Kmart to introduce click-and-collect as fear - Mail Online

kmart online photos click and collect

kmart online photos click and collect - win

I am 30 years old, make $135,000 a year, live outside NYC and work as a Senior Data Analyst.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Section Two: Income
Section Three: Expenses
Weekly Expenses:
Food + Drink: $78.70 (including tip)
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $72.33
Clothes + Beauty: $0
Transport: $0
Other: $189.24
Day One (Monday)
8:45am: My alarm goes off and I hit snooze. One of the worst parts about the whole WFH situation has been how bad I’ve become with getting up on time, knowing that I can be at “work” in less than 15 steps. I scroll through social media a bit and catch up on some posts before getting out of bed.
9:15am: I’ve brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on my skincare (toner, serums, and moisturizer) and am booting up my laptop. I changed jobs 6 months ago in the midst of the pandemic, leaving my previous role in financial services for a position in a large media/tech company, which has been a little crazy. It’s been tough doing everything remotely, and learning the new industry and programming/software has been especially difficult, but I feel like I’m getting my bearings. I start brewing some coffee.
9:30am: I hop on a Zoom for our weekly department huddle and listen as the different teams give updates on various initiatives as well as some background on company-wide kick offs and projects. Some of the projects I’m working on get brought up and it feels good to be doing what feels like actual work. After the call, I get to work on tackling work for some of the larger projects I have, which include scoping out source/logic details on a production report that we want to integrate in a new platform and QAing a table that I’m working on with data science.
12pm: I take a break to refill my coffee mug and make IG posts for my friends’ small business account and my own account (a food IG with 75K+ followers). I took on the first gig a few months ago when my friends, a couple in Brooklyn, launched their hand-crafted drinks business. I started the second, my personal account, over 3 years ago with a focus on restaurants in NYC. It stalled quite a bit over the last few months with the pandemic, but I’ve been dining out infrequently these days, and have limited myself to dining with only one friend at a time (out of a total of 3 friends since June, all of whom I know have tested negative and have been taking precautions since March).
3pm: I’ve wrapped up a touch base with a manager and a semi-stressful meeting where I had to present to some senior executives a dashboard we've been working on over the last few months. They have a few (mostly minor) tweaks that I note in a JIRA ticket before I grab my mask and take a quick break to stop by a local ice cream shop that’s invited me in to try their latest dessert special. There’s thankfully no one else there aside from one of the co-owners who recognizes me and gets my treats ready. I photograph them, thank her, and leave a $3 tip. $3
3:30pm: Back home, I get back to some Slack messages and try to prepare for another stressful call at 4:30pm that I have to lead. I finish eating the ice cream and call it lunch - but hey, that’s #adulting for you.
6pm: Wrap up some notes from the call and text my dad the address that I’m heading out to. I saw a 1BR condo listing pop up on Zillow over the weekend that looked promising, so I’m getting an in-person tour of it this evening. I get my mask on again and make the 5 minute walk to the building where the realtor is outside to meet me. We go inside to look at the condo for sale - the space definitely looks smaller in person than in the photos, and I note that a number of things need to be replaced or upgraded. I thank the realtor after the tour and give a call to my dad to let him know I’m okay and to give him my initial impressions of the space.
7pm: Back home! I wash my hands and change my clothes and get started on dinner; I’ve been craving soup these days so make a quick hot and sour soup on the stove with mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tofu, and some corn I have in the fridge. While I eat, I edit the photos from my DSLR from this afternoon, and check my IG account email to reply to about 7 emails that came in today about campaigns and invitations to restaurants; one of these includes signing a contract with a new app that’s offering a generous sign on payment and potential future income. I catch up on IG posts and comments and text a few friends.
11pm: I spend the rest of the evening catching up on some news, watching the latest episode of the Korean drama Start Up, and finally take a shower. While my hair is still drying in a hair tower, I do a quick Chloe Ting workout; I started doing some of her workouts a few months ago and while I’m not doing them super seriously, I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my abs and feel stronger overall. My Google Home plays some news snippets for me afterwards, and I roll my eyes at the continued attempts of our current president to try and derail the election results. On the plus side - the initial vaccine results from 2 firms have been super promising!
1am: I remember to take my daily multivitamins and then read a bit on my Kindle (I just finished Sex and Vanity, and start on Me Before You - another thing I picked up during quarantine, and I’ve already read over 30 books since March!). I then proceed to spend too much time on Instagram and reddit before turning out the lights.
Day One Total: $3
Day Two (Tuesday)
8:45am: Alarm goes off on the dot and I, the perpetual sleep procrastinator, snooze one too many times. I barely manage to make it out of bed in time to brush my teeth, wash my face, and chug some water before a 9:15am call. It’s a quick check in on projects within my business area so I summarize the work that’s been done and am grateful I don’t have to have my webcam on for this.
12pm: Unfortunately I need my webcam on for the next two meetings, so try to make myself look semi-presentable by combing through my hair and putting on a sweater, instead of my default hoodie. I get a little more clarification on some metrics and data sources in this upcoming platform integration and discussing my upcoming sprint priorities with my manager. At noon, I make a new post on my food IG and go through my feed. I pour my second mug of coffee and drink more water in preparation for the next batch of afternoon meetings.
3pm: Talk through more Zoom calls to the point that my throat is starting to hurt. I’m especially frustrated after the team huddle that just ended where one of the managers tells me my approach to building out the proposed data architecture is too limited in scope, and I should be more imaginative and proactive. The entire work from home situation has made it difficult to understand how to work with and collaborate with different people, so I try not to get too frustrated. I spend the rest of the afternoon making some minor adjustments to existing production reports and updating JIRA tickets.
5pm: I email over my dad a few of the more promising Zillow listings that landed in my inbox this morning. He jokingly complains that there’s too much to read and the words are too small before I realize that he’s been doing a lot of work on his laptop lately as he’s been WFH more. I take a look at a few computer monitors and opt for a larger (24”) version of what I currently have as it’s been working well for me for the last 6 months. I make sure it includes a HDMI cable and have it shipped my dad. $179.24
5:50pm: I grab my mask, bag, and camera and text my friend to let her know I’m en route to dinner; she’s one of the few friends I’ve seen in person since March and is also a food blogger with a separate full time job. She’s been quarantining in Long Island since the start of everything, and texts me that she’s driving in from her home, I head out to the PATH station, swipe in using my prepaid Smartlink card, and hop onto the next train.
6:35pm: I’m a few minutes late but make sure my friend knows I’m walking over, and meet her outside the restaurant. We get checked in, fill out our contact information on our phones, and get our temperatures taken; thankfully there’s only 2 other groups seated and the windows are open. Tonight’s dinner was an invitation that I already confirmed with the PR team, so the staff are expecting us and understand we’ll both be taking photos. We order a few apps and two mains, and spend the rest of the evening doing some quick photos and catching up on our lives, her plans to move into Manhattan or JC, and complaining about the ongoing election drama.
8:30pm: Dinner is done, and I realize I forgot to stop at an ATM and only have a dollar bill on me so ask if I can Venmo my friend my part of the gratuity. Thankfully she has $20 on her so I quickly Venmo her $10, making sure to use the adorable fries sticker to represent the copious amount that we ate tonight. $10
8:45pm: My friend and I walk out with our masks on, and I bid her goodbye and a happy Thanksgiving before stopping at the ATM to take out some cash, making sure to sanitize my hands after, and then head to my train. As I wait, I make some quick edits to the photos I took on my iPhone and add them with a few captions and tags to my IG stories; I manage to get through them all by the time the next train pulls up and leaves.
9:20pm: It’s always so nice to get back home! I wash my hands, change my clothes, and get started with transferring over the photos from my DSLR to my computer. I spend the next 20 or so minutes editing and saving the final versions in Adobe Lightroom and make sure to chug a glass of water to help balance out all the sodium I had. I check my messages and see that a restaurant in NJ confirmed a lunch delivery for tomorrow and see another contract in my inbox; I read the deliverables and ask the account manager if she can take out the clause requiring a Tiktok post because I don’t have an account.
11:30pm: I shower and put on my evening skincare, take my multivitamins, and do a quick ab workout with Chloe Ting (it still hurts lol). I take a look at my work calendar tomorrow and see that my first meeting starts at 9am, so I update my alarm to 15 minutes earlier. I take my vitamins and spend the rest of the evening catching up on some news, reddit, and IG.
1:30am: I blame Youtube vlogs for this one. Finally turn out the lights.
Day Two Total: $189.24
Day Three (Wednesday)
8:30am: Alarm goes off and I manage to get myself out of bed in a semi-reasonable fashion. Do my typical routine (brushing teeth, washing face, getting water and coffee ready) and log into my work laptop so I’m on the Zoom right at 9am. This is a belated overview session for one of the larger projects that I started working on quite late in the process, so it’s a useful business and data update that gives me a better understanding of the end goals.
12pm: Sit through one other department meeting where I don’t fully pay attention because I look into some minor report and code checks (oops). Once those wrap up, I’m able to take a break to do a post and stories for my friends’ business account and then make a post on my food account. I notice an email come in from a PR company about a new location opening for one of my favorite restaurants, so I check with one of my friends if he’s able to make the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and reply back to the email requesting it.
1:30pm: While I listen in on a company-wide speaker event on the topic of gender sensitivity and awareness, I also click through a recently assigned digital training course on sexual harassment and discrimination. I understand that the latter is a legally mandated item, but find it a bit sad (especially in the current day and age) that these are things that have to be spelled out for people. After I finish, I get a call for my lunch delivery; I grab my mask, keys, and wallet and meet the deliveryperson downstairs. I give him a $6 tip and take some photos of the items, which include chicken wings and a chicken sandwich. After I’m done with photos, I scarf down the food so I can make my next call which requires me to talk and have my webcam on. $6
4:30pm: I have a 1 on 1 with my manager and then a call with a business partner to scope out requirements for a new report. So glad to be done with calls! I get started putting together a project plan/roadmap for one of my projects and Slack one of the recently hired data engineers, who I found out grew up near me in suburban Philadelphia!
6pm: Get the shipping notification email that my dad’s monitor has shipped! I call it a day and close my work laptop and get started on my weekly apartment clean. I call my dad while I do so and let him know that his monitor should arrive on Friday; he thanks me and we catch up on work, COVID, and my potential future real estate investment. While I talk, I notice an alert from Mint that a large charge from Amazon hit my credit card; I’m a little worried until I log into my account and see that the annual prime membership has been renewed. Also tell my dad this as he heard me flip out thinking that someone had been making fraudulent charges on my card, as he and my mom are part of my “Prime household”. ($127, noted in my monthly expenses)
7pm: I’m done vacuuming and taking out the trash and am officially hungry. I make a quick tomato and egg soup with orzo and eat an apple while I wait for the orzo to cook. I wrap up some IG emails while I eat, including signing the updated contract with the Tiktok clause removed and politely declining some invitations to places that I’m not able to physically go to.
10pm: Wash the dishes, take a shower, brush my teeth and put on a clay face mask; while it dries, I do a quick 15 min workout on the mat and then wash off the clay mask before doing my skincare. I make sure to drink some more water and take my vitamins, and spend the rest of the evening in bed on my phone and working my way through Me Before You - it’s a slow start, but I’m starting to warm up to the protagonist.
1am: Lights out!
Day Three Total: $6
Day Four (Thursday)
8:30am: Forgot to change my weekday alarm back; oh well, I’ll survive. Crawl out of bed, and get ready for the day (you know the drill), and make sure I have plenty of coffee on hand. My period also just started, which is never a good sign.
12pm: The morning has just felt like an onslaught of meetings; followed by some impromptu Zoom calls. I’m starting to feel frazzled as various timelines and deliverables seem to have been shifted up and try to work with one of the other data engineers to specify possible business user requirements. This unintentionally gets shared with one of the project managers who sends an email en masse to the business users asking for sign off on this initial list. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but...
