We always need good finance people. There are always other industries they can work in so it's hard to find good people.
So I'd say just go be an accountant?
We post on all the major job boards and is the main industry-specific job board.
Telecommuting is not a regularly accepted practice.
For finance, it's just market rate salary.
How did you get your job? Was in undergrad and needed a job. responded to ad in paper for entry level job. worked my way up.
I'm going to guess that wasn't a typo. Not going to edit for the lulz.
You know what, why the hell not? Best way to make money fast? Well, assuming you have one and only one bet to make, the math always says banker on baccarat.
Any tips/secrets for slot machine players? Which one's your favorite type/brand? Learn to play video poker, blackjack, baccarat, or craps.
Anything video scares me..are there 'rules' in place for video poker or Bj blackjack to guarantee payouts or is it completely random? If random, how do we know the game isn't rigged in your favor? Completely Random.
Because it behooves the state not to let us rig the games so they employ strict regulations to prevent such.
For example, many states mandate that this company verify the legitimacy of a game: Link to
Those states that don't, do it themselves.
I accidently got my gf addicted to video poker but it paid well. Its a better chance and payoff than video slots IMO. No opinion about it, it is true.
Does this only go for high roller tables? Or does it also go for some guy that hits a big jackpot on the slots? Both.
Are security as horrible as people say in Vegas? I've heard from my relatives that purse snatching and such happens quite a bit and security shows up minutes after they were called (so pretty much useless). On the other hand, I've heard some amazing quick response time in Macau. Are these myths? Need some reference point. Horrible as compared to what. You've got a 3-mile long street with literally a million people on it. There's gonna be crime.
Hmmm... how about relative to san diego or fort worth? I'd say on par to Gaslamp but I'm no criminologist.
HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!? I'm serious, I want the gritty details... You use a sleep number? Memory foam? Standard matress with some box springs? And what kind of pillow to. Oh, oh, and what is the thread count of your sheets... I'm a minimalist. Same mattress I've had for literally 15 years that I got at a department store. Hypoallergenic pillows from Target. 800 count. Also from Target.
Nice! Glad I registered my wedding at Target. Sounds like they got the good stuff. Decent and reasonably priced. The girls can't tell the difference between it and the really nice stuff.
Counting cards actually means that you are playing the game very well and it isn't cheating. How can you justify kicking someone out of a casino for being too good at the game? Also as far as I'm aware it isn't illegal. No it is not illegal but just like any other business we reserve the right to serve whomever we please (as long as we're not discriminating against a protected class, of course).
In essence you are keeping track of how many 10s/face cards and low cards are in the deck because high cards help the player, low cards help the dealer.
So if you know that the deck is rich in high cards you bet more and vice versa.
I will be attending UNLV for hospitality management in the fall. any tips? For undergrad? Make the program what you want out of it. Just by graduating no one is going to hand you a huge job but if you do well the brand recognition can really work in your favor.
Yep for undergrad. thanks for the answer! Go Rebels!
Does your business invest in gambling addictions or have employee training to prevent those who are gambling addicts from playing in your casino? I take it you mean gambling addiction treatment... And yes, we do: Link to
And every employee, at least in the majority of casinos, is trained on how to identify problem gaming.
How do you hire trust worthy people, meaning do you have some dude or gal that is like HR on steroids watching people? I imagine you have seen more than one case where there is employee theft or people who are running a front for money laundering? Well everyone goes through a background check through the state with fingerprints and whatnot then executives go through an FBI-style background check where they check all of your bank records and stuff.
But with so much cash floating around there is theft but it's basically like a bank so I can't imagine the incidence to be much higher than with tellers at banks.
How much do you make? Six figures + bonus.
Awesome. What was your path to this career choice? Like education/jobs. I just happened into it. Got entry level job during undergrad and worked my way up. Picked up master's while working.
Nice. Went to school for business I presume? For my master's yes. Have doo doo lib arts degree for undergrad.
Awesome! So you managed to get the entry level job with just an arts degrees then worked your way up? Or was the MBA necessary for where you are at now? I was in undergrad I got the job. It as entry level. $10/hr.
Master's not necessary but very helpful to stick out of the crowd.
Just noticed your name...classic. At around what limits are you able to get comps for free rooms out in either AC or Vegas? I would assume that Vegas is easier due to the vast amount of rooms, but what are your tips to earning comps faster? Depends on the property and depends on the game. And by rooms, do you mean like direct mail offers or the ability to walk up to someone and say "bitch, I'm a baller - hook me up!"
What do you know of online gambling? I did a bunch of preliminary work when I was a corporate person.
Last updated: 2013-06-21 00:10 UTC
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