12:30pm: Make the post and stories on the small business account and my own account, finish the remainder of today’s coffee while I go through emails and minor JIRA tasks. I hop onto a share screen with one of my coworkers to transition over a project I’d been working on; I had built out a new dashboard and now that it’s “QA” state has been approved, he will now take over the more formal production process and maintenance.
3:30pm: During our second team stand up, I give my manager project updates and he immediately tells me I shouldn’t have let my list be shared with business users and other involved teams. I don’t fully get why; but after our team call he asks me to hop onto an impromptu Zoom with him where he tries to explain some of the complexities of company and team politics and how I should be very careful to give my stamp of approval, however formal or informal, unless I fully stand behind it. The conversation is a bit long, but I get a better sense of what's going on between teams and managers, and try not to cry as my manager tries to tell me it's not anything I did, but I need to be careful of my actions.
6pm: I manage to collect myself in time to meet a friend for the first time in months at an outdoor dine a few blocks away. He (and his girlfriend) was just recently re-tested as negative, which is always reassuring. While I get my belongings and my mask, my coworker Slacks me asking if I’m okay, apologizing for not messing earlier as she was on an afternoon call. She reassures me the same thing has happened to everyone else on the team, that a lot of these nuances I’m not aware of because I’ve never been in the office, and suggests putting on a one hour venting session with the other engineers in the team next week. I happily do so, and tell her I’ll catch up with her next week as I have off tomorrow.
6:30pm: My friend and I are seated near one of the heat lamps, and it’s so good to catch up with him after so long! He gives me some life updates, including the fact that he and his girlfriend are moving into a house they are waiting to close on, and the fact that he just put down a deposit for an engagement ring!! I’m so excited and barrage him with questions on timing, his plans, etc. and almost forget that we need to order food.
8pm: We have a delicious meal that includes burgers and a lobster roll (all of which I photograph) and he gets a few cocktails (I don’t drink). I leave a $10 tip, and my friend puts down $15 for his share, factoring in the alcohol. We mask up before heading out, and I tell him I want updates on everything for the next month as he goes through all those major life events! $10
8:30pm: After my short trip home, I wash my hands, change, and get started on editing photos from tonight. I definitely feel much better after the work “event” and take a longer shower tonight to decompress.
11pm: Decide to skip the workout tonight because I feel like it, and sit in bed doing some more administrative/scheduling tasks on my iPad in bed. I see a few updates from some of the team in India (yay international time zones - not) and debate if I should handle these tonight. Since I’m out tomorrow, I know it’ll be better if I do, so hop back onto the work laptop to wrap up some last minute code edits and JIRA updates. Once I’m done, I make sure my OOO notice and status in Slack are updated and eat a yogurt cup with some grapes because, yes, I’m hungry-ish again.
1am: Hair is dry, vitamins are taken, and it’s time for bed... or not? I’m already past the halfway point of Me Before You and cannot stop reading - it’s at the point where I’m now seriously invested in the relationship between the female and male protagonist and have to know how it ends (even though I already have my guesses). I speed through the rest of the book and shed a couple tears when I finish, which is past 3am. Thankfully I’m not working the next day! I make sure to set my alarm for later and finally go to bed.
Day Four Total: $10
Day Five (Friday)
11am: My alarm goes off and I actually feel semi-decent upon waking up - I don’t think I will ever not be a night owl! I get dressed and get ready to head out to try and get a COVID test; I last took one in June so want to have a more up-to-date status, especially as I’m potentially going home the next week for Thanksgiving. I haven’t seen my parents for over a year at this point and my dad has offered to drive down from Boston to pick me and my sister (in college, who is tested every week) up, but I’m still not feeling great about it given the fact that my parents are in their 60s. At the very least, I want to get a test to have more information before making any final decisions. I drink some water so I’m at least hydrated.
11:30am: I grab my Kindle, mask, and sanitizer and head out to the nearby mobile testing center that was set up. The line is about 15 people long - not terrible, especially as everyone is spacing out 6+ feet between each other - so I head to the end and spend the 2 hours or so in between my phone (making my daily IG post) and my Kindle (next up: Olive, Again) While I wait, I get an email about one of the campaigns I’ve been ironing out, and confirm I’m planning on visiting this weekend to get photos so I can send the content draft over for approval afterwards.
1:30pm: The process is pretty seamless; I fill out my information through my phone, upload a photo of my insurance card, and get my temperature and blood pressure taken before the nasal swab. It’s not that bad, I guess, but having anything put uncomfortably deep into your nasal passages is not fun. The doctor tells me I should get my results by the following Tuesday through the online patient portal; I thank him and head back out with my mask on.
2pm: Home and officially hungry, so after washing my hands and changing, I bowl a pot of water and put in a block of Shin Ramyun. I make it a little less like what I ate back in college by adding in some frozen corn, spinach, and an egg. I also eat an apple and catch up on some emails and go through IG before taking a fat nap.
6pm: I’m woken up by a text from my dad; it’s a picture of his new computer set up at home, and I’m glad to see everything’s working and should hopefully help his eyes. I take a second look at the photo and see that he’s using a tiny USB wire mouse - which he probably got as a work freebie. I sigh and find a wireless mouse on Amazon to have delivered to him the next day; I send him a text to watch out for that delivery as well tomorrow. $10
7pm: Time to head to the grocery store! I have a few options within walking distance of me, but like going to the Asian grocery store just given how unique and sometimes hard-to-find their selection is. I’m doing a virtual dinner swap with a friend tomorrow so I need to get ingredients for that, as well as my weekly grocery shop. I make sure I have my mask and reusable bag, and stock up on tofu, zucchini, mushrooms, bok choy, more apples (Fuji, but Honeycrisp is also a fav, ground pork, and some snacks, noodles, and yogurt. I struggle a bit to carry it home. #smallpeopleproblems $33.31
8pm: Once home, I unpack everything and get started on a (very butchered) version of soondubu with Napa cabbage, zucchini, and mushrooms with a spicy soup base (dwenjaeng paste, gochujang, soy sauce, gochugaru). I cook some rice on the side. While I eat, I load up Netflix and decide to start on The Queen’s Gambit.
11pm: Shower, skincare, and vitamins - and I end the evening with another quick mat workout. After I blow dry by hair, I climb into bed and spend far too much time on the phone as my brain wanders and gets in knots about Thanksgiving next week; my parents and I agreed not to make any decisions until I got my results back, but even if it’s negative, I know there’s still a risk if I were to let my dad pick me up and take me home. I know he and my mom really want to see me though, which makes me feel even more conflicted. I tell myself to stop thinking about it until next week and double check my schedule for tomorrow before opening up my Kindle to read.
2am: Finally decide to sleep after getting distracted by Youtube, again. Oops.
Day Five Total: $43.31
Day Six (Saturday)
10:40am: My weekly Saturday alarm goes off; my friends behind the small business and I have our recurring call every Saturday morning and while I would like to sleep in, I force myself to get up, brush my teeth, and do a quick face wash.
11am: I drink some water as we catch up on today’s agendas and tasks; we’re finalizing a seasonal holiday drink to be rolled out after Thanksgiving, so we go over the ingredients and timing, and figure out when I’ll be able to visit them in Brooklyn next month to get the photos for future posts and website updates. They also tell me they’d like to grab some photos of their new house (that they’ll be closing on soon) while I’m there, and I’m happy to do so. My friend tries to tell me that they’ll pay me extra for this, but I laugh and tell her she can just feed me.
12pm: Grab my mask, keys, and camera - Time to head out today! I have two stops near me to get photos for upcoming posts; one is for a bakery chain releasing a seasonal cake flavor and the other is for a newly opened location of a pizza franchise. My pick up order for the bakery was made in advance, so I stop inside, give them my name for the order, and after a little confusion that leads to them calling a manager, I have my cake ready to go. I take it outside to photograph; this campaign is offering a small payment but thankfully doesn’t need to review the content before I post.
12:30pm: I load up the app for the pizza place on my phone and use the pre-loaded credits to place my order in advance so it’ll be ready for pick up once I arrive. It’s a 15 minute walk or so over, but the pies are ready for me when I get there. The staff is nice enough to put them in a bag for me (they’re personal pies, so thankfully small enough) and I walk over to the waterfront to take some photos out there. I add some photos to my stories and walk home with my goodies; I’ll need to write up and submit the content for approval before posting, but this campaign is also offering a small payment.
1:30pm: Finally home! I wash up, transfer my photos to my laptop, and get started editing. In between, I make a post to my food account and the small business account, catch up on comments and friends’ posts, and try not to make a mess while eating some pizza and a slice of cake.
3:00pm: After putting the leftovers in the fridge, I’m ready for a nap. I set an alarm for 5pm just in case I oversleep since I need to make dinner late for my dinner swap!
5:00pm: Alarm goes off, and I struggle to get out of bed. I know I want as much time as possible to cook though, especially as bad things happen when I rush. I prep the food in advance by washing the bok choy, slicing the mushrooms, and mincing garlic and ginger. I do a bok choy and mushroom stir fry, and make mapo tofu and rice. I barely finish in time to package half of the meal into to-go containers for my friend, and text him; he tells me not to rush and that it’s cold enough so that the dessert won’t melt (lol).
6:40pm: I meet my friend outside halfway between our apartments outside of City Hall; of course we’re both masked. We do our meal swap; I give him the savory items I made while he hands over 2 small containers - and we both head to our separate homes. When I get back, I find out one has tiramisu and the other has a matcha oreo ice cream! I log onto Zoom for our virtual dinner hangout. Even though my friend is so close, he sees his parents regularly as well, so has been doing his best to be extra cautious. We’ve come up with this set up where we’ll each swap items for dinner (usually I’ll cook the savory and he’ll order dessert) and exchange them before enjoying dinner over Zoom later.
8:30pm: Call is over, so now it’s time to clean the kitchen - and it’s definitely a mess, especially as I was a bit frazzled. I wash the many utensils and pans I went through and do my best to dry them; washing up is definitely the least fun part of cooking.
11pm: Spend the rest of the night killing time between my phone, Netflix, and emails. I ask one of my friends (whom I saw earlier in the week) about some potential dates and places over the next few weeks, and send over calendar blocks while I wait to get reservations confirmed.
1am: By this point, I’ve showered, taken my vitamins, and am ready for bed. Read a little, watch some more videos, and eventually fall asleep sometime later.
Day Six Total: $0
Day Seven (Sunday)
12:30pm: It’s the one day this week that I don’t have an alarm, so I let myself sleep in for as long as I want to - which means that yes, I will sleep through the morning and into the afternoon. I dawdle in bed, posting on my food account and catching up on my feed, and just scrolling through various news articles and reddit threads.
1:30pm: After finally washing up and drinking some coffee, I grab my mask and bag to round out a few more groceries for the week; even though the Asian grocery store is great, they don’t have some staples so I’m heading to one of the more traditional stores near me today. I pick up some pasta, tomato sauce, oatmeal, peanut butter, and some more produce. $16.39
2:30pm: Once I’m back home and put everything away, I make a late lunch of oatmeal and apples with some Annie’s Mac & Cheese. While I eat, I start putting together the post and story captions, tags, and links for the pizza campaign, and submit them to the account managers for approval.
5:00pm: After some more dawdling on my phone and getting through more of The Queen’s Gambit (so good!), I hop onto a weekly Zoom with two of my good friends. We’ve known each other for over 8 years and while I do see one of them semi-regularly, the other has some health complications. We’ve kept this weekly Zoom call since mid-March and it helped me get through the rougher months.
7pm: After the call is over, I check my Amazon cart and take a look at anything that’s accumulated over the prior week. For non-essentials, I’ll add them to my cart and take a few days to think through if it’s something I really want/need and I’m usually able to pare down that list when I get back to it later. I decide to keep a saucepan and bath towels and order them for next week. $72.33
8pm: For dinner, I default to my tomato & egg soup with rice, and add in some zucchini for some more vegetables. I eat an apple and finish off the ice cream from yesterday as well.
11pm: Shower, do my skincare, and plop myself into bed. I continue binge-watching The Queen’s Gambit until the end - such a satisfying ending!
1am: Make sure my alarm is set for work before turning out the light.
Day Seven Total: $88.72
submitted by kokoromelody to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

13 Ways to Save Money Passively (Best Passive Money Saving Apps/Sites 2018)

Are we really doing this again already?
About 6 months ago I made the second version of this post, which listed 10 ways for you to save money passively.
Since that post I have found quite a few additions and I feel like it's already time for an update.
Just to clarify, this post is mainly just an update to the previous post. Some points made here will be exactly the same from last time, but there are a lot of additions and clarifications this time around.

13 Ways to Save Money Passively 2018

Drop - (iOS | Android)

Completely Passive, Ref = fish

In the first post I said:
If anyone asks me, "Fishering, what is your favorite beermoney app?" I'll respond with Drop.
12 months later, I don't totally know if that's exactly true, just because Drop has gone through some changes that has made it seem (psychologically) not as great as it once was.
For those of you who don't know what Drop is, Drop is a passive loyalty program that allows you to choose 5 popular stores where you'll earn cash back (automatically) at as soon as you shop at them (both online or in store). Here are just a few of the stores you can pick from: Walmart, Macy's, Dunkin Donuts, Target, Whole Foods, Walgreens, Starbucks, Uber, McDonalds, and my personal favorite, Chipotle! There's about 20-30 stores you can pick from for your perm. ongoing offers.
If you signed up for drop in the previous post, you might not have noticed this, but they have actually changed their program a bit since then. There's a good chance you didn't even notice any differences at all, but they have recently set a weekly limit of $5 in cash back, and they seem to be wanting to limit what purchases count for cash back.
From Drop's TOS:
Drop users are limited to earning a maximum of 5,000 Drop points per calendar week (Sunday – Saturday) in connection with Drop’s ongoing (as opposed to one-time) offers. Drop maintains the right to review the accrual of points and to determine, in Drop’s absolute discretion, if certain transactions qualify for Drop Offers. Certain spending including, but not limited to, repeat purchases, high-value purchases, purchases of gift cards, and purchases made for commercial, non-personal or non-household purposes, may not, at Drop’s absolute discretion, be considered Qualifying Transactions and may be ineligible for Drop points.
Source. I really do recommend you take a look over this.. there are a lot of hidden secrets in Drop, like that 5000 point limit per week, while most people won't spend $500 (with 1% cash back) in a week, it still makes this program seem so much worse.
Anyways, if you're not signed up for Drop, it's really a great app. I've been enjoying it since its launch and I've made a fair amount back in savings from it.
Cash outs are instant and start with various gift cards at $5 (5000 points). (Amazon is $10 minimum).

Spent (iOS | Android)

EDIT: Spent has just announced a referral program! For every friend you refer you'll get a $5 bonus when they earn their first cashback. Additionally, all friends you refer will receive $10 when they sign up. Here's my referral link. You might have to click on it from a mobile device in order for it to track correctly. It seems that Spent has done away with the referral program.

Almost Completely Passive

Spent is very similar to Drop... so if you like Drop, chances are you'll also enjoy Spent. Unlike Drop, with spent you'll earn 1% cash back at all of the stores they offer, so you don't need to pick just your favorites. Here are all of the stores that Drop offers 1% cash back at. (Note: All of the stores with strikethroughs are stores that were originally offered, but have sent been removed).
  • Starbucks
  • Amazon
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • Grubhub
  • Walgreens
  • Uber
  • Panera Bread
  • Staples
  • Petsmart
  • Costco
  • iTunes
  • ExxonMobil
  • 7-Eleven
  • McDonalds
  • Kroger
  • The Home Depot
  • Chick-Fil-A
  • Whole Foods
  • Shell
  • Chevron
There are a few things about Spent that are better than Drop, but there are also a few things that are negatives here.
I'll go ahead and make a nice little pros/cons list of Spent.
Pros of Spent:
  • $10 Sign up bonus (may or may not require referral link used?).
  • PayPal cash outs.
  • Manage transactions in the app.
  • Cash out minimum $0.01 w/ Gift Card Discount
Cons of Spent:
  • $20 Minimum cash out (PayPal).
  • Cash Back takes 1 month to get approved from pending.
Spent is also similar to Drop because you must link your bank account to it. This seems to be a common trend with these apps. And yes, Spent does stack with Drop, but Spent might not stack with other Empyr apps. You'll learn more about Empyr later in this post, or just CTRL+F for "Empyr". Just note that when you link a card with Spent you might have just unlinked your card from another Empyr app.
One thing I want to update about Spent is how cash outs work now. Since the original post a year ago I think it's important to note some changes. Cash outs for Spent are done through PayPal at $20 minimum (payment is sent instantly?). However, in the app they now have an option for you to purchase gift cards at a discount. So for example, you could be somewhere that Spent doesn't support.. Let's say Papa John's... and they'll let you buy a Papa John's gift card on the app and you'll receive 3% back. If you have any cash back balance you'll be able to use that to help pay for the gift card (or pay for it entirely, if you have enough balance). I can see this being a viable "cash out" option for users who feel like they'll never hit the $20 minimum. It won't be a free gift card, but a discount nonetheless. Do note that if you're someone who is only using drop for the 1% cash back at the select retailers listed above it will take you $2000 in spend to reach the $20 minimum cash out. That could take a while for some people, depending on how much you spend at these places.
One other thing about Spent that's worth mentioning is that it does also offer shopping portals online ( and you'll be able to find cash back for Travel/Hotels/Rental Cars. Just something worth checking out if you're interested in it. They also have an app called Spent Travel you might want to check out.

Pei ref = fish

Completely Passive

Pei is another new automatic cash back app, very similar to Drop & Spent. Pei is (as of posting) in an invite only system and they seem to be slowly letting users in. I was able to get early access since I'm 'Media'. I'm not sure how you can get invited into this app at this time, but if you read what I have to say about Pei that you find interesting, feel free to download the app and join the waitlist. I'd imagine soon they'll just let everybody in at once.
The one important thing to note about Pei is that it does run on the Empyr network. I was in contact with Pei about this and they confirmed that if you link a different Empyr app you will no longer receive the benefits from Pei. This is different from Spent since with Spent you can link your card (at which point your card will unlink from your previous Empyr app), but then link your card to a different Empyr app and you'll still get the 1% cash back offers to pay out. Just the local offers on Spent won't pay out. With Pei if you unlink your card, the whole app will break. So I'm going to try and convince you here that Pei is different from the other Empyr apps, and might be interesting and worth taking your one Empyr app slot.

Pros of Pei:

  • Cash Back at a lot of locations (way more than any of the other Empyr apps).
  • Cash out via PayPal or Bitcoin.
  • Stacks w/ Drop & Spent

Cons of Pei:

  • Steep $15 cash out minimum.
  • Hard to track where your points are coming from (no history page with transactions?)
So with all of that being said, let's talk about the stores you can find on Pei. Just note that these are only stores that are local to me, so if I don't have a certain store near me that Pei offers, I won't have it on this list. Please feel free to leave a comment informing me of what I'm missing.
  • Panda Express - 1.5%
  • Target - 1%
  • Petco - 1%
  • PetSmart - 1%
  • Sephora - 1%
  • Banana Republic - 1%
  • American Eagle Outfitters - 1%
  • Gap - 1%
  • Old Navy - 1%
  • Chipotle <3 - 1.2%
  • Taco Bell - 2%
  • Dominos Pizza - 1.5%
  • CVS - 1%
  • Starbucks - 1%
  • AMC - 2%
  • GameStop - 1.2%
  • Subway - 1.5%
  • 7-Eleven - 1%
  • Dunkin' Donuts - 1.5%
  • Walgreens - 1%
  • Nordstrom - 1%
  • Supercuts - 2%
  • ZARA - 1.2%
  • Express - 1%
  • H&M - 1.2%
  • Urban Outfitters - 1%
  • + Local locations - ~5%
Please let me know if there is anything inaccurate about this list if you're able to get into the app.


Completely Passive

Paribus is not your typical cash back site. Once you sign up you can link your different accounts (such as your amazon account) and it will automatically track your shopping. Paribus doesn't directly earn you cash back... it acts more like Walmart's saving catcher if you've ever heard of that. If an item you buy somewhere goes on sale shortly after or if there's any other discounts/promotions you may have missed when you originally bought something, they'll quietly get you a rebate on whatever you purchased. It can be very hit or miss. The catch is that they do take a cut of your savings. I believe it is 30% for all new users, but for each member you refer you can cut the cut by 5%. If you save $10, they'll charge you $3 to whatever card you have linked.
Personally I've found it to be really hit or miss, but I've found some incredible savings. I bought a gopro and I got $15 saved with Paribus, and I also got $50 back from some really nice headphones I picked up on amazon from Amazon. What's weird is I bought the headphones like 6 months prior to the rebate. Was shocking to see it, but I've really had some good luck with Paribus.

Sift (iOS | No Android)

Completely Passive

After the last post, I noticed a lot of people enjoyed Paribus, so I figured it'd be good to add some alternatives in this post.
So, here's Sift. Sift is a similar site to Paribus, and its key focus is on enforcing credit card benefits that many people don't know about. It's actually pretty nice. It'll let you pick your credit card and it'll tell you pretty much everything about your card. I have the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, and I was actually shocked to hear some of the benefits my card has that I have never been taking advantage of.
From Sift's site:
We automatically comb through your credit card policies to show you all your benefits in one place. For every purchase we let you know what benefits you are eligible for. We streamline the claim process to make it as simple as possible to get your money back.
You can link your emails as well as your amazon account as well and they'll make it really easy for you.
I have not actually used Sift much myself, so I cannot attest to how well it works, but the app store reviews are generally positive for Sift.
Massive golf clap to zarraza2k for pointing Sift out.

Trim Savings - Referral Link

Completely Passive

Trim is similar to Paribus and Sift, but there's a certain void that it's trying to fill that the other two don't really seem to be filling.
Trim's main selling point is its bill negotiations. Instead of trying to save you money when a price drops, they're going to try and just nip it right in the bud and try to get your bills lower.
Right now they're mainly trying to negotiate with cell providers, internet providers, and cable providers.
Here's how the process goes:
  • Submit Your Bill: Submit your most recent cell phone, cable or internet bill to get started.
  • Trim Negotiates: Trim negotiates with your provider to get you discounts on your bill.
  • You Save Money: Trim takes 25% of annualized savings, but only on success—otherwise, it's free!
So, similar to Paribus, Trim does charge a fee. In a sense, I guess that's a good thing because it gives them an incentive to make sure to get some sort of bill decrease for you so they'll make some money too. Their rate is currently 25% of your bill negotiation. Of course, if they're not able to negotiate your bill for you, you won't pay them anything.
Trim does also monitor your bank account for you and they'll notify you of account changes (that you can set). For example, if they see a transaction worth $xxx, they'll notify me that I've made a large transaction. If there weren't already so many other sites/apps that could do that, I'd say that's a great feature that Trim offers.
One thing Trim also offers that is pretty nice is a cute little referral system.
Send your friends the link below, and you'll both get $2 when they connect an account...We'll send you an Amazon Gift Code worth $2.
So, that's cute :). As always, if you do happen to sign up with my refs, it's appreciated greatly.


Very Passive

Note: If you remember reading about SavingStar in my post from 6 12 months ago, nothing has changed.
SavingStar has been around for a very long time. It doesn't get a lot of love around here because it can often be referred to as the 'shittier version of iBotta'. While I agree that the products they have to offer for rebates are limited, there are two things that make SavingStar better than iBotta.
  1. Ease of adding deals.
On iBotta you will find a lot of offers on products you might be interested in buying, but activating the deals can be very tedious. Sometimes you'll have to watch an ad or answer a short survey just to qualify for a rebate. SavingStar makes it a lot easier. All you have to do is tap. Since there's no limit to how many rebates you can activate, I recommend just activating them all. Check in to the app maybe once or twice a week just to activate offers. Even if you don't plan on purchasing something, just add it in case you happen to buy it anyways.
  1. Ease of redeeming rebates.
iBotta can be a pain with this. After you activate a rebate and buy it, sometimes they will make you scan items (or did they get rid of this? I have not used iBotta in a while), and sometimes you'll have to scan your receipt. The process can be long. SavingStar makes it a lot easier by allowing you to link your store rewards card to redeem the rebates. After activation of a rebate, all you need to do is buy the item(s) from the store you have linked, and your account balance will automatically update.
When I first used this app (it's probably been about 5 1/2 years since I first signed up), I secretly linked my mom's Jewel-Osco card without telling her and each week I would activate all of the offers and I would just check the app every time after my mom went shopping and I would get so happy to see a couple dollars added to the account balance. Was one of the easiest beermoney apps for me at the time :). Jewel-Osco kinda got rid of their card a while back, so that made me sad, but you can still link the following cards to your SavingStar account: Stop&Shop, Peapod, CVS, Kmart, Piggly Wiggly, Mariano's. They have a handful of other stores as well, but that requires you to scan a receipt.


Semi Passive, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and Florida/Long Island.

GetUpside isn't really passive, but it qualifies for use a so many places (in the select states) that it feels like it deserves a spot on this list. Upside has been popular around here (for the people who can use it) because it allows you to compare gas prices at places, and earn cash back at over 600 gas stations in these three places. It's really easy because you don't really have to look hard to find the gas stations, and you just have to submit a receipt. If I could use this I'd probably just go to fill up, and while I'm waiting I'll open up the app to see if the gas station I'm at qualifies. It'd give me something to do for the minute while I wait for the tank to fill up.
GetUpside now offers cashback at certain grocery stores and restaurants. Does anyone know if GetUpside uses Empyr? I mean I told them I lived in a state where GetUpside works and I'm seeing I could be getting 20% cash back at Qdoba.
Like wtf bro i just want burritos in chicago is that too much to ask for wtf
whatever fuck it chipotle is better
In the DC area? You can also save up to 35% at restaurants and 15% at grocery stores near you.
It seems like they're mainly targeting DC area for restaurant and grocery cash back, but the play store lists DC, MD, and VA.
I don't use GetUpside because I live in Michigan/Chicago, and they have not reached us yet :(. They do have a referral program, though. Please please please, go ahead and start an Upside ref train below, I give permission on this post, unless the mods disagree.


Completely Passive, Samsung devices only

SamsungPay has dropped so hard since I last updated this post. The only other thing that used to be on this list that has gone further was Expense Rewards (if you don't know what Expense Rewards is, don't worry about it. ._. )
Update: SamsungPay will now earn you 5-20 points per transaction, and they have removed all gift cards and rewards cards. You can now only redeem for 'coupons' or instant win sweepstakes. As of posting/edit they currently have $30 Uber Promo Codes, $25 Grubhub codes, and $25 Atom Tickets codes for 6,250 points, but these appear to be temporary. All of these codes have their own terms and limitations, so they're not as cut and dry as they might seem.
Samsung Pay has become my favorite way to pay... not only because I get rewards for using it, but because it totally takes a shit on apple pay and android pay. I am using my phone to pay at places where all of the employees tell me 'oh we don't allow you to pay with a phone', and I just shove my phone against their card reader and prove them wrong. It makes the process a lot easier for me as well.
Samsung pay has a rewards system where you'll earn anywhere from 10-40 5-20 points for a purchase. They have a level system each month where the more purchases you make in one month, the more your purchases will be worth the next. You'll have to maintain your levels to keep up the next month. Currently to reach the highest level (platinum) and receive 40 20 points per transaction, you'll need 30 transactions in a month.
I'll touch a little bit more on Samsung Pay's reward scheme shortly.
SamsungPay often offers various promotions that will offer discounts at certain stores or discounts on gift cards. As of posting they have 15-20% off various gift cards for 'back to school'. There's almost always some sort of gift card discount going on, so that could be a nonpassive way for you to save some money here and there.
So what kinds of rewards can you get from Samsung Rewards?
Currently you can spend your rewards points on some instant win games. I don't waste my time with them.
They also offer a few gift cards. Currently they offer ThinkGeek, Sephora, AMC, Uber, Best Buy, Gamestop, Shutterfly, and Overstock. You can also get a visa rewards card starting at $5 for 2000 points. These rewards cards automatically apply to your cards for Samsung pay and you can use them anywhere. SamsungPay has now done away with Gift Cards and Rewards Cards.
To anyone who has used Samsung Pay in the past (or maybe has not checked on it recently, or used it since the last post 6 months ago, for those of you who read that), they recently devalued their points.
Previously a $50 Samsung Rewards Card cost 10,000 points. Now it costs 12,500 points. I'm sad, and I wish they gave us a warning before the change.
Of course this is only for people who have qualifying Samsung devices: S6, S7, S8, S9, and the newer note devices.

Uber Visa Local Offers

Completely Passive

Just feel like throwing this important fact in here: I am a 5.00 star rated rider on Uber. Just wanted to boast.
Shop or dine out, get Uber credits back.
use your Visa card next time you dine out or go on a shopping spree at a featured store and earn Uber credits toward future rides. To join, go to settings in your Uber app and tap on Visa Local Offers.
If any of you are familiar with Swagbucks Local or apps similar to that, this is similar to those types of apps. Whenever you shop out at certain places you'll instantly receive uber credits to your account. It's really simple, and yes, this does stack with all of the other cash back apps you might be a part of.
If you're interested in activating the Visa local offers, you'll need to make sure you have a visa card linked to your Uber account first, and then you should see "activate local offers" in the app settings of Uber. I don't know if you'll see anything in the Uber Eats app, but you can use uber credits in either app.
There's really not much to say about Visa Local Offers, but if you're looking for some FAQ/Terms, feel free to check them all out here.

Cash App "Boosts"

Eh, Kinda Passive I guess

For those if you who don't know what Cash App is, Cash App is an app by Square that lets you send and receive payments. They've also expanded their app to support bitcoin purchases, and they'll also let you use the app as a checking account. With the cash app you can also sign up to receive the Cash Card, which is a debit card that is funded with your cash app balance.
If you have not used Cash App before, they do have a fancy referral program where when you sign up and send $50 you'll receive $5 and so will I. I do want to make this very clear: Cash App referrals can see the full name of the person who refers you, and the person who refers you will have your full name shown to them. If you're really private about personal information, be careful whose referral link you use. If you trust me, here's my referral link.
On a totally unrelated note, can someone please tell me if I correctly used the word 'whose' in the pervious paragraph? I'm really trying to get better at grammar and I still get fucked by who's / whose and who / whom.
Please note that if you want to use the cash app boosts that I'm talking about, you'll need to be 18 years old and have the cash card (which is free, don't worry)!
Cash App recently announced that their cash card will now be seeing 'boosts'. Boosts are their fancy way of saying that when you use our card at certain locations you'll receive a discount.
Once you have the cash card, you'll notice on the app below your card you'll be able to select your boost. Here are the current options (as of posting):
  • Coffee Shops (pretty much any coffee shop) - $1 Off Each Visit
  • Shake Shack - 15% Off Each Visit
  • Whole Foods - 5% Off Each Visit
  • Panera - 10% Off Each Visit
  • Subway - $1 Off Each Visit
  • Chick-fil-A - 10% Off Each Visit
  • Chipotle <3 - 15% Off Each Visit
So there are quite a few things I want to say & clear up.
  1. You can use a boost every 2 hours.
  2. You must select the boost that you'd like to use prior to the purchase. AFAIK you're able to swap which boost you want to use as often as you'd like. So when you walk into Chick-Fil-A, just check and make sure your boost is set to CFA. If not, swap it.
  3. In order to apply the boost, you must pay with the Cash Card. It's automatic. If your total is $6 and you're saving 10%, you'll only need a Cash app balance of $5.4 for the transaction. Cash App will cover the other $0.60.
  4. If you link your Cash Card to Apple Pay, you can pay with it that way and the boosts will still be applied.
Do realize that just because you have the Cash Card on the app, you won't see the boosts. You need to have the physical Cash Card in your possession for the boosts to show up.
I've been really enjoying using the Cash Card for purchases. Especially at CFA & Chipotle. It's really not a hassle. When I'm standing in line at Chipotle I'll open the app and make sure my cash app balance is enough and if not I'll just add funds right away. The boost is applied immediately which makes you feel good. It's like the guac is free at Chipotle after you use the cash card. The only downside to using the Cash Card is that you won't be able to stack discounts with anything else on this list... Unless you find a way to link the Cash Card to any of the things on this list. Regardless, 15% off at Chipotle is the best I have found, so I'm perfectly okay with it. If you're shopping at Whole foods, on the other hand, 5% might not be the best you can do. Stack a nice credit card with 1% Back from Spent and whatever other apps might have whole foods and you might be able to net >5%.

Empyr Apps

Completely Passive

In the last post I didn't include any of the apps like Swagbucks Local or Dosh (actually I don't even know if Dosh was out yet at that point). So, here we go.
I've listed this as "Empyr Apps" because all of these apps are basically just the same thing. I'll take the example of Swagbucks Local since that's what most of you reading this will already be using.
If you paid attention in the Visa Local Offers section of this post, you'll find that the Empyr apps are actually very similar to those visa local offers.
When you shop at a certain store/restaurant, you'll earn with the empyr app you have linked. It's actually really not that special.
Here's a list of some/most of the current Empyr powered apps:
IMPORTANT NOTE: You're only allowed to use one Empyr app at a time! As soon as you link up with another Empyr app, you'll be disqualified from another until you link back up.
I do want to go into this list a bit this time around since there seem to be more and more Empyr apps popping up.
Dosh might be the most popular of these apps right now. Dosh has nice referral programs as well as sign up bonuses that makes it very enticing. Dosh also has very decent cash back at the stores they offer.
Swagbucks Local will always be popular among Swagbucks users. What's really nice about Swagbucks Local is that the payouts are always instantly converted to Swagbucks, which can help you cash out sooner. You'll also likely get a slot in the Swago board filled out, which might be beneficial to you.
Pei is a really cool new app on Empyr that offers cash back at a lot of places you likely shop at. I talk about it above.
RetailMeNot is a newer one on this list and it's the only one here that I feel like I recommend you go on/off with. RetailMeNot has recently been doing a lot of "Spend $X, get $Y" deals at a lot of the stores they offer. For example, they are currently offering $5 Cash back for in Store purchases of $30+ at Staples. This is a really good deal for an Empyr app, and would probably be my pick for that transaction, but not most of the time since they don't have very many stores as options.
Here's what I plan on doing:
Most of the time I will plan on having my cards linked to one app... Probably Dosh, SB Local, or Pei. If I find a good offer on the RetailMeNot app, I would temporarily link my card to that just for the transaction and then link back to another app. I really just have to recommend you download all of these apps and see what they have to offer for you and pick your favorite.


Eh, it's not actually passive... Ref = DCIBS9

TruNow is the one app I was really debating whether or not should make it on this list. It's not passive, but it stacks very nicely with a lot of these apps and it's really the only receipt app right now that scales, so I think it deserves a spot here as well as on my upcoming receipt apps comparison.
TruNow is a rather new app that will give you cash back at gas stations. It's actually a really easy process. You'll first go shopping at a gas station (probably buying gas) and once you're done you just upload a photo of your receipt to TruNow. All gas station receipts will pay 1%* cash back. Certain partnered gas stations will pay 2%* cash back.
The thing that makes this app so good is that it stacks with everything. Let's say I buy gas from ExxonMobil. I'll sign up for their rewards program and pay with a CC that earns a high rate at gas stations. I'll earn 1% from Spent and combine that with the rewards program and CC bonuses and earn 1%* cash back from TruNow as well.
You can cash out your TruNow balance to PayPal or spend it at a partnered retailer.
*So the issue with this app is that if you do choose to cash out to PayPal you'll only get half your money. So if you're using this and intend on cashing out to PayPal, just note that you're really earning 0.5% cash back. The minimum cash out is $5 for PayPal, so you'll earn $5 for every $1000 you spend on gas.
The app does have a referral program where you'll earn $2 for signing up under a ref link and the person who refers you also gets $2. If you feel like trying TruNow out, my ref is DCIBS9.


Well, there you have it. 10 different ways to save money passively. I usually say at the end of my posts that I can't even type anymore because my hands are tired. I think that's absolutely going on right now. Right now this post is just over 20,000 characters long. One of my longest ones yet :)
Please, feel free to leave comments or questions for me. Make sure to get one of your ten required comments on this post so you can enter that ref contest next week!
And that's it. I'm done :) My first megapost of 2018! This is going to be a great year in beermoney :) You just wait!
My socials:

Check out some of my other posts!

submitted by Fishering to beermoney [link] [comments]

Hurricane Michael Relief assistance and information list

I have created a list for those affected by Hurricane Michael for Panama City and the surrounded areas. I will update the list as information comes through, updated, or changed. If you know anything that is not listed here, please feel free to comment along with a source so I can verify the information. I will cover Panama City Beach, Panama City, Lynn Haven, Mexico Beach and Port St. Joe. If you have information for nearby areas, let me know.

All areas
Panama City Beach

Panama City and Callaway

Lynn Haven

Mexico Beach
Parker and Springfield

Salvation Army locations
  1. The Salvation Army - 1824 W. 15th Street, Panama City
  2. Cedar Grove Elementary School - 2826 15th St., Panama City
  3. Winn Dixie Lynn Haven - 1812 Lynn Haven Parkway, Lynn Haven
  4. WalMart - Callaway - 725 N. Tyndall Parkway, Callaway
  5. MLK Rec Center 705 14th St., Panama City
  6. Jinks Middle School - 600 W. 11th St., Panama City
  7. Old KMart (parking lot at the foot of the Hathaway Bridge) - 7100 US 98, Panama City Beach **Has water available**
  8. Parker Fire Department 4534 E. Bus 98
  9. Mexico Beach City Hall - 201 Paradise Path, Mexico Beach
  10. Glad Tidingo Assembly of God-138 E. Orange Ave. Wewa, FL
  11. Callaway Elementary-7115 FL Hwy 22 Panama City
  12. Walmart Panama City- 513 W 23rd Panama City
  13. Walmart Lynn Haven-2101 S. Highway 77 Lynn haven
  14. Walmart Panama City Beach- 10270 Front Beach Rd.
  15. Wausau Assembly of God- First Ave. and FL 77
FEMA locations Thanks nanmart Offers Food and water while supplies last, items will be restocked continuously. OPEN 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Red Cross Locations
Other locations
Feeding the Gulf Coast
St. Dominic Catholic Church:3308 15th Street, Panama City, FL 32405.This distribution will be at 12 pm.
Sentinel Point:5984 Callaway Parkway, Callaway, FL 32404.This distribution will be at 9 am.
Lynn Haven City Hall:825 Ohio Ave, Lynn Haven, FL 32444.This distribution will be at 10 am.

Businesses offering free food
SBALong-term, low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration also may be available to cover lossesnot fully compensated by insurance and do not duplicate benefits of other agencies or organizations. Applicants mayapply online using the Electronic Loan Application via the SBA’s secure website at or by calling theSBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or by sending an e-mailto [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
Business Recovery
Noteable links
Okay That is a huge list! If you have any new developments or anything I missed. Please comment on this thread. Teamwork makes the dream work.

submitted by ginniejo to panamacity [link] [comments]

RECAP: Our quirky little Australian wedding by the river

So I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but haven’t had time in the wedding come down and everything that’s followed (Honeymoon, Halloween, Christmas, starting up work again and looking after my insane 3 year old!)
First of course, PHOTOS! Please keep in mind these are insanely culled (literally from over 10,000), so if there is anything else you'd like to see that I forgot to put in there, just drop me a DM.
On October 7th I had the most beautiful day and married the absolute man of my dreams. Things of course, didn’t go perfectly "to plan", but we still had the most incredible day that I will treasure forever.
My husband (!!) and I live in Sydney, Australia but we got married a few hours south, in the Southern Highlands. I'm from Africa and moved here when I was younger and my hubby is as Aussie as can be!
Our venue was a magical place called the Driftwood Shed that we’d fallen in love with as soon as we found it online. I remember clicking on a picture of it for the first time and thought to myself “This is where I’m getting married”, and my husband thought the same!
After we went down to see it for the first time, my husband begged me to email the owner as we were driving away to tell her we wanted to book it. There were only a few dates left in 2017 and we booked it at the beginning of 2015! We ended up having about 70 guests at our wedding, which we found was intimate but not so tiny that we couldn’t have everyone that we loved there. I was super nervous about the weather, because Australian weather is notoriously batshit insane (one day sunny, the next day torrential rain), and it was initially forecast to be 80% chance of rain on our wedding day. Miraculously, 5 days before that dropped drastically to 2% and we didn't have any rain, but it definitely got cold after the sun went down, but I didn't feel this at all with all the adrenalin and champagne coursing through my veins.
We managed to find two airbnb’s across the road from each other in a beautiful part of the south coast called the Kangaroo Valley and stayed there with our “matrimony homies” (I stole that from someone one weddit, it's the best!) and their partners.
Our photographers/videographers also stayed with us because:
a) they were all awesome and
b) our video guys travelled to our wedding from a different state
c) our photographer had shot a small wedding at one of the houses a few years back, and he loves the property so we thought it would be nice to invite him and his fiancé to stay!
We had a long engagement as we already have a daughter together and we figured we’d take our time with saving/planning. We are both SO glad that we did this as it gave us enough time to secure all the vendors we wanted and we honestly barely ever got stressed at any point in the wedding planning, barring a few moments that were out of our control a few days before the wedding.
I woke up on our wedding day and kissed my daughter and husband goodbye as they were still half asleep. We were originally planning to sleep in different places the night before, but we just… didn’t. We had all had a BBQ and bonfire the night before with boardgames and booze and playing pool and stuff, and we all just pretty much collapsed into bed that night without a second thought.
I got dressed, went downstairs and ate some cornflakes, even though I wasn’t hungry, because I knew I probably would struggle eating that day, I always do when I’m nervous! Then one of my bridesmaids drove us across the road (as we had our dresses and stuff in the car) to the other house.
I put on our wedding playlist (that would be playing when guests were arriving and we wouldn’t get to hear) when we were getting ready which was nice. The whole morning is a bit of a blur because I would get surges of nerves (not about marrying my husband; he’s the best! I’m just a really anxious person and don’t like being the centre of attention haha)
The morning was just a nice casual one where we all listened to music, chatted and got ready together.
After I had my hair and makeup done, it was time to get ready. I went into the bathroom and slipped my dress on, and when I came out my dad was standing there with my mum and he started crying. It was pretty emotional as he had just got out of hospital a few days prior to my wedding and we didn’t know if he’d be able to walk me down the aisle or not.
I don’t have any family who live in Australia other than my parents and brother, and three of my cousins from Africa surprised me a week prior by showing up. It was the best wedding present I could have received and it made me the happiest ever, as I didn’t think I’d have any extra family there on the day. I got word that my grandpa had been admitted to hospital the day before my wedding (and he ended up passing away just after we got married, but not after seeing our wedding photos which made me so happy) which made things hard, (especially because I love my grandparents so much and would have loved nothing more for them to be at my wedding) so it was amazing having some other family there and made me feel so loved.
Then we drove to the venue, my cousin took my bridesmaids and my parents drove me. My husband and the groomsmen had already driven to the venue an hour prior to check everything was ready. The whole drive I felt sick with nerves. We arrived a bit earlier than we should have, so we all pulled over next to a paddock of baby cows and danced to reggae music (my dad is obsessed) and drank potent sips out a bottle of whiskey that my cousin had handy (here is me mid panic attack graciously accepting alcohol from my cousin).
Then it was go time, but of course, I had to do a nervous pee, and the lady that owned the venue thankfully lived at the bottom of the property, so I snuck into her house and her hubby allowed me to use the bathroom.
Our venue came with a beautiful old rusty holden called Harry (you can see in the photo above) that we were allowed to use to drive down the driveway and behind a partition before walking out. When we drove up the drive, my dad was all "OMG look at FH!" But I wanted to only see him when walking down the aisle, so I covered my eyes haha.
My bridesmaids and I walked down the aisle to one of my favourite instrumentals that I couldn’t go past for my processional song, which was “Once There Was a Hushpuppy” from the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild. I edited the music myself so the song was shorter and the crescendo was towards the end, which is when I walked out. You can hear my edited version here if you’d like, I made this so my bridesmaids all knew when to walk!
I was shaking like a leaf and when my dad and I walked around the corner and I saw my husband (who was already bawling), I started crying too. You can see all our ugly crying in the album haha! I wasn’t sure what you were supposed to do when you got to the end of the aisle, but I was so relieved to finally be with my husband again I just threw my arms around him and we just hugged and sobbed into each other.
Then we had our awesome ceremony. We wrote our own vows and played scissor paper rock to see who would go first (I lost of course, and you can see me obviously swearing when I did!)
Both our vows were lovely and meaningful and we both cried through it all. My husband and I have had a pretty unconventional relationship, we got pregnant 6 months into dating and I got really sick after getting pregnant with an autoimmune disease and I’ve had moments where I’ve been really unwell and things have been really scary. He’s been the most amazing support and the most amazing father and partner in crime and hearing how much he loves me was just… yeah. Very emotional.
Then we said I do, and we were finally married!
Our recessional (“Simple Song” by The Shins) was the song I almost walked down the aisle to. I heard it for the first time the day I met my husband, and it just encapsulates our relationship perfectly and reminds us both of when we first met. A friend at our wedding was nice enough to get us tickets to see The Shins when they were recently in Australia as a wedding present, and to top it off they were performing a month or so after our wedding in the same area we got married! They sang “Simple Song” and we literally both sobbed and made out the whole time haha.
After that we kissed, ate food from the grazing table and drank from the pimp your prosecco bathe outdoor bathtub we filled with booze (all DIY-ed by us), mingled, released some doves on a whim that the lady who owned our venue had hiding in her house haha, and then went to take some photos in the fields around the venue. We spent a fun hour frolicking and just telling each other how much we loved each other while our photographers snapped away.
When we got back, our pizza truck was just starting to serve the food! My husband and I over the course of our relationship have frequented an amazing food truck that serves pizza out of a woodfire oven from Italy in the back of a shipping container, and when we got quoted a few INSANE prices from caterers, we said fuck it and went with them instead. They were less than half the price including travel, and we had a few Italians amongst our guests who couldn’t stop raving about the pizza. They served 2 starter pizzas, 3 pizzas of our choice (one being a lasagne pizza!) and Nutella calzones for dessert. We just got our guests to go up and get pizza whenever they wanted (we had unlimited product for 3 hours) and it worked amazingly! The line/wait never lasted more than a minute or so and all our guests raved about the food and the truck. Our wedding was definitely proof that food truck weddings can work and work well! It was also good for our vendors as we didn’t have to arrange a meal for them, they could just eat when they had a free moment! Also it meant the vegans, vegetarians and gluten free people (as they offered GF pizza) were easily satisfied!
During dinner we played mostly 80’s gangsta rap and hiphop, which I know isn’t conventional, but we had so many people come up and scream at us about how amazing our playlist was, so please feel free to steal or get inspo from it!
We had everyone do their speeches while we ate, and they were all hilarious and meaningful. My brother at the end grabbed the mic and said he wanted to make a toast, and then literally pulled a piece of toast out of his pocket, so that was kind of the best.
For our cake, my mother in law maid it and it was amazing. We got our cake topper from The Roc Shop on Etsy which we loved as our first dance was the Obadiah Parker cover of “Hey Ya” (yeah yeah, I know reddit doesn’t like that, but WE both love the song so shh).
We also ordered 3 different slab cakes from a patisserie we frequent that sells amazing slab cakes. We had these so everyone could have a dessert that suited them, as we had vegans, vegetarians, celiacs and people allergic to nuts at our wedding, so everyone could have at least one dessert! We had a tiramisu, a raspberry cheesecake and a triple chocolate slab. So yes, we had 3 different kinds of desserts (the calzone, the tier cake and the slabs), but we’re dessert people!
Then we had our first dance, which was beautiful despite the fact that we never practiced and even though we danced like teenagers at a school dance and stuffed up a spontaneous twirl, everyone laughed and loved it and it was just… us.
Then we all danced the night away, toasted marshmallows by the bonfire, and my bridesmaid’s brother (who is also like a brother to me as we grew up together) cut up his sock to make a garter for me, as I had forgotten to get one. We had a little sparkler exit to the Toploader version of “Dancing in the Moonlight” which was the perfect song to leave to!
Our wedding definitely wasn’t perfect, nor I’m sure wasn’t perfect by the standards of anyone who is reading this, but it was so reflective of us as a couple and everyone had a great time. We had many people saying it was the best wedding they had been to and we just felt so happy. We will remember it forever.
My husband and I went back to our little airbnb cottage (which was covered in candles as the beautiful lady that owned it knew we were spending our wedding night there) and drank champagne and ate leftover wedding cake together in the massive bathtub, opened some wedding presents, and fell asleep giggling and grinning from ear to ear in each others arms. I highly recommend ending your wedding this way :D
We had a late breakfast that morning and then went and packed down our venue, as it was all DIY-ed by us. We had so much left over booze that we packed what we could in our car and gave the rest to the awesome lady who owned our venue. She was such a great help the whole night and we adored her! Then we put our love lock on the gate (as is tradition at our venue) and walked to the jetty at the bottom of our venue and threw the key into the river that runs next to the shed.
After having a last stroll and a cider in the gardens while we played all the garden games we didn't quite get to play the day prior, we took an awesome road trip to our 4 day honeymoon in the Wolgan Valley, which was one of the most magical and incredible experiences I’ve ever had. It was the most special time with my husband and that coupled with my wedding is something I’ll never ever forget.
Thanks all for reading if you got this far! If anyone wants to know vendors or resources I used that I've forgotten to include here or anything else, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to help any other brides or grooms out there!
Some extras (if you're interested!)
I made my bridesmaids gifts which were denim jackets with their names and favourite flowers painted on them. It took ages but was well worth it! I also got them different bracelets from BE. Bangles which suited them all individually and they loved them. I also wrote them each a handwritten letter about how much I love them :)
I also painted their names on coat hangers for their dresses; a tutorial I stole from peachtea33 in this post - thank you so much for posting! It was so easy and I got those all done in under an hour.
I also made their gold bridesmaids bouquets myself. Quite a few people on reddit told me they looked shit, but I liked them and so did my bridesmaids and I think they looked beautiful with their outfits, so it was a win in my book. For these I dried out some Australian natives I bought at the flower markets and sprayed them with gold spray paint.
For their dresses, we discussed a few colour schemes I liked, and they all unanimously liked a berry toned one the best. They also liked floor length dresses as opposed to cocktail, so I said they could buy any dress in the “berry” colour scheme, as long as they were deep/rich colours, I said they could have anything ranging from purples to deep fuchsias to reds and burgundies. They ALL randomly chose almost the EXACT same colour dresses. No one could believe we didn’t plan it, but we definitely didn’t, as all the girls (myself included) only saw each others dresses for the first time ever the morning of the wedding! My MOH found her dress in an OP shop in California (where she was living/working at the time) for I think $18, another one of my bridesmaids was a childhood friend of mine from South Africa (where I was born/raised) and got hers made over there. Another bought hers at a formalwear boutique in Sydney and another bought hers online from BHLDN. Talk about fate!
My groom decided that blues went well with berry tones, so we just told our two groomsmen (two old friends of ours who are also a couple!) to wear any blue suit they had. Thankfully they both only owned one suit each, both which were blue, so that worked out fine!
My groom got them funny cufflinks for their present plus mugs and some shaving stuff :)
I wasn’t the typical bride in the sense that I didn’t tell my groom what to wear nor did I know what he was going to wear until I walked down the aisle. He bought his suit by himself and decided on the colour without any input from me. It was a kind of subtle teal-y blue and I think it only cost $100 and I thought he looked amazing! He loved it and was super happy with his choice.
I wore a beautiful Catherine Deane dress (called Tamsin) in blush that I bought at a trunk show of hers in Sydney. It was the most comfortable dress ever and I felt like a princess wearing it! I look shit in anything stark white and pink was my favourite colour as a little girl so I think I would have made little me happy :) My gold flower crown was the one thing I really splurged on because I never ever buy anything for myself and my hubby told me to treat myself ;) It was the beautiful Ashly crown from Ulyana Aster’s gold collection. My veil was literally $12 from DHgate. When I saw em1212 ’s blush veil in her recap I fell in love and bought it to match my dress. I didn’t want my veil to compete too much with my headpiece or cover my hair (which I wanted down) and thought a drape veil was a perfect and romantic solution to that. I loved it! My shoes were these cute things from Loly In The Sky/Modcloth. They were even more gorgeous in person, but they were honestly the most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever worn in my life. But they went PERFECTLY with my dress, so I wore them for the ceremony and when we romped through fields taking photos but after that they got too uncomfortable and I ditched them. I’m an African girl used to being barefoot so it didn’t bother me!
Our daughter was of course our beautiful flower girl. She had just turned 3 and spent the day either insanely happy or sobbing haha. She was a bit overwhelmed with everything, but we had a venue with trampolines, slides and goats and a boat in the garden so she was very easily distracted. She wore a beautiful dress I bought on Etsy from Angelika's Boutique that was just magical and fit her perfectly and a cute headpiece I got for $8 at Kmart.
Our celebrant was an amazing guy called Todd. All we knew when looking for celebrants was that we wanted someone fun and nice who also supported same sex marriage (it was illegal in Australia at the time we got married, but no longer, hooray!!) and wasn’t a 60 year old woman in a pantsuit with a shit microphone. Todd is a musician in a band with his wife. They were going to perform at our wedding but his wife had just had a baby a month-ish prior and having one of our own already, we didn’t want to drag her out and make her perform for us! He doesn’t like performing without her which is understandable, so he was just our celebrant, which was fine with us, because he killed it! Everyone couldn’t stop asking where we found him and our photographers (who are engaged) got his card. He struck an amazing balance between being funny and being sweet and meaningful and we are so happy we hired him!
Our photographer was an amazing guy called Ben Sowry who is probably one of the nicest and most down to earth human beings on the planet. He only offers one package deal which includes unlimited time AND photos on the day. You get back every single raw image as well as at least a few thousand edited (in colour and black and white). We got over 10,000 of just EDITED photos a few weeks after our wedding. When we got them back, we cried through them all. Ben stayed with us with his gorgeous fiancé Georgia (who is a budding photographer herself) and who was kind enough to offer to do second shooter for us free of charge. They are both the most wonderful people.
Our video guys were also awesome - James and his friend Luke from Zephyr Productions. James gave us all our footage raw as my husband and I are both editors and wanted to have a crack at editing the footage ourselves. He drove all the way to our wedding from Melbourne and also brought his friend Luke along who also second shot for us for free. They went above and beyond and brought drones and all sorts of things but at the same time were barely noticeable. Literally every moment of the day was captured (and beautifully), and we were so happy we hired them! The day after our wedding we saw them along the roadside doing extra drone shots of the valley where we were staying…. Talk about dedicated! A lot of people don't know whether to get video for their wedding but most people I know that didn't have regretted it. Even if it's not an edited video and it's just someone recording on a handy cam, there is nothing like having a recorded moment of you saying your vows, people saying speeches, friends laughing, talking to relatives... When people pass away, stuff like that is invaluable. We are so happy we got video of our day and we can't wait to edit it.
A few other vendors:
Registry = Envelope Registry (amazing, 10/10!)
Invitations = Minted (our invitations looked amazing!)
Save The Dates = Paperless Post with an illustration of my husband and I by an amazingly talented illustrator friend of ours
Wedding Website = Designed by me on Wix, everyone loved it!
RSVP service = Typeform (Definitely recommend, all our guests commented on how easy it was to RSVP, and we got everything in a handy spreadsheet)
Favours = Handmade leather luggage name tags made by my dad (they looked like this)
Music = via Spotify (our playlist again for anyone interested)
Love lock = Custom Engraved Gifts (Etsy)
Confetti = Everland Favours (Etsy)
Guestbook = Nature Wedding Designs (Etsy)
-- My mother went to pick up the wedding cake the day before our wedding, and when she turned up at the cake place, they had SOLD ALL OUR CAKES. We purchased the cakes from a place that does amazing assorted slab cakes that we used to eat at heaps when we first started dating. It’s a small chain and the shop we purchased from wasn’t our regular… The manager majorly fucked up despite me checking multiple times, including a few days prior that we were all set. They ended up sorting it out in the end but we ended up with way more cake than we needed (that we had to pay extra for as well) and were eating it for months after.
-- Our DOC was a fucking loose cannon, and didn’t do a lot (i.e. almost all) of the simple things we asked her to do. Her usual forte is wedding planning/design and she couldn’t take her controlling hat off all day and really ended up messing us around. All she had to do was set out the grazing table (which she did wrong), put out the salads with dinner (which she didn’t do), and set up a few elements that we couldn’t do the night before (i.e. put some batteries in battery operated tea lights), which she also didn’t do. She had been at our venue “setting up” for 3 hours but when my husband arrived he ended up having to run around doing all the stuff she was supposed to do as she literally hadn’t done anything, and it definitely caused a lot of unneccessary extra stress for us unfortunately. She also proceeded to get drunk throughout the night, tell our food truck guys they had to serve the food (which we specifically told her we DIDN’T want, and which they got pissed off about), and the most upsetting thing of all was later in the night when we had just cut our cake, literally had a mouthful of cake in our mouths and she comes up to me and says “Time for the first dance!” And I laughed and said “Can we at least finish our cake first?” And said “NOPE” and walked over to the laptop and put our first dance on immediately. I literally had to smack the cake out of my husband’s hands and we still missed the first 20 seconds or so of our dance. I was NOT happy. I definitely think we needed a day of coordinator but if you feel something off about the person you’re hiring, DON’T do it. She was the one vendor I didn’t feel quite right about, she was pushy and didn’t answer any of my emails after I had paid for (part of her package was that she;d make up a run sheet for us, we got this emailed to us at 7am ON OUR WEDDING DAY, with all wrong info which threw off a lot of our vendors)…. She is the one vendor we would have been better off without, but I still recommend hiring a (GOOD) DOC if you’re doing a lot of DIY. We DIY-ed our entire wedding and we didn’t want to spend the whole day setting up or depending on our family to do so.
Everything else :) <3
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